Anyones newborn test positive for strep?

Anyone ever have their new born test positive for strep throat? Think my 3 yr old has it again (would be the 5th time since april) but the last 24 hrs my 3 week old has been choking on my breastmilk… dr office said no reason to test the newborn cause it’s not likely… like I get it’s rare… but not impossible right?


My 8 week old tested positive for strep :upside_down_face:

Omg if a child possible have strep the newborn will get it asap. Today’s drs aren’t doing anything right and think they know it all. If they refuse to get newborn tested I don’t have any advice but keep the baby away from older siblings like kiss and hug til older kids are on antibiotics for first 72 hours

Strep Throat in a newborn is so incredibly rare. They have antibodies from parent before birth, and they have tiny tonsils.

They also don’t require treatment.

Get a second opinion ASAP!!!
Doctors can be wrong. That’s not a knock on them at all, humans make mistakes.
Please get a second opinion.

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Nothing is impossible babies can get sick easier

Newborns they say have moms immune system. But it could be possible. If anything take the baby to the walk in or ER and explain that your house has it, a lot and the baby has the following symptoms and you just want to be sure.

More than likely that your milk has increased and is expressing with more force than little can handle. Try expressing a little before feeding to help slow the flow some and hold baby upright just a little more.

Yes it is rare but it CAN happen if your baby has come into direct contact with the virus. There is a lot of other causes for babies choking on breastmilk though so just watch for a fever, runny nose and no appetite.

My kids are older now but they used to say that babies under 2 were not at risk. I have no idea why but when my middle son would get it they never tested my you gest

Choking or gagging? It’s rare to choke, but gagging can be normal.

I was told by my kids pediatrician that baby’s can not get strep

Your older child needs to see ENT and have tonsils and adenoids checked! Children who get strep frequently usually need them removed and it helps a bunch!