Anyones husband get mad when you call into work when sick?

Does anyone else’s husband get so mad when you call in to work because you’re running a fever and sick. My tonsils are the size of golf balls. I work at a credit union so my work involves around talking and I can’t talk. Now my husband is mad at me… it’s everytime I get sick or the kids get sick… he gets so mad… I get we have bills to pay and I’m stressing out too but I just don’t understand


That would no longer be my husband. My health or anyone else’s health in my immediate family comes before work. If he doesn’t understand that than he’s just an a$$.

He seems immature. Even if you were feeling good enough to go, you deserve a day to rest. Feel better!


Sounds childish. I’d imagine you get some pto as part of your benefits.

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No, that’s not normal. If I’m sick enough to call out, my husband HELPS ME and then the kids take over when he goes to work.


Sounds like a jerk. Wouldn’t be calling him a husband or father if that’s his mentality.


Let him read these comments! He sounds like a real winner. He only cares about money period. I couldn’t stay with someone like that.


Not normal at all! A loving husband would understand and help you out so you get to feeling better. My husband would call my job for me if I was being stubborn and insisting on still going in. Helps we work together and have the same boss. Lol

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Maybe he has goals toward something that concerns only your money and not you :rofl::rofl:


Do you not have sick benefits?
I am sorry if u do not

Ew. I was in miserable pain a couple weeks ago from a terrible infection and my husband ENCOURAGED me to call out and rest because he could see how awful I was feeling.

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Tell him to F off and shut his mouth or he can leave. Men like that are pure dbags.

Oh hell no !! F*** that ! Not normal at all !!

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Id tell him to fuck off and pack his bags. Asshole.

Definitely not enough information…doesn’t say how often she calls in sick…alot missing here…always more to the story…people are so quick to judge only hearing one side of the story.


Maaaaaan the second my husband can tell I don’t feel good he makes me sit down, grabs me a blanket and keeps my water full…you need a new husband


This is so weird.
I’m a stay at home mom and even I don’t freak out when my husband takes a day off work. He’s our only income.
It honestly sounds like he has plans and you’re ruining them by being home. I’d be checking his phone to see who the hell he’s been talking to and what his plans are.


Is it because you’re at home? Is he usually at home when you’re at work? Or is it just about the $


Because it’s also directed at your children who obviously can’t provide an income I think it’s rooted deeper than greed or incompassion.communication is key to understanding.once the situation has difused I’d ask why it bothers him so much and then express your feelings on the judgement here as I’m only human.

Find you a different husband cuz wtf. My husband would never :-1:

I’m so sorry he’s acting like this. He evidently doesn’t have any empathy at all. I hope if he gets sick you make him go to work and tell him he’s not sick enough to stay home. I’ve had my tonsils and adnoids removed because I was constantly getting sick. Like you, my tonsils were as big as golf balls and I couldn’t swallow. If you have insurance I’d check into getting them removed. It’s a lot easier now than it was when I had mine removed. It’s an out patient procedure now.

I can honestly say that I get frustrated when my husband is sick. Only because he mentions it 18x a day, every day and gets sick often. When I try to help or give my input on ways he could feel better - he gets irritated at me. I tell him it isn’t normal to be sick all the time. He don’t listen lol. So, unless you do things like that…it’s definitely strange for him to be irritated.


I would cough on his food🤬 Jerk

Maybe he’s trying to do some sneaky ass shit while you’re at work. Sorry, I don’t sugar coat anything.

No, I have called in sock 3 times on almost 5 years at my current job…been married 3 years. If I’m not going to work I’m dying. Because I can’t afford to miss work. Even when I had COVID I wanted to go to work. Even though work wouldn’t let me.

You have sick time for a reason!! And most companies DONT want you to come to work with a fever!!

Ew that’s seriously weird af. Mine would never

It’s Control.

Tell him to seek counseling or file for divorce. No one needs that around for themselves or for their children to consider normal behavior.

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That’s not right. I couldn’t imagine my husband being not just upset, but even angry because I wasn’t well and had to stay home? If anything, my husband will keep me home and stay home with me to take care of me! I’m sorry this situation is happening to you. Get your rest, you deserve it.


He gets mad when you AND YOUR KIDS get sick. Maybe because it’s not about him and he knows he should step and do more but he doesn’t want to. Which is a sad excuse of a person and a bad example for kids. I hope you feel better soon! And get your tonsils removed asap! And probably some help from someone else!

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No… he doesn’t get mad at all… that’s not normal

I get mad when my husband doesnt go into work when hes sick. But he doesn’t get sick days paid so we just loose that money. And its main because hes “sick” a lot and just stays joke playing video games

Tell his azz to get a better job then…or a second one

Nope! My daughter and I both had the stomach bug the past 2 days. He works second shift and even got up and hour early before work yesterday to go to the store for us for whatever we needed. My daughter and I slept together last night so instead of disturbing us he stayed up all night to make sure we were okay and got a good night sleep. Sorry you are being treated like this

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Mine is pissed when i go to work sick. He hates me not taking care of myself. I get that u guys need to work, but as long as its not constant all the time thing, than how can he be mad?? He would rather have that days pay than u get rest n feeling better??? That’s so selfish


I’d get a new husband!!!

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If you’re sick, you’re sick. You deserve to stay home and rest. If you don’t rest, it’s going to take longer for you to get better. It sounds like you need a new husband :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’d be petty… lol take a sip of whatever he’s drinking from. See how he likes a sore throat :rofl:


What the fuck? My husband would probably be upset if I went to work sick like that!

Get a new husband!! Run fast…

Mine tells me to stay home

He sounds like a real winner :no_mouth:

Doesn’t HE have a job ??? He sounds selfish and unsympathetic… I don’t think I like him.

Hunny you don’t have a husband you have a Narcissists you need to leave … my other half gets the shits if im sick or in pain and I get up to do anything beside rest …

If he gets mad you call in because your kids are sick make him take care of them. Next time he is sick and wants call in tell him no you get mad if I do it.

Tbh if it was my husband I’d tell him to stfu. Course my husband kept getting sick and was fired for it so he has no room to talk. I never said anything…not like he could help it.

Sounds like he needs to be an ex husband. I can’t imagine my husband getting mad at me for being sick.

Im not reading through all the comments so idk if it’s already been said or not… but a lot of times, men with anger issues are just men with anxiety who lack coping skills. It’s like they don’t know what to do with all the emotions and “anger” has always been taught to them as being masculine and safe to exhibit. I mean, it’s complete horse manure but that’s what they were taught. If you all are in a financial bind when you’re out of work, it could genuinely be that he is dealing with anxiety over that and has no idea how to self reflect and cope. Let me be clear… this could be an EXPLANATION of his behavior, but NOT an excuse to justify his behavior. I suggest therapy and there are online ones available for minimal cost if you have health insurance. (My husband’s was only $30). If you are getting sick a lot, you need to get to your doctor and find out why… eating healthy and exercise to help lessen the chance of inflammation in your body etc. But if you’re rarely sick and this happened, then he needs professional help. Honestly, even if you were sick a lot and he acted this way (you can’t help when you’re sick)… it’s not ok. I haven’t been in this exact boat but my husband did have major anger issues that just didn’t make sense and we got to the bottom of it and everything got soooo much better. I hope you two can do the same!

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Your husband sounds like an uncompassionate a s s hole

No. Mine does not and I would have some tough decisions to make if he did. Mine is currently working in the mountains of NC restoring power and when I told him I stayed home because I was sick, he had UberEats deliver Panera chicken soup and ginger ale. Your husband will treat you how you allow him to treat you.


No. Can’t relate. :wastebasket: the :male_sign:

Tell him to go work harder and stop being a bish

Ill bet it has not a damn thing to do with money and everything to do with his part in taking care of you or the kids while youre sick.

Run :running_woman: and keep running :running_woman: from that control freak.

You wouldn’t be allowed to work would you?

There is no reason to be mad because someone is sick, you can’t control it. Even if you aren’t going to make money you can help being sick. It may be annoying but being mad is odd.

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Eww where do y’all find these BOYS lol fr I don’t understand

Sounds like he’s cheating and is mad you’re home so he can’t get away with whatever it is he wanted to get away with…

I divorced a man that when he picked me up he said “ I wish you would have died during surgery”
(I had to have a total hysterectomy)
So yeah I’d be upset, very selfish . Probably upset he’ll have to help with the kids and the household.
I’m sorry!

My wife knows if she’s sick I want her to stay home. And I’m there for her and take care of her 24/7.

No my husband says idc what you do

My hubby gets mad if I go to work sick. He’s on me as soon as start getting sick to get looked at

Give him a nice, big, wet kiss the next time this happens, then get mad at HIM when he gets sick.

People like that kill me. He sounds like he is only concerned about the money. You are human you get sick, your kids get sick. If you are running a fever you risk passing it on to others, and if your throat is on fire and your tonsils are swollen it will be hard to talk, you could potentially lose your voice and then what have you accomplished. He can just deal. One or two days off shouldn’t hurt you to try to recover. I hope you feel better.

No that’s weird of him and not normal

Maybe he’s more pissed about a TOTALLY different thing :triangular_flag_on_post:

My husband would never unless I was a frequently doing it.

I hate to be that person, but maybe he has a mistress, and when you or the kids are home sick he had plans to meet her in your home and now has to cancel

What a peter pan baby man! :sob:

Get better and don’t try to figure him out. It will drive you crazy

My husband doesn’t care if I call into work for any reason. If anything, he supports me taking any days off that I need or want. I do the same for him.

He doesn’t like y’all Smfh fck him

No mine actually gets mad when I don’t call off work sick… but my job just isn’t easy to call into :frowning:

Does he work from home and just doesn’t want you there during the day when he is there? Or is it that you have an hourly wage job where you don’t get paid if you don’t work?