Are children a liability?

I am part of a group that was discussing an issue that someone was having. Not to get into detail but there was a comment where someone said children were a “liability.” Does anyone else agree with this?


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Well I mean yes. You’re responsible for them by law. That’s the definition.


Nothing to hurt you more then children


Humans are a liability.


They are our hearts :heart:

Absolutely they are a 100 :100: a liability I do not see how they wouldn’t be considered a liability that’s why insurance for a new driver is higher they are a liability as we are liable for their wellbeing and safety when in our care so yes I would definitely say a liability

I meant, yea. Think about it - if they get in legal trouble or what have you, who pays for it? Parents. If they get in a car accident, who pays for it? Parents. If anything happens at school, who do they call? Parents.

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People in general are, especially when you’re responsible for them.


Yes of course they are. They are children and as adults we are responsible for them by Law.


Depends on the situation, I suppose.

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Children are a blessing!

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People in general are a liability.


Yes because you are responsible for them

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Not a liabilty but a gift from God to show them the way.

People are a liability

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You are technically liable for everything your child does/causes until they are 18


Anyone can be a liability. That being said children are a gift. Anyone can be in a relationship or have a parent a friend but not everyone can have children. Even adoption can deny a person the privilege of being a parent.


Yep, are u wanting the neighbor kids to come swim at yr house or jump on trampoline with yr kids? If so, becareful. Watch them

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Whether a child, a teenager, a young adult or adult…Every single one of us is a liability


Children are a gift from God to be loved and cherished.

Some context would be nice. But yes they are and always will be a liability.


There are some people who say so. They don’t appreciate the joy children can bring. They see only expense, inconvenience, and the unwillingness of some would-be partners to accept a ready-made family. Personally, I wouldn’t trade my children for anything in this world. We have had more closeness, more love, more happiness with each other than you can imagine. A liability? Not on your life!


Yes. You are 100000% responsible for them til 18 by law. But I would never call my child a liability. I chose to have him and knew everything I’d have to do/give up etc.


Yes. They are. Humans are liabilities.


Yes they are, precious little liabilities.


Yes, you are responsible for them until they are an adult. If they are under age and get in trouble or hurt someone else you are liable for that.


Yes… children can cause accidents… you might be responsible for… or cause damages…

I need more context
But children aren’t for everybody and that’s ok.


They certainly can be. If they are underage and commit an act of vandalism, etc., who do you think will pay the consequences?

This completely depends on the context. But in almost all instances, yes. They are a personal responsibility, and therefore people can be held liable for any and all damage that occurs to or from them.


One definition of liability is “the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.”
So yes technically your children are a liability until the age of 18…legally.
All depends on the context of what your talking about but that’s just legally …I don’t consider my children a liability …


They are. If they break something you’re responsible. If the hurt someone you’re responsible. It doesn’t mean they are a bad thing. It just means you’re responsible.


Lol isn’t everyone a liability??


My. Earlier. Comment. Was. Misunderstood. Maybe. When. Really. Lil
We’d have basically. Keep. On. a. Leash? Not. Literally! But as he got OLDER was better behavedt

My children and grandchildren are my greatest joy and the reason I wake up happy every day.

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Ummmm… Yes. You are 100% responsible for all of their physical and financial needs for 18 years.

If your child breaks a window, your liable to pay for it.


Context is important when someone is saying children are liabilities cuz technically yes, they are.


Yup. What they posted above.


Just my opinion, but if someone feels children are a liability, they shouldn’t be having any. Any person is a liability not just children


Well yes. They are. If they break something, guess who gotta pay for it…you. If they get hurt or are left alone, you get in big trouble. If they hurt someone, again you can be into trouble…it goes on and on…til 18yrs old when they become an “adult” and even then some people will blame the parents for how the kids turn out regardless of the fact.


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Context is important…


More context would help in better answering


If you feel children are a liability then you shouldn’t have any.


Mine are my best friends. Never considered them liability. They are grown now. Ive left a man as i thought HIS child would be liability when older tho. I mean hes 4/punching grown ups i wasnt sure i could always be nice, ive never been around that so yes i considered that a very possible/terrible liability. Guess it depends on the child/scenario on this

in what context? on jet skis, sure. on a dirt bike, sure.

Context is important.

Are children a career liability for women? Yes. Once women have children, they’re often passed over for promotions and their raises aren’t the same as before having kids. This is illegal discrimination, but good luck proving it, especially when salaries “must be kept secret.”

The assumption is that mothers will focus more on mothering than on work. Meanwhile, when men have children, their salaries INCREASE and they’re MORE likely to be promoted because now they’re responsible fathers.

And all of this varies by race and income also.


In the most idc/round about way yes children are a liability. That said they shouldn’t be viewed as such.

depends on the issue, if your child damages someone’s car or property for example. you are liable to pay for the damages

They are technically by definition a liability

That totally depends on the context

Yes… yes they are… I have 4 and love them dearly but yeah they are :woman_shrugging:t4:


I was gonna say it depends the situation, but in most situations they are. They can destroy rental houses, break things in stores, lie and get u in trouble, steal and you have to pay for it… you just take the good with the bad tho.


It depends, if it is someone else’s child, then yes they are a liability. They are in your care so that makes them you " liability"

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In a strip club … absolutely …… in a day care setting ? Not so much.

They definitely are a liability everything they do if they get in trouble goes on u they do damages we are the ones expected to pay for damages or punishment

As soon as they are born…one way or another, Responsibility first and foremost with any child upbringing…It comes with the territory of children good or bad

Yes but depending on the situation

What was the issue children are never a liability whoever said that probably doesn’t like kids which their feelings are valid just don’t dwell on it if they say anything hurtful just ignore it or walk away