Zahlia pronounced (zah LeighA) it’s a rare flower
I’ve always loved zoé
Have a friend named Zale
Zafora /zaforah
Zandi, Zenaida, Zoey,
Zeena, Zoey, Zina, Zoe
Zariella? That’s unusual x
Zahara, Zenobia, Zendaya, Zara,
. . . . . . . . .
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. … … . . . . . . . . . . . … . . ,. B.bbbbbbbb.bbbbb b.b. BB bb b. B. V.v
V. B. …b. B . ,…, , .
All 4 of my kids have Z names, so I love this post because I’m currently pregnant.
Zaylex are their names!
Zahanna meaning God is gracious
Zaylee we get sooo may compliments
I knew a pretty awesome Zenobia.
Zanthe/Xanthe is my friends and nieces name. It’s Greek, she often gets called Zan.
My Nana’s name is Zona. I love it and I’ve never heard it anywhere else
Zoe Zara Zeeanna Zeeanne
Zera, Zani, Zoe, Zenara
My son’s fiancé name is Zira.
Zahli graceful Princess or high-born lady
Zera. My grandmother.
Zoya like my daughter
Zeena, it means something beautiful.
I’ve got you the perfect name, message me on messenger and I’ll give it to you. No joke…
Zophia meaning wisdom
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone have a child with ADHD that is not medicated?
There are two girls at the elementary school that I work at named Zaidy and Zeyna. My niece is Zoey.
Why Z? Just give her a name that she can live with and not stand out from the crowd with something she will find embarrassing as she gets older.
"Zahra " I know it looks like my name with a Z but I have a friend named Zahra, my name is pronounced like “sarah” but hers is pronounced different.
Zinah “little women”
I knew a girl with that name growing up and always liked it
All 4 of my kids’ names begin with Z. For the girls, I have Zoya, Zara, and Zahnah.
Zaydene… My 1st borns name is Zayden, when I thought we having a girl the 2nd time, we agreed on that name but I have 2 sons…
Zanthy. I was going to name my daughter Zanthy Grace but she got Eliza Shirley( a family name) instead
My 6th grade math teachers’ name was Zulika. I always liked it. She was really nice even if she did make me do long division.
My name is Zayra! (Pronounced zaira) pretty rare!
Zanita lol thats my sisters name
Zalina which means moon; Heaven; shine; light.
Zoraida that was my grandmothers name
My goddaughter is named Zayna. Short for Azaynalynn.
My little girls name is zadie!
Zaneta or Zalia (Z-ay-lee-ah)
My niece is Zahara. We call her ZZ for a nickname
My friend named her daughter Zaylie. Could be spelled Zaylee, or Zailee I think. There’s Zayla or Zaila also.
I have a friend named Zoyia. It’s such a beautiful name!
Zamora? A friend of mine named there daughter that and I’ve always thought it was cute.
My son daughter Zebianca. combination of parents names…Zebulon&Caroline .
I have a friend named Zsa
Zeanath…zaylin… zaran…zeeclin…zara…
My nieces nickname is Zarah.
My niece’s name is Zora. It means sunrise
My daughters nic name is Zan/Zandra (Alexandra). Zhuri pronounce z-er-ee
My daughter’s name is Zertaab.
Zahida . I only know that one because it’s my bestfriends name
I wanted to name a girl zaddie/zadie or zailynn
Zahna God Is Gracious Derived From Jane
Zariah is supa cute
I heard it on gods of Egypt and I loved it.
Knew a girl named Zandra.
The name I wanted was Zivandria but my husband wasn’t a fan so now I use it on all of my toons in games🤣
Zekei, my daughter name nekezia… Zakari, zy’asia,Zaa’lyiah, zamira,zemiracle, zyliah
Zayda, Zaraha, Zoe, Zaralyn
Zara Zena zadey zoe Zia zailey zassy
Zawadi,means gift in Swahili
Zuri , Zelda, Zadie
Zamara, Zendaya, Zulema, Zierra
Zayra (or Zaira), Zoe (or Zoey)
One of my nieces name is Zadana.
My cousin daughter is
Zuha … meaning light
Zaisleigh, Zaylah, Zyla, Zaylee, Zailynn, Zoeigh:heart:
Zali, she gets called Zed
I have Ziva
Zané - God’s gracious gift
I had a great great aunt whos name was Zola.
Zurianna, Zoiella, Zaida, Zarin, Zeonna, Zealand, Zella, Zelda, Zinnia, Zyra, Zara, Zareen
Zandale, Zanairy, Zanay Zaleeya zemera zyra
Zelri - a friend of mine, daughters name.
Zuleika means fair, brilliant and lovely!
Zaria is beautiful my daughters name Is Zahria Zjene
Ziona, Zayda, Zerima, Zalilah, Zarena, Zadiyah, Zareema
Hope it helps, good luck😍
Zuria, Zenon, Zuri, Zandaya
Oh I love this! My daughters name is Zoa
Zerlina - means beautiful dawn
Zalinea,zalindia zoelie
Zaniyah, Zayleigh, Zaharah, Zachariah, Zariah, Zavaya, Zaylynn
I have a Zailee
Brave & fearless
My nieces name is zhaviah
Zailey -meaning heavenly loving kind
Zeda (pronounced zay-duh)
How about Zara or Zelda
Zatanna, goddess of protection
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone have a child with ADHD that is not medicated?
We picked Zara for our little girl. It’s not common but also not weird or something she’ll have to spell out for people her whole life
Zahra, Zahara, Zahana, Zalia, Zarina.