As a SAHM, how do you make the time pass?

For those of you who stay at home with your kiddos. How do you make the time go by faster? My husband is out of town for work Sunday night-Friday night for the next 15 weeks and I find myself often staring off. I know it sounds dumb but we spend a lot of time together as a family so I feel down practically the second he leaves. We have a 4year old and a 4 month old and 2 dogs. I clean and play with the boys but I can never seem to find enough things to do to keep my mind busy from being bleh. Don’t judge me my husband is literally my best friend. (We don’t have any friends or family here so that’s not an option its just us)


I read and play video games to help personally. I still clean and hang out with my babies. And i have games for them as well we play. So its fun all around for us.

Take the boys to play groups and meet some other mums in your area. That way u can ho to kid friendly cafes for brunch and have a bit of a social life. It’s always good to have a few friends…

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I volunteered or studied whilst I was at home. Either helping single mums with babysitting when my children were very young, ran an online and phone support group or was out in the community once they were off to daycare. I then went back to school (from home) and got a degree.

My husband works from 430pm to 730am and the sleeps during the day until he has to go to work again. It’s not the same but I get it. I’m a sahm also and have a 4 year old and a 9 month old. It’s rough but you just have to do what you can. Cleaning, go outside a lot, parks, walks, I go to my moms house like 4 times a week lol because she lives close and why not? Literally just do whatever you can to stay sane. You got this mama!

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I completely get this. My husband and I are the same way. We had a similar situation and while he was gone I learned how to make my own sourdough bread, starter and all. Doubled the size of my garden and did alot of garden work and planning, alot of deep cleaning like scrubbing base boards and taking down all the curtains and washing them. I Read soo many books too, but I really just cleaned and organized different parts of the house every week as a main focus. At this time our 3 kids were still pretty young (1 month old, almost two year old and 4 year old) so going a gym and tons of outdoor activities were not easy.

Download Royal Match and enjoy. lol. Read a book, cook up big batches of meals to freeze, reorganise your pantry and your wardrobe …… all the things I would do if I wasn’t addicted to Royal Match :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Read a book, colouring, crafting, go for a walk, play a game, do a puzzle, or some puzzle books (sudoku, crossword, word search)

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Get yourself a hobby I started cross stitching at 18 when I was pregnant now 42 and still going 4 kids later I also do adult colouring and now been doing diamond painting for past 2 years as well sometimes I read the odd book as well xx

Find a library, they have classes. Write. Everything kids are doing I wish I did. Find flash cards for oldest or put him in preschool. Idk find friends.

When my kids where younger I was kinda in that situation I worked full time and gained sole custody of my kids when I was off we would go to the zoo or the city use to do all kinds of events parks (water parks)

How about taking them all to a park to play or doing some kids activities…they usually take up some time. Watch a few movies with them. Wash the dog together. A bit of weeding together

Well for me, I don’t have a hubby but I work and time has no problem passing by. :wink:

find a hobbie around your home to feel wins, or accomplishments. stuff like gardening, raising chicken if you can or start taking the kids out more to freebie places more often. when I was a sahm it could get to feel like that until I joined the gym, and a playgroup for the kids. seek around locally to find activities for you and the kids to dig into… if the community life ain’t for you seek into some hobbies around the house like suggested before

Read, garden, different crafts, baking, I love planning events-birthdays, holidays, just the random bbq get together. You can find local cheap or free things to do. Our library hosts different things throughout the month, they have a weekly baby group.

I have issues with my adhd and I literally will spend hours in one area of my house look like I did nothing all day lmao. It makes the time fly though.

I’m the complete opposite actually, I don’t have enough time in my day. I spend all day cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc. All I can suggest is maybe take the kids to the park, out for ice cream, go on a walk. Or maybe something that you enjoy for yourself, maybe a hobby.


Lots of great suggestions above , also if you like getting out and about get an off road /running buggy and put the kids in with plenty of snacks , removes the limitations of where you can go even if you don’t want to run with it

I’m the exact opposite! I don’t have enough time during the day to get everything done. Maybe put the 4 year old in t-ball or something like that. You can get out of the house and make some other baseball mom friends.

Check out your local library. Ours has a program at least twice a week for that age of kids. You will meet lots of Moms there and once you get to know them you will be planning park days, get together at each others houses, etc to fill time. Also, see if there is a local Moms or MOPS group. I met about 5 Moms there and we do a monthly get together with our kids to let them play while we hang out. Doing either of these will open your possibilities greatly.

i wish i had free time lol.
maybe look into a hobby? or see if your area has a local mom’s group where other area moms meet up with their kids like once a week or so to play at the park and stuff.

A good book or a new hobby might help


I felt this in my soul. My hubby is a truck driver. Kids are 11 and 16. I stay at home and I just get bored. I don’t have any motivation. I hate going into town because it’s expensive out there. lol
He’s always telling me to get out and do something but what is there to do? Everyone works. He’s my person though, and even though we can talk on the phone all day because he’s driving, I literally have almost nothing to talk about because I don’t do anything. :woman_facepalming:t3:

Get out of the house. With the weather warming up there’s more free activities available.
Even local libraries have summer story times and clubs.
Our local theater does free kids movies starting in june


I watch a lot of TV lol. And music.

As one lady says go to the park you might meet other moms there

There are usually alot of moms groups to join.

I used to fill the days with activities, we signed up for all the library activities, pancake breakfasts, trips to the park, I always had a weekly craft, and we baked several times a week. I taught my kids how to cook and bake at a young age, which requirea a lot of patience, but also uses up the time. Joining a local parent/tot group is also a real life saver as a sahm. Enjoy those babies, I really miss mine :cry:

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Clean go to the park. If you have a jumping gym or pool around go there. My husband owns four businesses and is rated home for 2 years. I spent a lot of time with my kids. Cleaned and tried new recipes bc I love to cook. And when alone I watched a movie that I know my husband wouldn’t want to watch remember it’s good to miss each other it will bring you closer together

Get 4yr old involved in swim lessons at swim prep you’ll meet a lot of moms have play dates take him to launch on toddler days maybe a half day program for him to play with other children get involved with church group centerpoint in prattville is great

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I paint, draw, color, read, bake/cook, take kids to the park, play, do yoga, taught myself how to play piano, crochet, knit, sew. All kinds of things . Whatever sparks my interest. I’ve learned some pretty awesome stuff over the years and my kids always know we can be creative and do whatever interests them .

Start homeschooling the 4 year old! Plants and insect are free and so fun to learn about. My son learned Math helping me in the kitchen. We learned to make breads and cakes from scratch. Egg noodles and pasta are fun to make. We bought a package of seeds and grew our own lettuce.

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Daily crafts with kids! Go on daily walks or go to the park. Go to library, twice a week libraries have story time and craft day usually and do many other activities, you can find out when on the library calendar.

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Check out your local library for activities with the kids! My oldest is in a kids garden club, kids knitting club and a bunch other one day classes. Also my youngest loves story time every week. I’ve met some awesome moms and we frequently do play dates outside of the library. :heart:

Ugh I hated when my fiance worked in the oil field. He would be gone for weeks to months at a time. It’s rough, especially the first few days. Honestly, I played merge games on my phone a lot lol. Having a daily routine helped a lot. Like story time, play time, independent play time, learning time, meal time, bath time, tv time, etc. Just having each hour planned would help. Some days would feel longer than others but it seemed to get easier each day.
Make sure to get out of the house a couple times a week if you can. I’d take my son and go browse around kohls or target, go to the library, etc. It’ll get easier momma. 🫶🏻

My husband works out of town he’s gone for three or four weeks at a time and usually only home for 1 week a month. And I stay home with our 3-year-olds and then we have a teenager as well. We go to the library sometimes they have little events that are free just fun little story time things like that. We go to the park a few times a week. When I get free time things I do to pass the time is puzzles sometimes. I love to read. I love mystery suspense books. I scrapbook. I love baking, I even bake with my toddler so he enjoys it as well and it’s something we do together. I know a lot of people that join like Mom groups in the area so you kind of meet up with other moms in your area that have kids around the same age and you guys plan things together so you get to know one another, a couple of my friends moved far away to another state and they didn’t know anyone there so that’s what a couple of them did and they have made their best friends by those mom groups in their area. So that would be something maybe you could look into :person_shrugging: volunteering places like in nursing homes doing activities with them can be fun however I’m not sure how much free time you actually have I’m assuming not much since you have a baby that’s only 4 months. So if you’re looking for activities to do together with your kids swimming is something the kids might enjoy for the summer. Painting or playing with water guns outside. I’m not sure if you enjoy gardening but that could be something your kids might enjoy too ? maybe when the baby’s taking a nap?

I understand I am stay at home mom wife business owner all from home it challenging it work out it never end job being mom but worth it in end

In evenings once littlee’s asleep take up a new hobby, get into ted talks and also lots of free training course online still that you might find useful and interesting

I read, play my switch when I have time but I also went back to school I finish my bachelors degree in science in psychology and now I’m studying my masters degree in mental health in counseling so by the time all of my kids are in school I’ll be able to take the exam to become a licensed therapist

Sahm of 2 with a driver hubby. I get the time away but it doesn’t bother me. While the kids are at school I’m busy doing things around the house and helping my mom. I also diamond paint…

Get a circuit machine learn to use it ,make crafts for kids and turn to a side hustle

Take ur kids to the park n make friends with other moms who your kid plays well together…playdates is nice way to keep busy.

Video games, crafting, learn a new language, diy projects

Get put of the house♡
Library day, park day, look for little free classes for the kids around town

Read a few good books… learn a new hobby crafting

Gosh, I wish there was time to be wasted. Time goes by entirely too fast over here.

Trips to the park or libary could be something fun for you and the children!

Find out what time your local library has reading time/activities for kids. You’ll meet other sahm moms/kids who like going to parks for outdoor time, etc.

Could take the kids to a park and look for other mama’s strike up a convo and make a friend :grin: even though it’s not as easy as it used to be.

I would try to join a mom group and go meet some friends. Having people in the same place of life as you makes all the difference in my opinion. They understand what you’re going through and we all want to be understood and heard. So go meet some friends! Have some fun. Fun is definitely NOT over rated.

List of things I do with my 3 kids (ages 2,7, and 8. Two girls 1 boy):
-Pool (if it’s warm enough)
-splash pad (if it’s warm enough)
-water balloons or sprinkler in the front yard (if it’s warm enough)
-play ground
-art and crafts
-children’s museum
-nature center
-chick fil a to eat and then let them play in their play place they have once they’ve eaten.
-movie day or night at home (pop corn and candy are a must for us)
-baths. Lots of baths as they love water and if they’re in moods getting them in water or taking them outside almost always helps.
-obstacle course (I’ll make for them inside or outside using whatever we have at home)
-screen time (TV, tablets, video games
-we love to bake and cook together
-tag (sometimes even in the house
-hide and seek
-car rides. Sometimes if they’re on one and I’m getting overwhelmed I will stick them in the car and put a movie on in the car on the video screens d. Drive around
-petting zoo
-movies theatre. (I would take my 2 year old when she was like 4 months old during her nap time)

Strap the baby to you in a baby carrier and get out there girl! Hang in there. It gets better :heart: I remember when people used to say that to me and I would cringe because things were so hard right now that I didn’t care about it getting better later. I needed it better NOW :joy:

Volunteer, lots of groups need help

Enjoy ur babies!! Thats all u need because ur gonna blink and Bam they r adults

What I tell my kids when they say they’re bored, " if you got time to lean, there’s time to clean " lmao. There’s always SOMETHING to do. Go for walks with the kids, go to the park, play outside with chalk, learning games, drawing/colouring, bake something with them, always a baseboard to wipe, always laundry to do.

Get out of the house and join the community find some female friends / mum groups

Try volunteering somewhere kid friendly. I worked at a food pantry when my son was little. I would often go in on days we didn’t have customers to organize, help buy or whatever was needed just to have something to do & some (very little) adult contact. I prefer to be mostly alone though. It was perfect. Different environment, sense of completion, slow pace where it didn’t hurt anything if I took an half hour to play with my kid or take him to lunch.

Deep clean, organize cabinets, if they’re already organized, reorganize them. Find everything to do. Rearrange, plant some plants and bushes an shit. It’s spring. Do everything.

I was a Military wife for years and now he’s a DOD Civilian. Join play groups, sports, gym with childcare, zoo pass. Find a hobby you have always wanted to try. It gets easier with time.

Audiobooks and podcasts!!!

Laundry, rearrange, organize. Also take them to park, you could also work on shapes,colors, writing , cutting,etc with 4 year old. So crafts with them . Arrange play dates with other SAHMs around you.

I’m a stay at home mom ! I travel ! I homeschool my two oldest ! Baby #4 on the way ! I’d say try to find a hobby ! Luckily we travel with my husband full time , but he still works long hours (he’s a specialty pipe welder) I kinda do my own thing , I opened up my first business when I was 15 . Now I have 3 lol despite him making over 250k a year . Trust me , it’ll give you something to do and make you feel like you’re doing something as well to keep busy ! Here’s my pic for inspiration !