anyone have experience with baby starting to teeth at 3 months? if so what was your experience? im reallly not sure if she is. she is 14 weeks and has been sooo fussy the last 2 days and acting super uncomfortable. i try to burp her and do bicycles and it doesn’t help. i offer her the breast and she is acting like she doesn’t want it. she’s been drooling a lot and chewing on her hands. does this sound like teething? what do i do to soothe her if so??
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Mine started at 4 months. They don’t have hardly any hand coordination at that age but try giving her something to chew on if you have any chew toys for her. If her gums are turning white that’s a big hint to teething. Give her some ibuprofen to tone down the pain. No Motrin until 6 months. They sell teething tablets over the counter I got some at Walmart and they are miracle workers
Yes. Mine started that early. If you nurse, you can freeze a milk soaked rag and then rub it on her gums. You can also use the fruit mesh pacifier and put frozen milk cubes in it. The hylands dissolving teething tabs are safe from 0 months and are wonderful and so helpful. I’ve used them with both of my babes.