Are there any tricks to getting pregnant with a girl?

So I have a babyboy and would love a babygirl next time! Is there any tips or tricks to getting pregnant with a girl? I’d love to hear all of them!!!


Best I have heard is a couple days before ovulation so that the slower x sperm meets the egg and not the faster y sperm. :woman_shrugging:t3: Science and old wise tales so not sure. Seemed to work for me but may have just gotten lucky.


Pray for patience. :woman_shrugging: Make a deal with God. Good luck

I have 6 girls inquiring minds would like to know hahaha :joy:

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Has some interesting info that may up your chances…

If you have money these days you can get help to choose the gender but I think you’ll be gifted with exactly what you never knew you wanted :heart:


Eats lots of fruit no candy and no spicy before trying at least a month

Try the Shettles method. It worked for us. We wanted a boy first, then a girl and then when we decided that we wanted a 3rd we tried for a girl and got a girl.

Obviously we wanted healthy babies and would have been happy if they were different genders but it all worked out perfectly.


After 2 boys , I’m currently pregnant with my third. Hubby and I googled all the things they said to do for a girl and we did it exactly like it said…

Can’t tell you if it’s a girl tho as baby refuses to uncross the legs or move when we go for a scan… Due date is 25th march tho, so we will find out soon if it worked :joy: if it did then just Google how to get pregnant with a girl and follow everything they say


Gender is determined by the sperm. There’s no way to ensure having a girl unless you have eggs and sperm retrieved, fertilized and gender tested.


Girl go back to school :roll_eyes:


Only way to do that is Clinic. All up to the man in that department and his swimmers.

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I don’t think there is one. I have two girls and 1 boy and there’s nothing I did differently lol.

Literally impossible unless you spend $30,000 to do IVF & have enough embryos to “choose from”.

As someone who has given birth to 5 Boys…. The fastest swimmer to fertilize the egg wins the race! :laughing:


It honestly depends on the male. His genes are what makes the male or female


I read something once that says if you can track your ovulation and have sex before you ovulate you have a higher chance of a girl. It said make sperm swim faster but die quicker and female sperm swim slower but live longer. Don’t know if there is any truth too it. I have two boys lol hopefully we’ll get a girl next time. We didn’t try this with either of our though and it just happened. Maybe worth a shot?

If you go through IVF and have ICSI there is a slightly higher chance of conceiving a girl. But as said above, it’s expensive and there’s no guarantee of success…

only way is through a clinic


Look into times of year girls are born more!

There’s a method that sperm deposition near the cervix will give you a boy, and sperm deposition near the vaginal entry can help give you a girl.

No! Lol
I tried allll the wize tales. I ended up with 4 boys. :rofl:
Sex is determined by the mans sperm!!
Only way to completely guarantee a girl is to have IVF with gender selection. But with that you only have a % of it working.


Hey, just because your baby was born a boy doesn’t me he won’t decide to change gender.


You have no control over this.
This is solely dependent on the male.


It’s helpful if you have sex 2 or 3 days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation to increase the odds of having a girl.


Got prego with daughter 26 years ago on my back and 17 years ago bent over a four wheeler for my boy


Pick a guy with three daughters at least. Lol


Gender of the baby is dependent upon the father’s swimmers


Look up the baby dust method and gender swaying.


I have 2 boys and my last baby was a little girl. I just willed it into the world. Manifest. lol it worked for me!

I bought a book for How to have a Girl and it worked. I have 2 boys and a girl!! It said to lay on your side and have your husband behind you. When he is done, lay there on your side for about 10 to 20 mins, that way the slower sperm have time to get to the egg first.

I tried all kinds of stuff. I have two boys. :joy:

Absolutely. You have a 50% chance with every try!

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You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit

I have no idea just depends on dad sperm that gets there first lol I have a boy girl boy girl and last is a boy

Get on too so he can’t blow the balls off :joy:

Folks I know with twins said there’s a tribe somewhere that eats mostly sweet potatoes and has tons of twins. Not gender related, but interesting none the less.

Well I did reg sex got boy was on top got girl best of luck

Have 5 boys first? Thats what I did :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


The only time to get a definite gender is through gender selection with IVF. It’s a 50/50 shot!

My friend’s grandma used to tell us to avoid eating bananas especially when conceiving or before 20 weeks mark. Lol

These answers are wild :rofl: I have two girls and three boys - nothing different about the process any time. This is something you really can’t control.


I seem to only have girls lol and I wanted a boy at first. I think it’s just random

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Seriously? This is not something you can control

Sperm determine the gender. For those suggesting IVF, there is still no guarantee that you will get embryos to test or if they will be a certain gender. And I don’t see any fertility specialist doing ivf on a healthy couple just to get a specific gender.

I looked up dr shettles method for a boy, and it worked. Try his theories for a girl

Shettles method worked for me, I had a little girl that way after 2 boys

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Well the man controls the set of the baby so get your husband. Husband tested.this is real science

I got the book “choosing the gender of your child”. Got a girl then a boy. I say the tricks worked.

Unfortunately, there’s no trick! Initially, science made it known that it was the males sperm that decided which sex the unborn baby’s would be. Now, science has determined that while that is still true, the female’s egg ultimately decides which sperm it wants. As long as your baby is healthy, does it matter? Best of luck! :sparkles:

Haha I have 2 boys and I’m pregnant with a babygirl!!! Only thing I did different was I rode him instead. My first two he did the work :joy: :woman_shrugging:t4:

As I understand girl sperm survives longer(are you surprised?) so doing it a few days before ovulation should work. Girls will survive long enough.

You do realize it’s up to the man’s sperm of what gender the baby will be, not the woman’s egg….

Look up acidic and alkaline environments to sway it. I did all the things it says and could’ve just been luck but I got a girl after 3 boys.


We tried for a girl never happened good luck I have 4 boys we’re done of having kids

Have my eggs, I just had my 6th girl :rofl::rofl:


You have to change your PH levels. Try eating cherries and eggs (not together :joy:) worked twice for me!

Actually yes lol and I swear by this method. It has worked twice for me. I have Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl. Use only you on top position. Also start a few days before ovulation.

The sex of the baby comes from the dads DNA

My first was a girl and second was a boy. I wanted the third to be a boy SO bad that I followed every wives tale and opinions from others. Still got another girl :rofl:

Have sex a couple days before ovulation. Don’t have sex the days of ovulation. Female sperm swim slower and the live longer. Male sperm swim faster and dye quicker.

I cannot believe this is a serious question :joy:


It’s all chance unless u go to a lab, but I don’t recommend that.

I was told smex before ovulation/period gets a girl. Smex after period gets a boy

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Ask John Beardy Sr. :grin::sunglasses::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:joy::joy::joy::joy: I can’t even :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Yea just keep trying until you get a girl or to many kids

No lol. Not unless you go to a clinic and let them pick, which I think is IVF more or less. Also it’s contingent upon the dad’s sperm.

Use the Chinese gender predictor chart and let me know how that works out

Dr shettles never worked for me then as did it on ovulation day and after and got a girl :girl:t2:

It’s men that decide. I can say that it’s assumed that if a man is drinking they are likely to have a boy (it was true in my case but I do know plenty that wasn’t true with)

Have a nice heart to heart chat with your SOs sperm as those little things are the ones who determine the gender of the baby.

Shettles method worked for me.

Is this seriously fr there’s no way of picking gender. Just do a quickie . Only other way is Ivf.

There are all kinds of myths and wives tales out there, but the truth is, the sex is determined by whichever sperm wins the race and fertilizes the egg.

Apparently getting pregnant at the end of March does the trick :rofl: conceived both my kids, 7yrs apart, in March… both girls

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Have a baby with a man who can only make girls :woman_shrugging:t5:

There is nothing you can do to up your chances because it’s the man’s genetics that determines sex of a baby. Either get a man who only has daughters, or try IVF because the lab can create whatever sex you prefer. Let’s be real and stop trying all the remedies, tricks, etc.

Some people say it’s up to father but science changes. My ex and all the males in his family had boys. Four generations. I had had a girl. Still born. We got together I had a girl with him. He accused me of cheating because his family didnt have girls. The DNA said she was his. And Dr said science changes. It’s not about the male anymore. It’s about the sperm. Y or x sperm. And which one gets to the egg first.

Also. There’s a study in the science magazine where two eggs were fertilized without a sperm and made babies.

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Good luck because it’s not determined by you it’s determined by the father’s sperm.

Supposedly tho go search up Chinese gender calanders and supposedly there’s certain months if y’all have sex that can supposedly increase the chance of having a girl.

But please remember that the father’s sperm that decides what you guys are having in the end tho.

There’s a reason why I said supposedly because idk if there’s any scientific proof to it tho.

I guess your dude could sit down with his balls and have a chat!?! Or go through fertility treatments I believe they sex the embryos. Otherwise it’s 50/50.

There is nothing you can naturally “do”. It is 50/50. Depends if the sperm has x or Y chromosomes

Have sex a few days before ovulation and do NOT have sex the day of or following ovulation. Girl sperm live longer but the boys are faster; the goal is to let the girls outlive the boys and reach the egg first. No caffeine for your sperm producing partner either! It can make the boys swim even faster. Also, the “deeper” the sperm is deposited the closer they will be to the egg once it released, which means the fast boys will get there even faster. Deposit shallow if possible. All these tips come from the book How To Choose The Sex Of Your Baby by David Rorvik and Landrum Shettles.

The man decides the gender of the baby. No tips or tricks. Entirely dumb luck