Are gender tests accurate?

Has any other mommas had the cfDNA genetic screening blood test at 12-13 weeks pregnant? If so, were the gender results accurate? Just wondering how likely the test is to be accurate on male or female that early in pregnancy??


They can be. But they can be easily. messed up too

DNA doesn’t lie. They would be accurate whenever you get them. We aren’t amphibians. We don’t suddenly change sex in the womb.


Blood test said boy anatomy svan said boy let u know in June if still a boy

I’ve had it done with both of my boys and it was correct.

Its testing for the y chromosome, so it is 99.9% accurate.


Yep! It was accurate.

It’s called an NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test) where I’m from and it was 100 percent accurate for my daughter. New baby on the way so we opted for the test this time around, too. Not sure how to tell you how accurate it is as I’m only 14 weeks and won’t have an anatomy scan for another 6 weeks

mine was accurate for my daughter, did not have one for my son, it was obvious at an ultrasound with him no question

Yes, mine said boy and he is indeed male. Had 4 girls prior and was nervous test was wrong but it was correct.

I had it done at 9 weeks and it was correct. It’s bloodwork, so it’s more accurate

I did an at home genetic test (I don’t recommend these unless you want bruised fingers and blood everywhere) and it said boy. I had one done at the midwife about 3 weeks before then and didn’t get the results until after I took the at home genetic test. The midwives test said girl while the at home one said boy (sample wasn’t contaminated or anything. They advise you to deep clean your bathroom beforehand). I had an anatomy scan and confirmed that she’s indeed a girl.

Yes mine was accurate

Yes! And it’s accurate!

I did mine, it’s accurate! Got a girl!!

Both of mine were accurate but were actually done at 10 weeks

Mine was 100% accurate with both of my pregnancies I did the NIPT testing

Mine was right for both my boys but didn’t get a clear answer on my daughter was carrying twins lost one early 2 test both said different answers

Definitely accurate! They said it was a boy, but I was skeptical because I’ve never heard of them being able to tell the gender that way, but just had my anatomy scan and he is definitely a boy!

Had two done and they were both accurate. One boy and one girl.

Yep mine was accurate

They say it’s more accurate than the 20 week ultrasound!

They are testing your blood to read the babies genetics and chromosomes. It’s actually more accurate than ultrasound.

They are very accurate I had one and was right, a boy

Yes mine was accurate! Dr told me if they say a girl it’s 96% accurate and with a boy it’s 99% accurate they told me a girl and I prayed to be in that 4% but that didn’t happen lol

Mine was done at 14 weeks and said girl! 17 week US confirmed!

Yep! 3 all done between 10-12 weeks - all correct.

Mine said girl and past 2 ultrasounds say girl.

Yes mine said im having a girl and im having a lil girl in june

DNA is always accurate if obtained by a medical professional. Mine was correct she’s a girl :blush:

Very very accurate, all of mine were right!!! 5 kids!!!

Was told I was having a girl and I’m def having a girl lol. I found out at 11 weeks through blood test

Mine was accurate and the anatomy scan confirmed it’s a girl.

It depends if you had it done by your doctor or at home

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Mine said boy for my second. She is definitely all girl (18 months). It is very rare for it to be incorrect. It was done by the dr. My dr office said they have never seen it before. A lot people think it can’t be wrong, but there is a small chance.

All of mine were right 3 kiddos so far so I’d say it’s very accurate

Had it done for both my pregnancies and both were accurate

I found out at 12 weeks I was having a girl and it was accurate

DNA is pretty accurate

I had something similar done with my daughter and son. They told me via ultrasound that my daughter was a girl. Then they found a couple of things on ultrasound that warranted seeing a genetic counselor. Anyway, they did the bloodwork and she was healthy and that she was a girl. That was correct, she is a healthy 6 year old who loves unicorns and dresses. Due to what happened with my daughter, I elected to have the bloodwork for my son. The place where I had my bloodwork for my daughter was a different brand Than my son. Anyway, I got the result, healthy no abnormalities and showed the sign for boy. Now, I had the blood work done when I was about 10 weeks (which was the earliest for this select brand of test) had the anatomy ultrasound and well, the tech saw what she saw and gave me a blue butter mint. Was induced with him and sure enough, he is my little wiggle butt. :slight_smile:

Can be done as early as 9 weeks and very accurate

I did sneak peak at 8 weeks with my son and it was accurate

Mine was done early and it was accurate. It was then confirmed later on with ultrasound!

Didn’t even know there was a test for it

Yes blood is always the most accurate test in determining sex. It specifically seeks out the presence of the Y chromosome.