As a single mom, how do you afford a house?

As a single mother how can you afford to buy/rent a house right now? I am struggling so hard to even find a place for me and my kiddos…HELP


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. As a single mom, how do you afford a house?

I had 2nd job bartend/waitressing. Was really hard. Maybe you could wk on comp at home too. That wasnt an option for me then, long time ago


My husband is the only one working so it’s a single income household. He’s working 2 jobs to support us so I can stay home with the kids & no one would hire me anyway because of my past.
We are currently renting we can’t afford to buy a house in this market right now. It’s really discouraging.

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It helps to say which state and city you’re in

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I finally did it at age 32. Im blessed with a good job and I worked my ass off to get my credit where it needed to be. Here is my home, my realtor had her spouse do a painting for my closing gift.

I also didnt do a first time owner loan i did a conventional which seemed to be preferred.

It’s not easy. You’ll find yourself sacrificing time for money (busting your butt to put in more hours to make more money). It’s a hard balance but it can be done

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If you credit score is good/decent. Like a 625+ you could be approved for a USDA loan with as little as $0 down. They just tack that part onto the loan. You would have to buy a property out of town though. It’s only for rural areas.


There’s programs for first time home owners just search them up on google but I wouldn’t buy anything until the market crashes ( which it will).

I don’t know what area you live in but you might have to move. I had to leave California and move to a MUCH less expensive state and we are much better now.

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Man I feel this way about groceries right now. Everything is so hard! Wishing you the best


Serving jobs on top of a regular job

I actually had help but I also saved every penny I had. I also didn’t have closing costs (added to the loan). Credit score was the reason I had help due to divorce. Divorce can really ruin your credit.

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When both myself and my sister were single parents we co-homed a house and helped each other watch our children so that we would have to pay less for child care and maximize our money.
Check to see if there is another single mom that may be willing to cohabitation and maybe see if your schedules can align to reduce child care fees. With stipulation of no partners to live in house.
Ps some states are trying to make laws were you cant cohabitate with non related people(outrageous) so check the city laws to verify


Single mom
Only parent living in low income apartments in rural Tennessee


Single mum of 3, I work full time. 4 bed house, it’s hard work but you’ll get there. I’m in the UK

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Literally takes a village… gotta find mammas who need help and help eachother, … ladies babysit for eachother as a way of bartering. I raised 5 with friends and neighbors who had babies we helped eachother work and run quick runs to grocery stores , also live with other people in a home and share bills . My kods are grown now thank goodness but everyone chips in for bullsfood toiletries :heartpulse: cuz no matter what stage in life you are in a village is always nice to belong to


Married people are having problems renting it’s crazy expensive


My experience isn’t current enough to be relevant because the market has shifted so violently. I would encourage you to look into a partnership or co ownership with someone else. Maybe get a side by side duplex with another family. While the initial purchase could be more than a single family home, the mortgage would be split (and half will be less than a single family home) and the utilities will already be set up to not have to share. You can work out the details in contracts.

I’m a single Mom and I started a side gig baking and treat making. It’s been a huge help paying the bills. Pick a hobby you love and turn it into a side gig


Try HUD housings? USDA loan?


Look for programs to help you. There are first time buyer programs and so on… Also the department of agriculture near me offered a program that as long as the house wasn’t in the city that the program went by your income. Anyway on top.of that PRAY PRAY PRAY.


See if there is a Habitat for Humanity near you


Its hard I’m in the same boat

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Girl…you got this! Talk to a mortgage broker to see what they can do for you. There are 1st time homebuilt grants you can get. They will let you know where you stand and what needs to be done.

I worked 3 full time jobs


Check your nearest social service agency

If you’re a single mother, if you’re looking to rent, look into community resources. I’m in Maryland and here we have Community Action Council. They help connect people with landlords who have available properties, they help with security deposits, rental assistance and utility assistance. You could also check into subsidized housing in your area. We have several of those around here as well. Some aren’t the greatest, but we also have private apartment complexes that base your rent on your income. If you’re looking to buy, those community resources should also be able to point you in the right direction for first time home buyers programs.


You might have to go to your local housing authority and get public housing. It’s based your income. They take 1/3 of your income for your rent/utilities. Usually the housing is apartments. I know you said house. Houses are ridiculously expensive. My daughter managed to get a mortgage 13 years ago, but for the last 3 years she has struggled to keep her place. Divorces and illnesses have knocked her credit and income for a loop. Right now she’s on the verge of losing her place, and the sad part is, her house payment is less than rent in her area. She has had an awful time finding good paying jobs. She has one now, but they aren’t giving her the hours they said they would. So she’s still struggling. Her ex has custody of her two boys right now. She’s hoping to get them back once she gets back on her feet financially, but she isn’t sure when that will be in this economy. I was hoping she could get a roommate, but that isn’t practical in the house she has. It’s only a two-bedroom and she wants to keep one bedroom open for her boys. She brought them home to that house as newborns and that has always been their room. She hates the idea of leaving that place, but she may not have a choice. If she can’t get it caught up enough to keep it and she loses it, she’ll have to find someplace else to go. I hope that will be with a good roommate that will share expenses with her so she will feel secure for once.


Look for a first time homebuyers program. Most have mortgages much lower than you would pay for rent.

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Look for inexpensive neighborhoods as well. I needed to downsize my bills because Covid demolished my income for $70k a year to $0 /
The home I owned had a $1100 month mortgage- I bought it for $95k 10 yrs ago- sold it in today’s market for $215k paid off the $70k mortgage I owed and bought a new house for $64k with no mortgage at all - only walked out with about $35k but my bills dropped from $3400 a month to $450 a month.
I had to move an hour away but it panned out & now if people wanna visit they have to actually wanna visit and not just drop by because they happen to be in the neighborhood (I lived in a lg city, now I’m closer to country area)
Showed a lot of true colors- only had 3 visits in 7 months :face_with_monocle:


I live at work and visit the home sometimes I tell my kids since I’m mom and dad (been all there lives ) momma works 40 hours and dad works 40 hours plus what ever comes my way after that it’s very hard but I’m grateful for my house

I wouldn’t buy in this market right now. Interest rates are expected to rise 2-3 more times by December 31. If you have an adjusted rate, you’ll be screwed.
That said, look into mom groups where you live. Ask about finding out if finance classes or seminars are available. A few usually know what’s going on around your town or county. I know Savananah, GA has them sometimes bc a friend of mine sets them up. Even the free ones are barely full. :woman_facepalming:
Also, look into seeing a financial planner. They can help you get your money together.
Buying a house was best before fall 2021. I really wouldn’t until the market is a buyer’s market again.

You stick your head down and you make money anyway you can. I raised two on my on with no family in my state. I started my own Aesthetic business. 17 yrs now. Worked beautifully. If kids were sick needed me. My client’s worked with me. On the side I’ve started a pressure washing business, sold items I no longer needed, even went door to door one fall to make ends meet raking leaves. Takes gutts, strong will, & alot of tears. When I bought my house for the 1st 2 yrs I couldn’t run the drier bc the power was more than I could afford, so I hung everything outside. I’d write a grocery list. Stare at it an determined what I REALLY needed. Buy what I could. Start a new list until one day I could buy what I needed plus some.

Hang in there.


Single mom here. Our system isn’t set up to support single parents. They want us to have to work to the bone never see our children to be able to live a decent life. It’s insanity. That being said. I found a landlord who gave me a chance. Homeownership is so far out of reach for us but a dream I have as well. Good luck mama.


Single mom here at one point I worked 2 jobs then I became a dancer present day I invested in 2 businesses direct sales! I am a life insurance broker now! I love the fact I can have time and money currently building my agency!

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I guess I’m the odd ball out. I only make 17k a year and bought my house. I did first time home buyer loan. Got down payment assistance. I bought my house for only $1500 out of pocket. Bought my house for 83k and my mortgage including taxes and insurance is $600 a month. If I cam do it on 17k a year so can you. Just look into your resources


Single mom here, no child support/fathers involved, their choice. Low income/sec8. I also work.


Find another single mom to live with! :smiling_face:


I’m a single mom, work a full time job and get no assistance or child support. I just bought my home in Nov. It’s possible just takes a lot of work. I’m finally at a place where I can buy some extras and fun stuff for the kid now. Getting your credit score high enough to buy a home will pay off. Rent is absolutely ridiculous compared to a mortgage payment. You can do anything you really put your mind to


Single mother here. No help. Fathers not involved. For me it’s been easier to rent. It takes the stress off of me that if something breaks I don’t have to fix it. But that might not be for everyone. I don’t mind paying a little more in rent to have that safety net. I went to college and worked at the same time. I had incredible friends that babysat for a small cost until my kids were all in school. It was so hard. You learn to live minimally but it was so worth it. I struggled back then to have my dream life now. It’s so hard for single parents. Especially when you have dead beats that make it harder at every turn. You can do it though. Women can survive anything.


This world was not built for single mothers, especially in Amu’rica. Terrible maternity leave, increasing costs of having and caring for children, and you’re expected to do it all with a smile. Being a single Mom sucks donkey balls no matter where you are, honestly. We deserve better, and our children deserve better. You left a toxic relationship so you could build a life for yourself that you could be proud of, but our current existence is powered by antiquated male authority. To Hell with them, I say. Persevere :heavy_heart_exclamation:

A job, you get a job. Whether you’re single or not, you get a job to pay for your stuff. If single dads can do it, the single moms can too.


I raise a ten year old and a 3 year old I have my sons dad on child support because I raise them 24.7 and it helps because I can work full time and get childcare for them based off income to keep my job my son goes to a after school program and summer program and the 3 year year old in day care I also live in a tax credit apartment that goes off income so it helps a little not really but u can applications for hud housing apartments that go off income or apply for section 8 in your state

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It took while fir me. Rewind back to 2003 we had a beautiful home and both of us had good paying jobs. I just had our son. For some unforeseen reason my X decide to do drugs. He lost his job and we lost our cars and our house. Our first and only new home. I had a foreclosure on my record and a repossession of our cars. Me and my son had to live with my mom which was a blessing then in a crappy
Apartment. I stayed in school got my degree and worked my butt off. Managed to pay a 900 a month apartment. In 2011 I bought my first home on my own. It takes time you will get there. I pray that you and your kiddos find something

I moved 3 states away…

I have three kids and I’m a single mother and it is extremely hard right now but I paint on the side so it brings some extra in. Just do the best you can. I work full time at night. Paint on the side as in an artist and I pay my rent without the state paying my bills. You hustle and make it happen.

I straight got lucky. Worked my ass off for years… and finally I found one. What I pay in rent is more then a mortgage so I went for it. Its not perfect but it will be mine.

You can’t :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


You just can’t lol depending where you live of course

The price of everything is going sky high. It’s hard for me and my husband. Maybe a room mate, to help with rent.


I am living proof it can be done but it does take work I worked a full time job and a part time job on the weekends and I had 3 kids

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I would say a lot depends on where in the country you are located, and what your profession or skill set is.

Very EASY…… WORKING. And living accordingly to your budget


For buying i didnt try it yet but they have a first time home buyer program and then there’s an income eligible first time home buyer too

Depending on where u live they have lots of places that will help u buy them for lower income or no down payment. U have to look for them it differs in every state. I bought mine through naca it’s in NYS

I got my house from a first time home owner program. I also make a little over 18 dollars an hour too.

Section 8 or hud will let you rent to own!

I can’t remember which

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down payment assistance and budget

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No shame in receiving help. No shame in child support. No shame in giving baby your last name not his. No shame in however you choose to parent or feed your baby…
Just saying… you do you.


I don’t. I am single mom of four. Only get child support on my youngest of $125. I cannot work due to degenerate disk disease and scoliosis. We’re living in pop up camper and I work. But can’t afford housing. A three or four bedroom here is $1200-$1800 a month plus same amount for deposit. And $400 to get power turned on.
Our minimum wage here in Tennessee is still only $7.25 an hour. Working at $10 an hour my daughter can’t even afford to move into a one bedroom. At $800 plus $800 for deposit plus utility deposit of $400.


Honestly you can’t. It’s so sad. I’ve heard of a few single moms sometimes teaming up and renting a house with other single moms, it’s just a matter of finding someone your compatible with but I think it’s honestly a great idea and it helps you as well as another single mom struggling


Ugh tell me about it, I pay so much for rent and I’m trying to save for a house, I work 6-7 days a week just to try to be able to buy a house! The struggle is real!

I live in the Berkshires Mass. Rent is RIDICULOUS! In my area particularly apartments are hard to come by. I just moved out of a single family house I’ve rented for 9 years (owners want to sell) my rent was $900 (up until last July my rent was only $650 there) very cheap… I just had to take an apartment in the worst area in town and the rent is $1050, it’s in a 2 tenement building, no yard, no shed, no cellar.

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I’m a realtor. I would be happy to help you.

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We used this program and have been in our home for 12 years! It works!

Work on getting your credit score up high enough.Look into first time home owners’ loan, get you some assistance with your down payment. It will take some work, but it is possible. You got this! :muscle:

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You should be able to file for rental assistance if you are a single mom. There are private agencies like RCAP or government section 8. They will base your rent off of your income.

I honestly don’t know how you can. I am a single mom with 2 kids. I work a full time job and my rent is $1050/mo. The only thing that’s included utility wise is heat, trash, and sewer. I didn’t even have to turn my heat on this past winter. That’s for a 2 bedroom apartment. I need to find something better for sure! I can’t depend on child support. I only receive it here and there.

I’m in the process of buying a house. Lenders can work with a lower income if your credit is decent. Most want about a 640 credit score and they can do an fha loan with down payment assistance. I saved my tax refund to help with a downpayment.

Go to your city hall get info for affordable housing and you can rent an apartment base on your income, the process is long but it will be very helpful for you and your kids.

Same trying to find somewhere is stupid anymore plus add the fact my landlord where im at screwed me. Wouldnt fix the house for over 3 year i ended up paying 1900 to get a gas pipe leak repaired and turned back on 500+ on new hot water tank and had to get the furnace fixed only for her to serve us an eviction notice 1 week later. So im down 2600$ on this house got scammed for another 1300 in total from some lady on facebook. 975 first months rent 200 on security 100 on “fedex” to send the key and 60 application fee I cant get a break 6 year old 2 year old and 3 week old. Life sucks anymore.