Hi mommies due in July it’s gonna be about 100 degrees if not hotter what should I bring baby home in just a cute short sleeve onesie or something else? Thank you
I’m wondering the same thing! And I’m in Florida
Same here! I still don’t have a coming home outfit
I would bring a few onesies and an outfit just in case!
Definitely just a onesie!! Carters also has some super cute rompers right now too!
We did just a onesie.
I’m in Florida, plan on bringing baby home in just a cute onesie or romper
I took my daughter in a little dress with bloomers. We live in Texas and it was very hot. She still had a light blanket on top of her in the car though.
I plan on bringing baby home in onesie or romper
Little cotton romper
Mom of one in August !! Make sure you take something to cover baby up with just because it’s warm out doesn’t mean the baby will stay warm in the AC !! I found that my poor little boy was always freezing to death when we went places !!! They turn the AC down to sub zero everywhere now and you may need to turn yours up a bit !!
Just remember the car will probably be cool from the AC.
If you’re going straight from hospital to car to house and all will have AC as the case is for us (due July in Georgia) we’re bringing a thin long sleeve shirt with pants.
We’ve also done short sleeve and pant outfits for our other summer (June and July) babies.
Remember, babies can’t regulate their temps like we can so having them in slightly more than we would wear is very acceptable
My daughter was born august of last year and it was in the 90s the day i brought her home. I just put her in a short sleeve onsie but definitely have a light blanket for the car ride home because baby may get cold in the ac
I had my baby in June in Florida & brought her home in a short sleeved outfit
Just remember it’s 96 degrees where they are baked away fro nine mths … you have your home set at between 68 and 72 …
BTW y’all my August baby is now 19 years old and lives on his own
I had my daughter last year july 24th she was a preemie and i still had her dressed in a onesie and sleeper. Car had a/c and she was covered from the sun .
And I am. Only sad because he isn’t standing here next to me annoying the fuck out of me …
Im due july first but im probably going to have in a week or 2. I have a cute romper or a dress thats lit and cute
Just a onsie babies get just as hot as we do
Just a cute onesie is fine. They get hot just like we do.
Onesie is fine. If you going to have an A/C on in the car I would put a muslin blanket over her lap just don’t cover the car seat.
Honestly I would bring her/him home in like a pajama set because she’s/he’s a newborn and they still can’t hold their body temperature plus you got to protect their skin from the sun but at that age you can’t use sunscreen so just be real careful not trying to tell you what to do
My baby was born in July and I live in south Texas by the coast so it was scorching, I had her in a little dress with a hat and I still had her covered with a blanket when we left the hospital!
We had our first baby last July and brought her home in a onesie, and thankfully had a one of her blankets on hand because with the a/c going in the car she got pretty chilly, it honestly didn’t occur to me until that very moment that she was use to being super warm in my stomach and probably wasn’t appreciating the cool air like we were:woman_facepalming:t2:
Mine was in a short sleeve onsie and a pair of shorts. Once buckled in I had a recieving blanket over his chest and lap.
I live in Texas and it was like 105 when my son was born in July '17 lol
you can get light muslin, cotton or bamboo wraps that are great for wrapping a baby when it’s hot. A lot of babies like the snug feeling of support they get from being wrapped up, like your womb muscles are still supporting them *note, I said a lot, not all, my first hated it, my next three liked it.
Just go for a light weight footy jammie. Have whoever is driving you home cool off the car before the baby is loaded up.
I’m due at the end of July and am thinking of shorts and tank top or just a tank top type onsie for my little one.
I had a July baby with my son and I brought him home in very lightweight cotton footie PJs.
My july baby came home in a shorts one piece. It looked like a tshirt and shorts but ome piece.
General rule of thumb is an an extra layer than you would in the cold. And roughly the same as you in the heat. If i was hot enough to strip down to undies and a tank, i kept baby in a onesie or just a diaper.
Yepp! My baby girl was born in August and we just did a cute dress and diaper cover. A short sleeve onesie would also be perfect!
My little one was born on July first of last year and where I am it was 95 degrees out so I had her in a cute little onesie and shorts with a lite breathable cotton wrap over her
My toldme dress them like u would dress yourself, ny daughter was born in july and we brought her home in a cute tank top jumper however we did use a warmer blanket once she was in thed car since it was so hot we needed the airconditioning