At what point should you cut off your kids grandparents?

It’s likely that they do not care to babysit the children. Could be for many reasons, which we can only guess. I don’t know your story, nor children. I know that I would decline if let’s say, the children do not behave, are too rambunctious, or if I couldn’t keep up with them or the tasks. Maybe they have issues with their own happiness and feel that they can’t take on more responsibilities. Do they feel that the only time they are contacted is when they are asked for a favor? Poster, I am in no way trying to say that these are the reasons. I am just giving ideas off the top of my head to see if any logic can be made from it. It could be that they are just not the grandparent type of people. I hope that you can find a resolution that works for you and your family. I had to cut off a set of grandparents in the past, so I feel for you. Have you ever asked why they aren’t interested in being with their grandchildren? I would flat out ask. That will make them aware of how you feel.

Drop the ball, you are doing all the work. It’s not an airport you don’t need to broadcast you’re leaving annocement but take them off facebook, stop calling, stop reaching out. They have no interest in being their and you doing all the work gives them a false narrative of “we love our grandkids so much”. Make sure you aren’t in a state with grandparents rights and learn what your and their rights are.

I cut my sons grandmother off because she lashed out at me for protecting my son for something her son did. That’s where I drew the line.

I have a very toxic relationship with my mother. She is a huge narcissist and believes people should cater to her.
It got to the point where I was the only one calling and initiating video calls. She hardly ever called and her excuse was “I don’t know your schedule”

Because you know it’s not like I can’t see a miss call and not call back :roll_eyes:.

She would get upset that the kids wouldn’t talk all they did was play when she was on the phone (they where young and also they both are special needs)

There where times where I would stop talking with her but would let her call the kids but when she did she always made it out to be about me and how awkward it was to call (I’m sorry the call is not about you and I it’s about the kids)

There where other things that led to me cutting her off to but this was just one of many

It’s not my responsibility to make sure you have a relationship with my child. You are not my child you are my parent. If you love my kids like you say you do then you would make an effort. I have family friends that shower my kids with so much love more than she does. And I refuse to have someone in my kids life who just comes and goes as they please with zero regards to their emotional wellbeing. I’m setting boundaries for my kids so that when they are older they are able to pick up toxic traits and know how to set boundaries when it comes to that.

Do it before they get to attach. Mine were 5 and 2 when I did. They are now 8 and 5 and neither of them are even aware of who she is. I did have one incident 2 years ago my oldest was (newly 7, he’s about to be 9) we where getting ready to go on vacation with my dad and step mom (who adore my children and vice versa) he asked he said “ what ever happen to that other lady? Was she your parent? Did she die?”

It really tugged on my heart strings but he also asked so nonchalantly that the answer wouldn’t have affected him either way. I just told him. “No she did not. We just don’t communicate very well, and we don’t understand each other very well so it’s just best that we don’t talk, and that’s ok”

I never bad mouth her to them. I know one day when they are older she will reach out, and that’s ok. I know she will say things and that’s ok, my kids will know the truth because I never painted her to be a bad guy and that I was open with the fact that we didn’t get along. I’m hoping this will help my kids be able to pull out her narcissistic tendencies.

Wish you the best of luck. I know it sucks to have to do that. I feel awful. I had such a beautiful relationship with my grandmother I wish my boys could have that with my mom, but they don’t. But at lest they don’t have the toxicity of that relationship with her

Well it sounds like you don’t have to cut them off. They made their own choice already

Time to cut it. If they want to be in their lives they would. Kind of facing the same thing myself but not the grandparents. It is what it is.

You sounds more worry about not having a free babysitter than your kids not having a presents grandparents .
They do not own you childcare

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I’m a granmother help out now and them but sometimes you just need a break does not mean you don’t love them

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There are lots of people who would love
to be adopted grandparents.

I’d just stop putting in any effort with them. Let them decide if they want to try or not. And if not that’s on them.

I am involved in my grandsons’s lives!! My ex- husband really don’t bother. I would be no place else​:heart: love my family :heart:

It sounds like your children don’t have any grandparents now. Don’t make a big thing of it just drop them. Quit getting in touch. Quit telling them about the kids. Quit trying. You can’t change them or control their behavior. You can only control your behavior. Just take a deep cleansing breath and let it go. The trash took itself out. You may never know why they are the way they are. Don’t waste an ounce of energy on them. It’s obvious they aren’t interested. Give them what they want. Is there an older couple at church that you and your kids love? Chosen family is often more precious than blood family.

My mum lived 8hrs away, she took time off every September to spend time with her grandchildren, I used to come home every Christmas for my kids to spend time with my mum and stepdad. I now have moved closer to my mum. my grandparents (my kids great grandparents) see them twice a year when we go visit as we travel 8hrs to them.

Sounds like my grandsons other grandma!

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I’d be telling them bye that’s what u call toxic people and ur kids don’t deserve them in their life.

When they work against you instead of with you. Never undermind the mama. It’s not cute or helpful.

Some grandparents want to be involved but are not permitted to. Only get invited over when 30’other friends are there. No quality time or visiting with kids and parents. After 3 1/2 years of excuses and attitude, we’ll love from afar. We do see 2 of the 4 grandkids we have. We focus on them. Sad over the kids but when parents don’t chose to involve you, at all, and it all comes to a head… no choice but to accept what the parents want. Of course, we are the bad guys…victim mentality…but it is what it is.
Maybe one day the manipulation will be recognized and they’ll work it all out… but if not, it’s a long, long life to live miserably. We aren’t the only disposable family. Treats mom, sister and other family and friends poorly…only from one side…other side… all good. Communication and comprehension is so important, yet nonexistent.
Hands tied, wounded hearts due to no seeing those grandkids, but we’ll survive! Sure they will too. They have a beautiful family and we wish them great health and success!

find some neighbor grand parents for your kids to enjoy.

I’ve been with my husband 7 years and seeing my mother-in-law about maybe five times I can’t stand being around her

Probably just done being parents… :100: Let em live their life


Grandparents who are not involved never wanted to be parents in the first place. PERIOD.

Now… they have made it quite clear that they do not want to be part of your family’s life. Plus you don’t want your children to be around people who make then feel unwanted… they pick up on that.


They actually haven’t done anything wrong . Why cut them off , just keep your boundaries… I’m sure they love them , but prefer to live there lives differently to other grandparents…


I would stop reaching out.

So sad grand baby’s are the best experience ever

Eff em. Kids should only be around those who want to be around them.
If people want to, they will.

Don’t reach out anymore. Have the kids make little cards or whatever, and send them in the mail. Eventually they will realize what they are missing.

I love for my kids and grandchildren to come visit but I don’t want to baby sit

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Never . If the problem is between u and ur parents has nothing to do with them being grandparents

Same situation but both grandparents on both sides :face_vomiting::face_vomiting: there loss not mine .

That’s a shame I love my grandkids n don’t get to see them much

Honestly doesn’t sound like there’s any reason to keep them around :woman_shrugging:t2: I stopped trying long ago with certain ones because it wasn’t worth it. Just stop trying to communicate anything with them and block them from seeing the posts.

I watched mine a lot when they were small. I wanted to be involved. Loved it!
Now they are 11 and 12 and getting very involved with sports, friends, school, etc.

Do you want them to spwnd time with them, or babysit. They may feel you are trying to use them :woman_shrugging:

Who cares. You can’t change who people are and what people are going to do don’t try to control it and who are you to write them off? My son has never met his paternal grandparents and you know what I don’t care but if they come around tomorrow, I would gladly allow them in my son’s life. I don’t think the grandparents are the problem. I think you are. Stop trying to control things. it’s your kids decision if they want their grandparents in their lives.

Why would you cut them off? Enjoy the time you have, don’t focus on what you don’t have. They’re old, tired, they’ve done their life’s work. Let them have some life and peace. Coexist peacefully in whatever fashion you have.


Increase your efforts to engage them

Why do you NEED to do anything? Cut them off? It seems you WANT a showdown. Why? Is a showdown so important? If they don’t call, don’t call. If they do be polite and speak as if there was no absence. Don’t ask for them to watch kids, you already know they don’t want to do hours of babysitting. If you have something invite them, but don’t worry about if they come. THEY are the ones losing out on precious time. One day your kids will be grown and not have time for them either. In the meantime, show your kids that not every neglectful occurrence needs to have a dramatic climax. Maybe one day they will come around but if not when they pass on you will not have hostility as your last remembrance.

Soon as you feel disrespected

You take your kids to their house, and visit. And be sure to bring them breakfast also

Kinda sounds like they cut themselves out already. Which is very unfortunate.

My mother said to me years ago,they have raised their kids and will only babysit once in awhile,

They are cutting themselves off, so why are you pursuing?

Do they come for their Birthday Parties Christmas Thanksgiving etc . Bring presents? If the answer is no they don’t. You have answered your own question. I have my youngest granddaughter and her mother living with me . Her mother has a problem managing her money

Don’t cut them off. Just take what they ‘can’ give.

Hire someone. Dont expect. Their time is theirs. They already raised their children.

You say they don’t want to spend time with them and then go on to whine cause they won’t babysit longer than an hour or so. How about you plan activities that don’t involve them being left with them. Not everyone as they age feel like they can keep up, or enjoy having to wrangle children. Days turn into weeks sometimes without our awareness. The conversation you’re having in your head to vilify them is unfair. You are only responsible for your relationship with the children. They are responsible for theirs.

They’ve done nothing wrong. They ain’t their kids or responsibility.

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You want to cut them off because they dont wanna babysit & dont go out of their way to stop by? These are your kids- no one owes you free labor. You dont mention what you have done to help your kids have a relationship with their WORKING grandparents or even how many children there are and ages that you are expecting these working grandparents to watch. Are you taking them by to visit OR only calling when you want childcare and expecting them to drop everything to cater to you?

I suggest you temper your expectations. They raised their kids and may not want to be babysitters. They may be staying away because they get the impression you feel entitled to free labor.

And I say this as an involved working grandmother, with an adult child who does not feel entitled to my time and understands that after working full time all week I may not wanna be bothered with extra kids. She comes over to visit me as much as I go to visit her.

So wat yours actually saying is you’re upset becaus they won’t babysit for free not that they don’t wanna visit ? Have you tried inviting them over for dinner ? Or for a playdate ? Not as a job ? It might help


Try cutting off all communication. See if they say anything. Think of it as a social experiment.

Don’t call. Don’t drive by. Don’t even post anything they’d comment on (or heck unfollow them so they won’t see posts)

If they don’t come back with “hey where are the grandkids? Want to have lunch this weekend?” You’ve got your answer.

Family doesn’t just mean biologically. Lots of people make friends in their communities that are deeper and more meaningful than ‘blood’ relationships.

Don’t chase someone to love you or your kids. It’s a terrible example for them to assume they need to chase someone to love them when in fact they don’t.

If you never see them anyway then what is the point of telling them they are cut off?

Sound like the cut themselves out already just stop initiating

It sounds like they’re busy and you’ve only gone to them for help and to watch your kids, when have you went and seen them or stopped by their house? It can’t all be one sided. I wouldn’t be cutting them off purely because you don’t see them as much as you want.


Time to go. Cut em off, block them. Feel it, heal it, and release.

You nor your children need or deserve that.

It is their lost and to bad it has to affect the children. Do the children want to go?

They should have been cut off. Toxic af. They aren’t gonna change

Can’t force them to be something they’re not.

If they aren’t showing interest they’ve cut themselves off. Stop inviting them and stop involving them.

They don’t want to babysit for you so the appropriate response is to cut them off?

I’m not surprised they don’t want to babysit!

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I’m not sure which is worse. Uninvolved grandparents or overly involved grandparents. We’ve got one set of each. I don’t expect either of them to babysit my kid’s.

They’re grandparents not built in babysitters maybe that’s why they don’t want to come around very often :woman_shrugging:t2:

Well maybe you need to ask why !! ARe they screamers, feeders,nasty brats,spoilt rotten,have no manners Or maybe they dont like you and whatever they do will be wrong… Or they had their kids and dont want to grow up anymore… WHAT !! THAT SPELLS OUT MOST OF THE KIDS TODAY…

so you’re going to write off family members for not providing free care?

Now. Right now cut them off.


Cut them off? By all means it doesn’t sound like there’s anything to cut off. Just stop trying. You can’t force someone to be active in anyone’s life. You’ve given them opportunities and they’ve failed to try making their own. Does it suck for the children yes. But there’s nothing a grandparent can give a child you can’t. A babysitter may be more difficult but again that’s why you don’t rely on blood to help, they don’t owe it to you it’s just a helpful thing. Find reliable childcare and don’t stress yourself trying to force a relationship they don’t seem interested in.

Id like to hear their side. How do you treat them? Do you invite them to spend time with them, their son? Or is it only when you need a sitter? It’s a 2 way street. Do you ever take your kids to see their grandparents? Do you make them feel unwanted? It’s easy to say “they” don’t do anything for your kids but what do you do?

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So sorry you are in this situation. My mom took everyone of my ex sister in laws to court for grandparents rights, and although she only gets every other weekend she still can’t be bothered to visit or spend time with my kids for several months on end despite living 20 mins away.

My kids constantly blamed me and my husband bc it didn’t make sense to them why all the other grandkids got time with her but not them.

Cutting off grandparents, unless they are cruel to your children, is utterly ridiculous. Remember, YOU will be a grandparent someday.

They are grandparents, they raised their kids !
A lot of grandparents feel this way tbh .

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Cut the off bc thsy don’t behave like you want them too?
When you only seem to call them to babysit?
Not everybody wants to babysit small kids. For various reasons. That’s ok. Where did the mindset come from that grandparents are automatic babysitters? They don’t have to. They aren’t required. The entitlement is wild.


I understand how you are feeling. While Kelly is correct that it’s not their “job” it is a common understanding in most families that a grandparent would want to help. You are justified in feeling let down when someone sighs as if it’s an imposition. I have personally found neighbors etc other people who are older and friendly who my daughter sees as fill in Grandparents. One set of her Grandparents are in FL and make very little effort to be involved. It’s their loss that they don’t have a real relationship with their Grandchild.

From what I read, you just ask them to babysit,that’s not good enough reason for me. Do you at least offer to pay them? Do your children do or make nice things for their grandparents? Do you give a thank you gift after they babysit at least?

Do you visit them or just ask them to babysit?

Their loss I have my grandkids 5 days a week. My friends think I’m crazy. Then the same friends are whining because they are lonely when holidays roll around. It’s a family. Family takes care of family in our world. The rewards are a lifetime of memories. They are only young for so long and time flies by

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It’s really not that bad. Cutting them off seems extreme. Just go about your life, they’ll come around if they want to. Doesn’t seem like they’re toxic or abusive, just not hands on. Stop expecting them to help you and come around and you’ll be happier. Just go about your day and stop worrying about when they’ll come by. Don’t ask people to be a part of your kids lives.

How’s the grandparents health? What’s going on in thier life? Dont they already have thier own routine to get through every day? Just because YOU think they should babysit more doesn’t mean they are bad ppl.
Maybe take a few and be thankful they have grandparents. Your kids watch and listen very closely to what you say and do. Please don’t cloud thier opinion of these people.
Also it’s not the grandparents job to be active in your child’s life…it’s your job to be active in the grandparents life…they are older…instead of what can they do for me/us… what can you do with yku kids for the grandparents???

Ok it is kind of unfair to cut them off bc they don’t want to babysit for you? Most of us parents pay for daycare, babysitters etc. my mom & stepdad are very involved grandparents so they’d watch my kids whenever they can they both have full time jobs though, there other grandparents live out of state & also work full time jobs so they all see them when they can, they don’t alot bc they can’t but I’d never cut them off bc they can’t. Some people feel they’ve raised there’s and that’s enough, do I get bitter at times bc they don’t contact them yes I do but I’ve just came to the conclusion if they wanted too they would my parents are always around after work etc & we live a few blocks away so to me it’s their losses not mine just think about that before you don’t allow them to have a relationship with their grandparents I can understand your frustrations though!

I would honestly stop being the one to try to get them involved. If they want to be involved great! If not that’s their choice and their missing out on their grandchildren growing up etc

I hope this is not taken in an offensive manner but is there any chance that your kids have challenging behaviors, or rather behaviors that these grandparents would find challenging? Are they very energetic, are they loud, do they listen when they’re told what to do? Because if people have not been around kids in a long time they may not have the patience for them and that’s nothing personal against your children, that’s just how some grandparents are. Sad to say. 

I am sorry but if them not being in the kids lives is bothering the kids, then stop it. You are the only one that can honestly know how these motions affect the children. You are the Mom, if this is a problem, sit down with them and talk about the inactivity they have with your kids.

I am a very hands on grandmother, I was raised to be like that, some people are not like this. I do not agree with others choices but all of us are different. Good luck.

Invite Grandparents over for dinner. Post seems to be about watching the kids. Is that the only reason/time you involve them in the children’s lives? Create family events to include them.

I would continue to reach out to them and invite them for a meal or just to visit a little. They are not just the grandparents but the parents to one of you. If for no other reason than to know when they are gone, you did the best you could to honor your parents. And, maybe babysitting is too much of a worry for them. I spend as much time as possible with my grandchildren but am always worried I will let some harm or injury come to them and my daughter will always blame me. It causes some anxiety but, I still go and do with them as much as I am allowed. God Bless you all! :heartpulse::pray:t2:

First of all you should ask them, there’s probably a reason that they’re not wanting to admit. Does one of your children require special attention behavioral or physically? Not saying that’s a problem but sometimes as we age we’re no longer able to do the same things. I know because I’m older and we can get in our own comfortable routine. Just talk to them

My stepsons have technically 4 sets of grandparents and their biological moms parents do not call, face time, arrange any times during the week to see them etc… Their mom passed away back in 2017, her best friend (primary godparent doesn’t reach out but will make a big deal like she is part of their life) I swear their mother would be ashamed about the lack of effort that the people she wanted in their lives not even really honestly care to make a simple phone call. It’s not really our jobs to have these people interact or be a part of our lives just remember that. They have to put forth the effort. You have the bigger responsibility of taking care of your kids, and revolving your world around them, if they are not a part of it so be it… The kids will know who to go to in the end.

I’m always so confused by these posts…. They don’t owe you or your children anything…… at all. Get over it and live life without them or however they want to be apart of it, let it be.

That’s so sad
We have 3 Grandkidlets in the same town and unfortunately the mothers won’t let us be apart of their lives we would do anything to see them and spoil them

If they choose not to be in your kids lives, don’t force it. It’s better for them to be lonely than not feel loved when the grandparents are present💯

This “cutting off” culture is ridiculous sometimes. They’re getting old, it’s unfortunate they’re not very involved like some families but it’s not like they’re abusive or harming the grandkids are they? It seems like you just want to cut them off to spite them for not helping you enough- ask yourself in what way does this benefit your children? You just want your parents to feel bad. Raising kids on our own is hard but grandparents are not default babysitters either. If it feels like youre putting more effort for them to see them then just don’t force it

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Put in the effort they put in. Limit their visibility on Facebook; don’t let them be internet grandparents. If they don’t call/text/stop by, you don’t either!

Ask them why they don’t want to see the kids. And have a conversation about how much it hurts them and you. Maybe they have a legitimate reason for it

I see my Grandson daily. Going more than 2 days not seeing him hurts my heart. Obviously they dont feel that bond. I 100% would cut them and I would make sure to tell them why. Sorry not sorry.

Seems like they already cut themselves off.

My parents are also horrible grandparents. It sucks

Quit reaching out n making the effort simple as that

Just stop contacting them…

How often do you stop by? As much as I go to watch my grandchildren… their ((((HUGS)))).are the best.
It is easier to watch them in their home.
If they are working… Stop by with dinner. Maybe there is a medical thing that they are keeping to themselves. Or the wants of the grands are not in their price range which can be embarrassing.
If you have more Energy… don’t expect them to run to you.

Bye bye. “ grandma and grandpa” they won’t care they don’t want nothing to do with them anyway ??

It sounds like they have cut YOU all out of their lives. Sad. I can only suggest stop calling them ?? Even sadder. The only other option is to call THEM… a lot !!!

It doesn’t sound like they have done anything to trigger your little pity party. No one owes your kids anything except you. And literally no one on earth owes you free babysitting.
Maybe they don’t like your kids. Maybe they’re busy. Maybe they’re not interested.

No one owes you meeting your standards