Baby boy name ideas?

How about adding a g so he’s not teased. Like Harding

Kids are cruel and they will probably call him hard on. Just something to be mindful of.


I see a lot of comments about not naming him Hardin because of teasing. Kids will find a way to tease each other about any name. Pick the one you like best.

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Blake Harden. I love strong one syllable names for boys. Childhood is hard enough without quirky names that you have to spell for everyone…ie: Is that Harden with a y? Or Zeus?? Really? Please give some thought to this childs life.

I like the suggestion of Blake Hardin, can’t go wrong with Blake.

Hardin seems like it would get changed to Hardon. Hard-on. I know a lot of dogs named Zeus. :woman_facepalming:t4:


Step outside and yell the name. You’ll know which to choose. Watch out for teasing over Harden


What about Wanya Blake. I feel the name Hardin will be teased as he comes into his teens. Alexander too old fashion. But at least you can pronounce it.

When a kid has an unusual name, their made fun of. Not to mention that it’s mispronounced by everyone making the child feel bad. I can tell you from experience I hated that. Before you do that to a child, please consider how they will have to deal with it. It may sound okay to you, but how will it be for the child who has to grow up with the name?

Hardin would be a name that boys would be teased about.

Not keen on any of your choices to be fair

My little Grandson is called Reggie.
love his name.:two_hearts:
He was born in the first lockdown.

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Why can’t you people just come up with a NORMAL name both first AND middle? These names are both ruined.

Eli Alexander, Eli Christian, Eli Liam. Love those three names :heart_eyes::sparkling_heart:.

If you name him harden hes going to be called hard on in high school

I like Blake. I love Sebastián, Marco, Cole, Cody, Jonah

How about Zander Blake or Blake Zander.just saying :heart::heart::heart:

Blake Alexander Zeus

I love the names Noah, Gabriel…

I think Hardin is a lifetime for bullying

Alexander Blake is a really cool name!

Alexander Blake sounds good. :slight_smile:

Blake Alexander is My pick

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I love Alexander Blake together

Zebulion Jacob or Jacob zebulion

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Baby boy name ideas?

My son’s name is Cruz ……

I’ve always loved Cyrus

My son’s name is Colston


Connor, Carson Camden

mine is colton. cute… colton noah

My son’s name is Chase. Couldn’t be happier with my choice for his name 11 years later.


My sons name is Chipper

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We chose Colson for this boy :blue_heart:

Carter, Carson, Colton, Caleb

My sons name is Cash. Why is picking names so hard?! Like with him we always knew if we had a boy that would be his name. Picking a middle name took months! With our oldest, it took forever to pick out her first name and then the middle came naturally.

Caden Noah
Christian Noah

Charles Noah
Noah Christopher

I have a Caden and Carson if I had another boy his name would be Cruz or Cash.

Noah Carter
Noah Cain
Noah Conner
Noah Cade
Noah Collynn
Noah Christian

Carson chandler Camden Cory carter Clyde

Noah Carter, Christian Noah, Cason Noah

My friend has a Corbin and a Carson. Another had a Collin and a Caden.

Charles “Charlie” Noah
Cameron Noah
Clay Noah
Carson Noah
Coleman Noah

Following! Second boy due 12/20/21

Clark Noah
Camden Noah
Callen Noah


Caleb Noah
Carson Noah
Charlie Noah
Connor Noah
Christen Noah

I wish someone would do something with it. I’m sure its getting on bad shape sitting there.

Noah is cute… Noah John?

Cayden noah, Noah Cayden

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Vicky Schoolcraft Colton Noah

Noah Carson
Noah Carter
Noah Caleb

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Clayton Noah
Cavin Noah
Calvin Noah
Cord Noah
Corbin Noah
Corrie Noah

Carter, case, caiden, chandler, chase, cruz.

My sons name is Colton

Cash Noah, I love the name Cody ,Cayden Noah is cute too

Connor Carson calvin

Noah Cole
Noah Cameron
Noah Case
I have a Noah!! His middle name is Steel after his great grandad.

Carter Caleb Curt Craig cayden Corey Cole chase

Grayson. Someone in my family is named that.

My oldest son is named Corbyn Chase

Chad, Charlie, Chase

My grandson is Cameron

Cris Narro look C names

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I have a Cannon and a Cullen

Noah Ryan, Noah Carson, Noah James

Noah Cole, Noah Carter,

Carter Noah
Cooper Noah
Charles Noah
Camden Noah
Caeden Noah

Good luck and congratulations

Colton or Colby Christopher

Carson, Connor, Christian, Calvin

My son’s middle name is cassian

We have a Caleb for our second son :slightly_smiling_face:

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My sons are Coby, Caden and Cole. I’m not sure what would go with Noah so I just gave my names instead. Lol


My little man is Clayton :blush:
Cohan, Colt, Coa, Caiden are a few others I can think of

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Caysen, Caden, Camden

My son’s name is Cohen, it goes well, Cohen Noah :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Noah Mason
Noah Carter
Noah Christopher

Noah Copeland, Noah Cage,

Sorry, I totally read your post wrong.
Charles Noah
Carson Noah
Caleb Noah
Cristian Noah

I have a Noah Christopher

Clayton, Caleb, Carson, Christian

Corbin, Cohen, Colton Caiden, Carson

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Cameron. Colton Clayton Caine

Colton, cody, Christian Caden

Cassidy Noah, Colton Noah, Carter Noah, Clyde Noah, Carson Noah, Calvin Noah, Corbin Noah, Cash Noah, Carlton Noah, Clayton Noah

My son’s name is Noah Lane.

Noah Alexander,Noah Levi,Noah Weston, Noah Maverick,Noah Zander

Clay, Carleton, Cullen, Callen, Cade, Colby

My grandson is Noah George

Connor Noah
Cameron Noah
Christopher Noah

Carter Noah, Colin Noah, casius Noah, Clayton Noah,

Christopher, Clayton are only a few off the top.of my head.

I have a Colin Matthew and Carson Brantley


Caleb. That’s my sons name.

Cody, Corbin. Clifford
