Anyones child have to have their teeth extracted?

Anyone here have a child that needed to get teeth extracted? My 5 yr old son needs to have his 2 front teeth taken out and i am so nervous. He does not do good with pain. What is the procedure?


My son just got 3 teeth removed because he has 12 baby teeth in the way of his expander. He is 9 and they just gave him laughing gas. Days after the extraction he was in good spirits and did not feel any pain whatsoever. Your baby should be in good hands :blush:

Are they taking him to get it done surgically or in office? My 3 year old just had to get his teeth fixed and they knocked him out at the hospital for it. He did great and was a little groggy and on soft food for a couple days but other than that he was good. Kids bounce back so much faster than adults!

My son had to get a baby molar removed due to the roots causing damage to his adult tooth.
They removed his tooth in theatre at my request cause I knew my son wouldn’t sit in the chair to have it removed as well as the fact he is petrified of needles.

All 3 of my kids have had teeth removed. My middle had 5 at one time. My 12 year old just had 4 because her jaw is too small. They were put to sleep. My 2 younger ones were put to sleep with a mask. Mt okder with an IV. It took no longer than an hour and they were waking them up. They were a bit loopy after but needed no pain meds. I had tylenol and advil ready but nothing. I kept asking them and they said no. Kids are so resilient they bounce back so quick.

My daughter did and we went to a pediatric dentist that does sedation. Made everything much better. And she doesn’t remember any of it