Are headaches normal after birth?

Are headaches/migraines normal after birth? I’m almost three weeks post partum and I’ve had these headaches that lead to migraines for the last few days and now I’m cramping pretty good. Did anyone else experience this?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are headaches normal after birth?

Everything changes after birth. I never had anxiety or acid reflux before I had kids and after, BAM! It is common though. Hormone imbalances, dehydration (especially if you’re nursing), more stress and just changes in your body.

If your breastfeeding. Your uterus is contracting everytime you feed. And if you had an epidural or spinal…one of the side effects is a headache. Could happen for up to 6 weeks pp.


That’s actually when my mirgines started about 2 weeks after having my son

Headaches/migraine can be a sign of dehydration

Try increasing water Intake

It’s normal, unless your vision starts changing or they’re getting severe with no relief then I’d reach out to your doctor asap.

Did you have an epidural? I had an epidural induced migraine A blood patch helps, ask your OB about it.

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Drink water water water

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Go to your OB or back to the ER to have your blood pressure checked ASAP. The headaches that won’t go away can be a symptom of post partum pre-eclampsia. Sometimes people almost die because they just assume it’s a headache.


I dont think they go away until the kids like 18 or something like that from my experience😳


Epidural can play a part, if you’re breastfeeding that will probably play a part. A lot of things can/do change after birth. Talk to your doctor if it continues though.

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Might be the hormones. I got them bad “hormone headaches” w my girls. Felt like migraines

You need to check your bp
Around that time I had pp hypertension. I don’t get headaches from it! But many do!

I got bad headaches. But my iron was low.

Go to OB as soon as you can!

yes raging hormones, lack of sleep and self care… Drink lots of water.

I’ve heard of the epidural doing that if you had one, also if your blood pressure is high that could be another reason, but definitely talk to your doc :heart:

Either you bp or from epidural if u had one don’t mess around with it see you doc

Check your blood pressure just to make sure it’s normal.

I was told with both kids to call if I had a headache that wouldn’t go away. In the same conversation when they tell you to call if you pass big blood clots so I’d say its probably important to get checked out.

Yes (head aches to migraines) I had them with my first birth. Please go see a doctor. I had to fight to be seen because they stated it was normal. Come to find out I had a blood clot (very large) in the back of my head from giving birth. It can be normal but please go get checked. Good luck momma!

I got headaches. Dehydration plus lack of sleep plus epidural.

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Please call your doctor!!

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I get headaches but that’s when I do not get enough sleep. My baby is 3wks old and we breastfeed so we’re still adjusting to sleep. I did have an epidural as well, just thought I’d mention that as I seen some epidural comments.

If you had a c section it could also be a spinal fluid leak amd you need to see your Dr

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I got headaches from the epidural I received. They eventually went away.

Watch your blood pressure. Postpartum preeclampsia is a thing!

Yes I agree with others. If you had an epidural done it can lead you to have migraines post birth. I had severe migraines for 2 weeks after having my son. It started on the second day that I was still in the hospital. The only thing that helped for a bit was lying down and taking Tylenol 500 mg for migraine relief. I also had bad bruising around the site of the epidural. I think the anesthesiologist may have pushed the needle in a bit too far which in turn caused the bruising and headaches.

Call your doctor asap.

Ask your Dr. Probably nothing but can be a sign of other things.

I had them after for like a month eventually they went away. Make sure to watch yourself and ask your ob.

I had this after I gave birth to my 2nd child. I had an epidural and that’s what caused it. The hole from the needle didnt close correctly. They had to take blood from my arm and put it in my back and I had to lay flat on my back for a few hours. The migraines were horrible. I couldnt sit up, I was vomiting and dizzy. Nothing would take the migraines away. I went to the er and they said it was from the epidural and its pretty common

Go to the chiropractor too!! Your body really went through a lot from head to toe you were effected in one way or another

You need to call your OB and go in and be checked, a friend of mine got post partum preeclampsia and had to be readmitted to the hospital and put on magnesium amd blood pressure meds.

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Please go to the doctor. If its from the epidural, you are leaking spinal fluid.

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Call your doctor. Headaches arent abnormal but migraines and now cramping should be checked out. Could be a variety of things.

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Chiropractor. Totally makes a difference. My pregnancy’s were super hard on my
Body as was the way I slept in the first couple months with the baby.
He will tell you that he can fix it but as long as your sleep/holding your baby you’ll have to go back after.
My daughter also had migraines and he adjusted her neck and it stopped. Hugs.

If you got an epidural - call your doctor RIGHT NOW, one of the first things they tell you when you get one is if these symptoms happen it didn’t heal right.

If you did not - call your doctor something else could be happening.

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You could have an epidural headache. Sometimes they go away without intervention, other times you may need a blood patch. The Anesthesiologist would have mentioned this right before the procedure. Call your OB and make him/her aware.

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Ck your blood pressure

Could be a number of things. Call your doctor

When I had my oldest everything changed when I was 7 months pregnant with her I passed out at Home Depot had a concussion got put on iron pills had her then started getting sick migraine headaches and then when she was a little over a year old my vision changed hasn’t been the same since… (side note with my oldest I didn’t have an epidural)

For aome women it’s normal, for some it’s not. Call your Dr.

Definitely see your doctor. I had them after my second he was my only induction with an epidural and they were the worst migraines I’ve ever endured.

I get really bad hormone headaches after delivery :sob:

If you had an epidural yes I was warned mine might get worse afterwards. The almost compelled went away but I also only had one with first child because they messed it up so bad I was terrified of it with my next 3

If you had an epidural, it might be due to that. An Epidural Blood Patch may help. I had a friend that needed one, she was suffering so badly, and it helped immediately. Ask your OB ASAP.

I’d get your midwife or health visitor to check you out. Could be a BP issue which can be serious. Could also be a uterus infection if you’re cramping at this stage. Definitely get it checked.

I had them for the moment I gave birth until about 6 weeks later they finally let up. Idk if I would classify them as normal but I never did see a Dr as I lost my job right after giving birth so therefore my insurance too. I hope you get relief!!

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Have your blood pressure checked.

Yes I did I stopped taking all the prescriptions they gave me except the pain meds and they went away

See a doctor. While it could be nothing it could also be high blood pressure and a lot of other things.

Did you have an epidural?

Low blood pressure I had the same drink more water and take iron

I’d say call your doctor to be on the safe side because everyone’s bodies are different :smiling_face:
I sure hope u get feeling better as I know migraines suck badly :frowning:

Sometimes pregnancy can bring on migraine syndrome due to an increase and sudden decrease of hormones. Try taking magnesium every day for 2 weeks and see if it helps. Could also be fluctuation of blood pressure.

I never had migraines until I was pregnant with my oldest. I swear being pregnant messed something in me up, cause almost 8 years later I still get them:(

Get your b/p checked. Also, if you had an epidural, you should let your doctor know right away.

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Could be dehydrated are u breastfeeding? Could be stress or hormones

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If you had an epidural or a spinal go to ER. now.


It could be blood pressure, low iron, dehydration. It’s best if you go to the ER

I did after my csection. I was fine, however I was being monitored by drs for other reasons at the time. ease talk to your Dr to make sure everything is OK. It could be just hormonal, it could be something bigger. Please go get checked.

Ask your ONGYN for estroease

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Did you have an epidural? If so talk with your ob/gyn. If they don’t listen talk with your family doc. Cause sometimes those epidurals can have lasting effects to your spine and nerves. Hope you get it figured out.

Check your blood pressure, or go in. Could be many things, that was the first indication for me after my daughter for blood pressure issues tho.

Could be a spinal headache I had one and couldn’t get out of bed

Make sure you are getting enough fluids and check with a chiropractor.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $10842 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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If you normally get headaches around your menstrual cycle it could be a dip in hormones causing it.

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If you had an Epidural this could be normal. Please get checked though. Many leak spinal fluid later

I had postpartum preclampsia. High BP after delivery

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16842 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Yes your body/hormones trying to regulate. Do you breastfeed?

I was told those are symptoms you need to go to er for after delivery

Children create headaches. This is a life long problem :joy:


hi hun, im suffering the same. its unbearable…also 3 weeks postpartum and i literally feel like banging my head against the wall with this pain. alot of the old folks says its “cold pain”… we women suppose to keep ourselves warm after giving birth. breastfeeding as well so im currently only taking paracetemol

I did, but I’m a migraine sufferer anyways. I was hot all the time and lacking sleep, so it sucked until a good sleep routine was established. If you’re concerned, definitely bring it up to your doctor. Make sure you’re well hydrated and eating well. Good luck!

I had headaches for weeks after giving birth and was hospitalized. I was home for probably a week after fixing birth and knew something wasn’t right, went to the hospital and my Blood Pressure was at stroke levels. Started having blurry vision and couldn’t walk without help (due to vision). Please get this checked and get yourself seen. They ended up putting me back in Labor & Delivery since it hadn’t been that long since giving birth so I got the same sweet nurses who helped when I had my baby.