Are having VBACS worth it?

Is a VBAC worth it? I’m on my 6th pregnancy. My first 4 were natural and my 5th was an emergency c-section. Some backstory to that c section- It was a horrible traumatic experience. I went to urgent care because I was terribly sick with fever, mouth sores so bad it hurt to swallow even water, excessive vaginal discharge and pink eye. I went to urgent care around 37-38 weeks because my body was obviously fighting off an infection of some sort. They told me I was too fat along and needed to go to the ER instead so they could check the baby also, I went to the ER and never left that day. They said I had an active HSV1 infection and would need to perform a c section so baby did not contract it. (I was not even in active labor) this scared me, I did not advocate for myself like I should have because it was so much all at once. They had my husband suit up and 5 minutes later came back in the room and said they’d put me under with anaesthesia instead and my husband could not be in for the birth since I was being put under. It was brutal. I was in tremendous pain for weeks, I could not even laugh or cough for a while. Walking was rough. Anyways, now I’m pregnant and I’m scared. I want to do a VBAC because the recovery is great and my current Dr thinks I’d be a great candidate since it’s been 5 years from my c-section. But after she handed me the paperwork to sign, I read the fine print and the risks, I’m terrified. I want a vaginal birth so I’m not dying for weeks after birth, but I’m not sure it’s worth the risks of a VBAC. Is VBAC worth it to you ladies? It’s been weighing on my mind heavily this pregnancy and I’m more scared now than I’ve ever been about child birth.


My sister had a VBAC and it was a brilliant experience for her. She said she much preferred a vaginal birth because recovery was so much quicker!

I never had one, but I will say my 2nd c section was much easier. My first was because he was breech. And my second was an emergency. Just something to consider if you are scared of VBAC. :blush:

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My first and third pregnancies were cesarean. My second was vbac less than two years after first cesarean. It was great. My husband was allowed in all three births … even the cesarean sections

I never had a VBAC. My first c-section was unplanned and a bit scary but my two other csections were planned. The fact that they were planned made things easier from the start. I won’t say it was “enjoyable”, the recovery is rough and I even developed three hernias with my third c section, but the risks associated with a VBAC were just too risky for my liking.

I can’t think of a time I’ve heard of a doctor suggesting it if mom wasn’t a good candidate for it. They HAVE to give you all the potential risks, even if it’s only happened 1 time to cover themselves. If your doctor is confident in it, I say go for it, mama. <3 (Off topic, if you haven’t, reach out to a therapist for your birth trauma, it helps <3 )


With my second I opted for a scheduled c section, it’s so much easier and smoother, completely different experience than the emergency c section, and my recovery was quicker and less painful with the scheduled as well.
I’m currently pregnant, and just waiting to schedule my c section.

Do whatever feels right for you, just be prepared that you may need a c section again.
For me that is what made me just decide to have a planned one.

I think they can be great. But also please know that your c section was not a normal one. I have had two and honestly preferred healing from them than I did with my natural one. Of your doctor is on board with you doing it I say go for it!


I found it to be worth it for me. I am about to do my 2nd one. My first vbac was a slower process than I expected. My first 2 natural births were 5 hours and then 3 hours. 3rd baby was a emergency c-section. 4 was a vbac- 20 hours of labor. I was induced but they said it needed to be slower to reduce the risk of rupturing My uterus. But I am choosing to do it again because it’s easier than a c-section

I have 2 vaginals, a C-section and then 2 VBAC!! I would literally in my life never have a C-section again unless it’s medically necessary. The pain was unbearable and torturous.

I had a c-section after my water broke and being induced did nothing. It had been over 26 hours which puts the baby in an unsterile environment. So I opted for a c-section the second time. Totally different recovery was easier.

I had a vbac with my 5th
It went smooth and quick. They do have to shove a wire clip in bubs head to monitor very precisely. And the whole time they had their hands there to hook in in as soon as they saw bubs head, the moment they were done she was out…
I had 3 normal deliveries first. Then csection for breech. Smooth and easy too I just didn’t want it. Then vbac

They have to provide you with ALL information that includes the risk associated with having a VBAC. If your doctor believes you are a great candidate. I would run with it. My first delivery was an emergency c section and extreme trauma. I had 3 successful VBACs and wouldn’t have done it any other way.

I had a c section with my first and 2 vaginally births after. It depends on how they cut your uterus. If dr feels it’s OK then it should be

Absolutely 100% will always advocate a VBAC!! Unless of course there is a true medical emergency! You may PM me if you wish! I’ve had a successful VBAC with no prior experience with labor.

Honestly I had 3 c sections (all my kids) 1st one was a little bit of an emergency due to baby stressed but other two were elective (and also a little necessary) and healing from the 2nd and 3rd were a lot easier then the very first one!!! Staying on top of pain meds is honestly the secret imo


I had a vbac after one emergency c section and I would 100% recommend it. Based on your story I think you would be a great candidate. Find a doctor that will work with you. The recovery from vbac was nothing compared to the c section

I have never had a vaginal birth so I can’t speak to that but I have had 2 planned c-sections. Both were great. I was awake and got to hold my baby right away. It was not traumatizing at all and my recovery was easy. I was up and walking within an hour of each spinal wearing off. If you’re doc says you’re a good candidate and you really want to then go for it. They will monitor you closely and help you along the way but don’t be afraid of another c-section either. Planned is way different then emergency


Absolutely worth it. I had a c-section with my first and a VBAC with my second. I felt like I could do anything after having the VBAC. The only sucky part was the vaginal pain with a c-section you aren’t afraid to poop you do with a VBAC especially if you tear or have stitches.

I had vbac after planned c section. No problems, and he was a big baby. Recently had a hysterectomy and they used my section scar.

I had a vbac and everything went great but usually after an emergency C-section they won’t allow it do to how the have to cut. Definitely something to discuss with doctor.

None of mine were c-sections, but I would not do vbac personally, I’d be afraid of risks. You were sick and had a traumatic experience. Since you were put under instead of epidural, no wonder your pain was so awful. Hoping you don’t have to deal with the same hospital as last time.

You are risking your uterine ripping or tearing during active labor with a VBAC. The medical field goes back and forth on this issue, every few yrs, on whether a VBAC is a good idea or not. My opinion is NO. Do not risk the chance when you can have a pre-planned controlled delivery without complications. I have been an RN for 30+ years.

Change your “to fat along” to to far along! Everyone’s super fat when pregnant lol :rofl: I had my second daughter stick her foot thru my uterus and they didn’t catch it for 18 hrs the agony was ridiculous

My vbac was like a vacation compared to my c section. They clipped off my pain meds and I felt everything. Worse physical and painful experience of my life You should he just fine. If u read the risk for plan vaginal deliveries or c sections there will be a ton as well. Don’t let that scare u. Do what u feel is best and if ur doctor is on board then he is prepared for it.

I had an emergency under general for my first we both nearly died, didn’t even attempt or talk about VBAC. With my second.

An elective c section after such a traumatic horroble birth was for me the absolute best experience of my life, it was calm, happy there was no fear or amxiety, i knew what was happening and i had no pain no labour etc …

I think it depends on you mama, you can obviously birth naturally so if VBAC is important to you go for it, but honestly i rate an elective c section especially with previous birth trauma


None of mine were c-sections, but I would not do vbac personally, I’d be afraid of risks. You were sick and had a traumatic experience. Since you were put under instead of epidural, no wonder your pain was so awful. Hoping you don’t have to deal with the same hospital as last time.

I wish I got the try a vbac. I think if there’s no major concerns (baby to big for natural etc, then I thought they at least try Vbac first. An if u get the ok to try vbac then I would try.

I had a emergency csection for my first.

My second I was sent to a city, it went from a lot of mixed decisions from drs of vbac or csection. Being a different hospital I was swapped between drs. At 37 weeks my file got then lost, an they decided csection was my best option considering my first bubs basically got stuck in birth canal while I was in labour an I was rushed for emergency

Third. Was a planned csection at 38 weeks. But my water broke at 37 weeks. So they decided to squeeze me in for a planned csection before it become a emergency csection (before I went into labour)
My third csection I constantly cried as I figured out the fibregel drink they gave me made me so sick (like a gas bubble in my belly, felt like a coke bottle had be shaking in my belly ) that I kept vomiting (which I felt like my insides were going to drop on the floor an rip my stomach open again ). I got so dehydrated, I was put on drips, wasn’t til they have me a few fibregel drinks that i figured out they had made me feel so ill … day 4 I have never been so happy to have done my first poop lol, luckily my husband was able to stay in my room as I felt terrible an was shaking of everything they gave me an couldn’t even hold our son because I was to scared I would drop him from shaking to much.

I had a Vbac and it was great, I was up walking around just a couple hours after the birth… a lot less painful

My mom had me via c section and my 2 little brothers vaginally. Me and my brother are 3 and 4 years apart and she did just fine

I had an emergency c-section with my first due to severe pre eclampsia and hellp syndrome and it was a harder and much longer recovery. With my second I had a scheduled c-section and it was way easier! I got to be awake, dad was allowed in, didnt have to wait forever in recovery waiting to meet my baby, I got to hear her first cry, little to no bruising, and the recovery time was much less.

I had a primary section and labored horrible so for ME that would be a no but if I had your ob history of 4 vagibals and a section that never labored I would try it but only in a LD capable of dealing with the risks associated with a vbac and only if I went into labor (not induced) I have nothing against inductions but there are fewer meds that can be given to vbavs so that’s fewer options overall

I did a vbac because I wanted to have the experience of natural birth… you already have so I’d say go with whatever you prefer.