Are we wrong for standing up to her?

I’m 27 years old with my wonderful 24 year old wife by my side and our 2 year old daughter. Covid had hurt our family really bad and three years later we’re slowly seeing the end of the tunnel. My wife works for the school district which is basically two jobs in one because she does the cafe in the morning and in the afternoon she works in the after school, she also in college, and cares for our daughter. Everything we do is always 50/50. I work as a mechanic in the mornings and at night as a tow truck driver. We have a great routine going and on weekends ( when I’m off) is our time, I take my girls anywhere they want or we plan something up. Well recently my sister(she’s older) has contacted me, we haven’t talked in three years due to her assuming my wife took money from her the last time we visited yet it was in my niece diaper when her boyfriend later called and told us. My sister holds her pride over the top, my wife let it go and let it be. Well my sister is pregnant with her third kid, she isn’t the best mom, reasons are hard to explain just do to Child services being involved now. Her boyfriend and her got into a huge fight about they really needing to change their ways, he scared to loose his kids. They got kicked out of there place and looking to stay with us because his mom can’t stand my sister ( don’t blame her). Well I talked to my wife about it and she’s mixed emotions, she’s flat out told me she rather take the girls since they are 5 and under then have my sister in the house ( I agreed). I talked to my sister about it which lead to a huge fight, I told her she would need to help around the house, get a job, that my wife can help her with getting the kids into a daycare, would need a cage for her dog since he’s a pup ( our is in the cage as well). She said it goes against her wishes that she can stay at our house to cook and clean and help with our kids too.We against because those are the reason my sister landed in trouble, never cooks, never cleans and we don’t feel comfortable with her watching our kid plus our daughter is doing amazing in school. So I told her off and told her to figure her own stuff out and that if she doesn’t change her ways life won’t work out, I told her that my wife and I always have ups and downs and the last three years have been really hard yet we learned that we needed to change a few things and finally getting a break. Her boyfriend is all for it, even offered to give us some money now to help. I told him I’d take him and the kids but with my sister being this way, I can’t. So are we wrong for standing up? It’s killing my wife because she worried about the kids mainly

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are we wrong for standing up to her?

No, you are absolutely not wrong. Good for you for standing your ground and protecting your family!


Stay strong it definitely sounds like the right decision, she sounds like a nightmare


Stay strong she is toxic for your family

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As someone who OFTEN has let people into my home to help them out, it ALWAYS ends in disaster. If you can’t have a phone conversation without it going sideways don’t invite it into your home.


Your sis prob needs therapy(alot of us do). Help her by getting her a counselor if you want to help her. That would do her better than supporting toxic behaviour. Win/win. Seems like she needs help like that so she can handle life better in the future

I wouldnt take any of em.(maybe the kids if you are financially stable) Yall got your own struggles though, Adding a whole other family will only offset your financial struggles again :person_shrugging: they already cant handle their household, they about to f yours up too.


Take the kids and tell the adults to come get them when they get it together.


No. She is already in this mindset when she’s the one that needs help . She will tear your family apart if she lives with you. You always have to protect your family first.

First off…good job for having your wife’s back. That’s awesome!! Absolutely you are not wrong. You know your sister better than anyone and I’m sure you already know that if she stayed with you it would be a mess. Stand your ground and keep being an awesome husband.


Toxic is toxic, even when its family. And your sis sounds like she would throw the WHOLE household dynamic off. She must learn to take care of herself in the same aspects as I had to tell my mother she needed to take care of herself and handle her own. But she would no longer cause problems in my household!
I wish you the best


She sounds toxic. You did the right thing!


Its a sad situation to be stuck in … she doesn’t need to be living with you your wife and your kids you have to think about your family first …if child services are already involved and she moves in with you then there going to be at your home just sounds way to stressful for your family …literally every where is hiring she needs to get a job !!there plenty of easy jobs to work while pregnant i did it pregnant with twins… if the boyfriends mom is willing to let the boyfriend and kids stay then he needs to do that and the mom needs to think about her kids sounds like everythings always about her and that all she thinks about is herself…


Letting either of them move in with you WILL cause problems. I definitely wouldn’t do it. They are grown adults. Maybe take in the kids if the parents allow it. Make the adults figure out their own crap. :woman_shrugging:

I feel bad for the kids but they got themselves in this situation and you could ruin your relationship if you let any of them stay with y’all. It always ends up ugly. Don’t ruin yours for the sake of those that did theirs.

Good for you for defending yourself, your wife, and your family!! You’re never in the wrong for doing what is best for your family, even if that means making other family unhappy. Sounds like she needs to grow up and figure her life out

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If they end up becoming homeless, you can probably file for some kind of custody of the kids until they can get back on their feet. But it seems your sister said it goes against her wishes to help clean and cook? Your offering a place for her to stay, she shouldn’t have any wishes except a place for her kids to sleep at night.

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Don’t do it! Keep your family happy, that is all you need to worry about. If you let them move in, they will never leave from the sounds of it, and it will drive your wife crazy, cause it also sounds like your sisters lazy, and you wife will have to pick up the slack and she will regret it the second you allow them in. She is only agreeing because they are your family, but trust me when I say, even if she doesn’t feel it yet, she will!


She knows how to use the kids!! Wait and see what happens

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Not a chance in hell would I allow the sister to move in. She just wants a free ride and for anyone else to take on the workload and responsibilities. Social may still come to you to see if you would take on the kids - or if they go into care - apply for them.


It’s not easy telling family no, but sounds like you did the right thing! Sometimes helping people even family, means telling them no. Awesome that you have your wife’s back as well. :clap:t3:


Nah your doing the right thing. Do t let her move in she is a nightmare. And worst case senerio she looses the kids and you can offer to take them in then too. She sounds like an awful person and your not wrong for keeping up the boundaries she sounds like a child.

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Look, tell her you don’t need somebody to cook clean or take care of your kids because you guys are doing it… don’t give her that option… tell her if she wants your help that she hast to get a job and they Have to pay rent with MONEY…
write up a six month contract and have her sign it, honestly she sounds like a nightmare and I wouldn’t let her move in…

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Don’t ruin your happy family. Tell your sister. No!

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Don’t invite trouble into your home. This situation will not end well. Even if it is family you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.

Let them figure it out. Put your wife’s wants & needs first, just focus on your little family and you’ll be fine.

Let the sister figure out her own mess. Either she will straighten out or she won’t. Then she will have to deal with the consequences whether they are good or bad.

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Unfortunately living with family once you’re an adult very rarely seems to benefit anyone - extenuating circumstances aside. Standing up for your wife and your home life is never a bad thing. If your sister becomes homeless there may be the possibility of getting temporary custody of her children but that may also cause you a heck of a lot of unnecessary drama. You seem to really have your head on your shoulders. Good luck :heart:


Nope, not wrong at all.

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Sometimes you have to walk away. You gave her an option, she didn’t want it. Tell your wife, its going to be ok. Your Family is important. Sometimes trying to help loses Your family.


Don’t let them move in it could end your marriage.


God Bless You…
You are doing the right thing… It will be nothing but trouble, you did the best you could offering to take the kids in

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It’s called tough love and it’s hard to give and for the other person to receive. I’m thankful that my family did it for me.


She should be grateful for what you are offering to do for her and not still be demanding so many things. If you cave and let her in it will just be a recipe for disaster I feel. If you are desperate and need help bad enough you should be willing to compromise and she doesn’t seem like she will be nor does she seem to take anyones feelings into consideration including her own kids best interest. Good luck!


Nope. It’s called tough love… hopefully she will smarten up…

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Thank you for standing up for your wife …with everything you guys are doing to make things work adding your lazy sister into the mix would upset the apple cart …just my opinion


Absolutely not! Sometimes you have to say no to protect your own family. My exrended family is a nightmare. I’ve had to say no so many times to protect my peace. I wanted better for my family and I’ll cut off anyone who threatens our way of life :woman_shrugging:t4:Good for you, standing up for your wife is always the right move.

You cannot reform her, you would just be giving her another warm place to stay and cause trouble I til you figure out how to get her out of the house. If you value your peaceful lives, do not takee her in!

Do what you feel is right for you , your wife an children . Tough love is sometimes the best kinda love ! & from reading what you posted, it sounds completely in your best interest to have made the decision you’ve made . Best of luck !


Take the kids and the bf in but not the sister.


Not at all. You are not wrong. At the end of the day yes that’s family but the family you created yourself is still more important. Your wife, your kids. This is her 3rd kid ? She should have learned the first 2 times. You are definitely not in the wrong at all.
Good luck. :sunflower:


& im sorry your sisters children have to suffer from her choices an decisions, may those children be the strength an motivation she needs to change her life around

No. It’s your home. You are offering your help and it should be on your terms.


No, you’re not wrong at all.

You’re doing the right thing and if worse comes to worse the kids will always have somewhere to go. And I’m so happy you have your wife’s back I hate reading stories of partners who don’t.

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No you are right! She seems like the type to take advantage of you and your wife. Agree to take the kids but that’s it!

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Nope! Stand your ground! Do what’s best gorgeous you & your family!! You owe your sister nothing!


You’re doing the right thing. If your sister gets in there it will destroy your life and what you’re trying to rebuild and set you guys back or worse. I actually don’t think that the boyfriend should even be allowed either. If the kidd get taken then Lilkley cps will contact you regardless to take them in before considering foster care. They need to figure out their life and not at your expense of your home or dollar. Tough love but it is what it is. Hopefully the kids get offered to you. If you need to call cps to get that started or Atleast offered on their file then do it.

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I think you have done and said the right thing. It sounds like your sister needs some tough love. And what an amazing husband you are being supportive to your wife.

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Maybe the boyfriend needs to reevaluate his relationship with your sister for his children’s sake. Honestly I applaud you for not enabling your sister. She needs to suffer the consequences of her actions. Tough love. Help out your nieces and nephews and the father if he is genuine. As a single mom doing it with 5 kids, I have 0 sympathy for a mom who won’t get it together and do what she needs to do for her kids.


I wouldn’t take any if them. Let the boyfriend go somewhere else with the kids.

You are not wrong for standing with your wife and child and doing what is best for them.


Or wrong at all and you have her so many options

In this case, I am just like your wife and I am telling you please stand your ground and stick up for her… because she, like me, sounds like she will let things get bad for you again on accident while trying to love and help your sister. You are in the right. Take care of you and yours and dont let anyone else wreck your home life. Cant help anyone else if you cant help/keep your home together.

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No you are not wrong. One toxic person under your roof can cause a total upheaval and can affect the progress of your family unit, especially the kids. If your sister can’t abide the rules then she can figure it out on her own. She should be responsible enough to know that she is not a good mother and stop breeding. It sounds like her BF has the right idea and is being held back by her. He needs to soul search and figure out what is best for him and his kids before CPS takes the kids because of the his SO. Don’t feel bad and your wife shouldn’t feel bad for protecting your family from a potentially bad situation.

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worry about your self and the family u made.

Take the boyfriend and kids until your sister can get it together …always do what is good for the kids!!!

Never jeopardize your family . Help the kids yes but only on your terms .

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If cps is after them… They’ll be watching you both also if your sister is there…
Watch out for that


This is not your problem. She need to change her life. Stand by your wife like you have been doing.:heart:

You sound like an amazing father and husband STAND YOUR GROUND!

Keep ur boundaries…I would reach out to CPS and let them know ur willing to take the children, and explain y ur not wanting the adults. At the very least it gives the kids a safe place to land in this mess. Hugs to u babe :blue_heart:


Wow you and your wife are good people…….but I see disaster coming if you let her in


Kids only If you let the sister or the boyfriend in there it can potentially and probably ruin all the work you and your family have done. Your kids will most likely be able to adjust to the other kids bein there but will resent having dysfunctional,irresponsible adults there. Stand your ground.

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Your sister sound like some piece of work. If she can’t take care of her own house I certainly would not want her in mine!

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No, you’re not wrong. And God bless you for still offering to take in the kids & bf without your sister. Most people wouldn’t. I hope it works out for all of you. Maybe the dad can get custody and help with a housing program . It will probably be hard since all those programs are one-sided (women & child only)…

Don’t take your sister in. She’s causing so much unpleasantness for you and your wife… and she’s not even in your home yet. The children can be youlls priority and their parents must contribute. Or,they will forever be needing free ride. Well done on putting your wife first

You aren’t wrong. Your wife and daughter come first. Your sister will cause pure chaos and is unwilling to even abide by normal house expectations.

Let CPS take her children, because do you know what they’ll do? Likely give them to you anyways. You can keep dad involved. Call up the caseworker and tell them you are willing to take the girls should they be removed.

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No do not involve your family in a CPS investigation. Also your sister accused you wife of theft and has refused apologizing all this time… what do you think she’s going to do when she lives you guys?!? Are you prepared to deal with the stress this puts on your own family and your marriage? Even family members that like each other and get along great struggle when living together… not to mention they’ll have tenants rights so good luck getting them out in the future.


YOU offered a perfect solution and your sister balked at it. Let her figure it out. A bought lessons is the best lesson. Don’t put your relationship/family at risk for someone who is obviously not ready to do better. Be available for the dad/kids through CPS.That way everything is legal and there’s no confusion as to your role/responsibilities in the matter. GOOD LUCK

Nope take none of the adults they need to figure it out on their own 2 adults children and an animal that’s your sister and her boyfriends problems they are asking to much of you they need to find someone else to take in their dog until they get their act together. You and your wife can take the children in but none of the adults they need to figure it out. I as a woman would not even feel comfortable with letting my sisters boyfriend move in without her there so no he also has to figure it out for himself!

You did perfectly!! Sadly this is reality and she is no better than anyone else.

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You are not wrong. If you aren’t careful the takers will take all you got and then move on to the next people.

She doesn’t like your lifestyle and the way you and your wife live day by day it won’t work out , it’s good you had that conversation before hand and before you allowed her to just move in willing to help her , it wouldn’t have turned out well in the end it would have been a fight , disagreements , and probably put a bigger strain on your marriage . It’s best she finds somewhere else to stay if she’s going to be bullheaded and set in her ways while needing help. People who need help don’t argue . And if CPS is involved you don’t need or want that around your house daily .

Stand your ground and if you have a relationship with the father then why don’t you talk to him about taking your sister to court and fight for full custody !

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Cps will probably give you kids anyway

If him and the kids can come then do it. Seems like his ready to change things and she still wants to make excuses…

if the agreement is she isn’t sitting around the house all day she either finds a job and cooperates or finds somewhere else to go.


You are not wrong. Your sister needs to changer her ways. She can’t be a freeloader in your house, if she is going to stay there she needs to pull her own weight.


absolutely you are not wrong. Please don’t let them all move in. She will destroy your marriage.


Don’t take the boyfriend either. That’s a disaster waiting to happen

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God bless you and your wife. Let your sister figure out her own life. Its not on you.

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I’m sorry to say this BUT if cps is involved I would NOT have the sister or her boyfriend in your house because that puts you and your kids in their problem as well and if they are deemed unfit it will hurt you and your kids too! You could ask that cps place the kids with you and see if dad would sign off on that, and help dad find a hotel or something but DO NOT let him or their mom stay with you as it puts you and your kids at risk. Even if you take their kids in though cps will get involved to a different degree following up to check your backgrounds and housing and all that. They will be quite invasive.


Her ways will look like your ways if your not careful, then your kids will be taken away too. It will be a disaster if you let her come live with you and your fam. Let her boyfriend and her figure out their life. Sis has issues.


I would flat out say No! She sounds toxic and its going to put a strain on your family. No way


no yall r not wrong as matter of fact js yall let them move in its gonna be a disaster n cause lots of problems i have been there i know i would if yall feel comfortable doing so check into maybe getting the kids though

You are right. Your family comes first. Put God first. Any decision you make should be in agreement with your wife. It may be hard for her to say no because of the children but you should be able to pick up on her feelings.


You’re 100% right family or not hold your ground!


Stay out of it, your sister is not gonna change. You can’t take in the boyfriend without the sister. You can take the kids but that’s gonna create a whole other set of problems. If they already had cps, you will have to deal with them in your home. Basically your sister and boyfriend made their bed now its their responsibility to get the wrinkles out. Don’t invite trouble!!


Absolutely not! She has CPS involved in her life so why would you want her around your child?? She accused your wife of stealing $. They are grown and can figure it out on their own. Take care of your family.

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If CPS is involved, they would have to approve placement of the kids. Not saying you guys would have any issues with that; but you could contact the caseworker and let them know what you do, and tell them you’re willing to take the kids but not her.


Don’t take her in. She will drag you down.


Do not give in to her


Proud of you! That was so hard to do, but you’re right to protect your family first. Your sister should learn from your example instead of insisting everything be her way that isn’t working.


Definitely not wrong and as you and your wife said take the two young kids so parents can get sorted! And not have the huge strain of sister there expecting everything for nothing!


I would take in the boyfriend and his kids. When your sister wants to grow up she can be there too. Until then well I hope their car is comfy!


You are not wrong. They need to find another place or let you take the kids until they can. Your sister is not willing to compromise and will ruin what you have.


Stand your ground. Keep the kids if need be but don’t allow your sister in your home because then you will be getting investigated too


If your sister don’t want to change her ways she is not going to home is as far as you can go don’t put y’all s life in her Chous she will have to figure it out. If she stays anywhere else there is going to be rules don’t let her put a cloud over y’all’s head y’all offered she refuses to go by y’all rules if she truly needs her kids in some one else’s care then let’s hope she will bring them to you or someone who will take good care of them

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No, you are not wrong. I wouldn’t do it either. You have enough on your mind.

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You were right in all you said, your family comes first

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Not wrong. Its a sad situation, but the sister can drag you down and cause you to lose everything. Been there with a cousin. Be on hand as a foster should the kids be taken away from sister.

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