Has any mamas taken the gender blood test from their doctors? Did it end up being correct?
I did and yes it was correct!
I did with both of mine and it was correct
I did too and yes it worked for me
I did and yes it was but I already knew from a ultrasound
I did and yes it worked
Both time it was correct for me.
Yes and confirmed by ultrasound. The DNA tests straight from the doctor are extremely accurate. It’s that at home ones like Sneak Peek that tend to be less accurate
Yes, same for 5 of my friends who did as well.
I did and it was correct
Are they not 100% accurate I go get mine done Wednesday?
I had no idea you could even do that
Yes, the last 2 have been. We will find out in 6 weeks if this 3rd time was right too. The test we do says its 99.9% accurate.
I did Sneakpeek and sent in a small blood sample thru the mail from a finger poke and mine was right.
The harmony test done twice and correct both times
My daughter did and was correct
Following because I’m considering it.
Yes… twice… I knew with my 3rd at 12 weeks tht he is a boy & my 4th… (current pregnancy) at 14 weeks knew shes a girl
Yes and its 100 percent accurate
I had it done with my last due to a possibility of a genetic abnormality and at 10 weeks pregnant I found out we were having a boy. It was 100% correct.
We never found out the sex of any of our five kids. I had sonograms with all of them.
I did! I took mine at 9 weeks. But I havent been to my 15 week ultrasound yet to tell you if it was accurate. Id hope so considering they found Y chromosomes in my blood and I’m clearly female.
My daughter did. It was spot on.
I did with my second and it was correct
My step daughter did and it was correct.
Yes, we did it, and yes, it was correct! I have a 16-week-old daughter!
I did and found out at 12 weeks 3 days. I’m having a girl finally after 2 boys!
You mine said boy definitely a boy lol
Yes and yes. Blood test predicted boy and I had my 4th son.
I did it with my last two my daughter it was back and forth wrong between both genders my son said all boy
I did with my first & it was correctz
Yep, took almost a month for the results, but it was correct! Where I am in northern Cali its called the harmony test
I know of one and it was correct,
I did and it was correct. My sister also did and it was correct. It’s highly unlikely that the blood gender test is wrong. It does happen but not often at allll
Yes and it was correct.
Yes. Its DNA when my doctor did it of course its right.
I took the sneak peak N it is 99% accurate after 9 weeks some cases 100% like mine (look online for promo codes there are some 12 and 20$ off ones) it is money back gaurentee tooo!!
Yes and it was correct at 13 weeks
Yes I did and it was correct.
Yes but mine was genetic blood testing because of my age
I did and it was correct.
Yes I did with my last baby and it was correct
At 11 weeks due to my age and suspicion of ds. Correct and no ds
I did with my last two and they were correct. They said they have never had one wrong.
Yes correct was really hoping i wasnt having another girl but yup waited till the ultrasound even to get stuff lol
I’ve never heard of one being incorrect
Yes I was high risk so I found out at 11 weeks verified by ultrasound at 14weeks
Yes an mine was correct!!! Blessed with a baby boy now.
Yes I did the genetic testing and it was correct
Yup! We did it to check for potential problems, but the test and US confirmed it. The only way I can imagine you would end up with a wrong result is if there was a twin of the opposite sex.