Anyones placenta not come out after birth?

Has anyone had part of the placenta not come out after birth? What was the outcome and how long before you found out?I’ve had some issues since my second child. Apparently I still had placenta in after almost 18 months!


I had a small piece of retained placenta, had horrible pains for a week after birth but it wasnt until i collapsed when trying to feed my twins in Nicu that they realised how bad it was. I was treated for an infection with iv antibiotics which helped for a while. When at the 6 week check i was still bleeding heavily and in horrible pain i was given a DnC and cleaned out properly. That was when they found the small piece of retained placenta

I had issues with the placenta with each of my two births, however it was recognised at the time.

First was a manual removal :flushed:

Doctors job to check for complete placenta at birth!

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What does the doctor say?

Part of mine ripped off. I started having gushes of heavy bleeding randomly. At my 6 week appt it was confirmed. Had failed DNC the next day. Ended up having surgery 9 weeks postpartum to remove it.

Yea, I had to have emergency surgery right after baby was born as it wouldn’t detach, then a blood transfusion. Not fun…