Anyone else had swelling in their feet 37 weeks pregnant. Nothing is helping. Any tips?
Mention to your doctor. This can be a sign of preeclampsia. They need to check your BP and urine for proteins.
If you have high blood pressure, it may be pre-esclamsia. If no high BP, swelling is normal. I would suggest making an appointment with your OB/gyno
My feet/legs have been swelling since about 18 weeks, everyone and every pregnancy is different but if it’s a lot of swelling overnight then I’d definitely go in and see your OB to make sure it’s not preeclampsia or blood pressure related.
Make sure your blood pressure is safe, like others mentioned. Elevate your feet above your heart when you can. Try not to stand or sit for too long. It’s a balance. Or wear too restrictive of clothing. Drink plenty of water to flush it. Oh. And you could try compression socks too.
See your doctor asap! Happened to me at 36 weeks, if i wouldn’t have went to the hospital that day me and baby would have died, I had pre clampsia, they had to do a emergency c section because pre clampsia was causing my kidneys to shut down
Yup! Mine swell in the heat or if I’m standing for too long. Elevate, ice 20 mins on 20 mins off, and compression stockings