Anyonr have their babies at 34 weeks?

Has any mamas had their babies at 34 weeks? Currently in preterm labor and scared that baby is gonna come before it’s time. Did your baby have to stay in the Nicu how long? If so. I have so many questions but so scared


I had my son at 35 weeks. He weighed 3 lbs. He was healthy, but had to stay in NICU for 14 days and weigh 4 lbs

I had a baby at 34 weeks. Other than being tiny, she was perfect. No NICU stay. They gave me meds to mature her lungs and it worked great.

I had my twins at 35 weeks and they were only in NNU for 24 hours. 4lbs 5ozs and 5lbs 3ozs.

Had my first at 35 weeks. I got steroid shots to help her lungs while she was still baking and when I had her she was tiny but healthy and breathing on her own. No nicu

Had my oldest daughter at 33 weeks. She weighed 4lbs 110z. She had some respiratory issues and didn’t get the concept of taking a bottle. I believe she failed her car seat test too which pushed us back a few weeks. She was in the NICU for 7 weeks.

I had my first son at 34 weeks, he weighed 4 lbs 15 oz. He stayed in the NICU for 3 weeks. Basically just until he got the hang of eating.

I had my eldest and my fourth at 34 weeks they are now 31 and 18

26 years ago I was born at 34 weeks and weighed 4 lbs. My parents were able to bring me home 4 days after my birth. No eating or respiratory issues.

I had my son at 33 weeks, he weighed 4lb 13 oz. He has complex health issues as a direct result of his premature birth, he was in NICU for 4 weeks but he has been very unlucky. A lot of babies born at 34 weeks will have no lasting affects.

I had my 1st at 34 weeks 9 day nicu stay. Had trouble for the 1st few days. . He’s now 17. Has some issues autism ,adhd, and a sezure disorder