Are there any vitamins I can take to help me get pregnant with a girl?

Hello Mamas!! Are there any vitamins that give you a better chance at getting pregnant with a babygirl?!


Oh Lordy!!! Just be grateful with a normal healthy baby!!! Geez….


Vitamins do not but you can use an ovulation kit to find out when you ovulate. Boy sperm swims faster but dies sooner where girl sperm swims slower but looks he’s longer. Depending where you are in your cycle you can increase your chances.

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No matter what your opinion on the question is. A little kindness doesn’t go far.
Some really cruel n rude people in this group.


IVF is your only real guarantee

Doesn’t matter now a days,just have the Dr. turn it into a girl

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No! Lol
I tried allll the wize tales. I ended up with 4 boys. :rofl:
Sex is determined by the mans sperm!!
Only way to completely guarantee a girl is to have IVF with gender selection. But with that you only have a % of it working.

That isn’t up to you. It’s the sperm that decides DNA. Instead of you making it happen, look into him. :tipping_hand_woman:

I know that it’s just an old wives tale but when I was pregnant with my kids, I got the Chinese gender calendar and would look and see when I got pregnant and my age and for all 3 it was correct. Try it. Don’t listen to the rude people on here!


The gender of a child is determined by the father and nothing either of you do will have any bearing on what the baby will be… if you want a girl, adopt one. :woman_facepalming: This is the dumbest question I’ve ever heard. Lmao.


you do realize that gender is determined by sperm correct

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Hahaha anything i can do to get a boy lmfao mommy of 6 girls here :joy:


Seriously vitamins! :unamused::unamused::unamused:

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If anyone ever wonders why kids are “so mean these days” one quick scroll through a Facebook comment section will answer what you need to know. The people raising them are the OG mean kids.

Anyway, to answer the question - no. It’s controlled by the sperm. But, I’ve heard people say timing intercourse around ovulation can help.


Sorry, but the man chooses the sex…wish we got to choose but I wouldn’t change having my 2 girls. Having a boy just wasn’t in our cards and that’s ok

You can’t be serious :unamused::face_with_peeking_eye::woman_facepalming:t4:


There are gender swaying fb groups I’d look at one of those you’ll get a lot more info and not as many mean and nasty comments.

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Not vitamins. Lots of wives tales and Chinese gender predictions.
Mine said I was having a girl and it was a boy lol

Why do I have a feeling that a guy took and wrote this and made it look like a woman did


Please do not reproduce :roll_eyes:


Depends on position too🤷‍♀️ tmi

It all in the timing of ovulation. There is a book called chose the gender of your baby and it makes total sense.