Please help me choose between the name Aiylee or Kinlee…thanks
Kinlee would be my choice!
Kinlee congratulations-
Wait to see the baby and see what feels natural. Don’t feel pressure to name early. We did and couldn’t come up with a girl name, settled on a family name but now I wish we waited. She doesn’t look her name
Choose what u think fits. I vote Aiylee though my daughter is Aleeanna… We call her Alee…
I dont like either of them
I love kinlee but i feel like it’s getting popular. If that doesn’t bother you, Kinlee. I think aiylee is very cute though as well!
Between the two I like kinlee . She’s your daughter pick the one you like best
I LOVE both!! Kinlee is adorable and Aiylee is so sweet and beautiful! Hmm hard choice… I pick kinlee!!
Kinlee is my favorite. I got to name my niece and she is named McKinley Reese.
Kinlee is pretty. I have a little cousin with that name but her mom spelled it Kynleigh
Kinlee, that’s so pretty
Say and yell both of them a lot. Because that’s what you are going to do for the next 18-20 years. What name can you handle screaming the most? Because you will yell her name when she is at the park and you’re trying to get her attention, upstairs in her room, outside playing with friends, and especially when she is in the process of destroying your house. Yell the names alone and especially with her middle and last name because it will come to that.
Kinley is more common than the other
Kinlee… my daughters name is Kinleigh
Kinlee. I named my daughter Kinslee. My husband calles her “kinlee”, lol.
I would never give a child a name where they constantly have to spell it correctly their entire lives for other people. That would be frustrating. They are pretty names though
My daughters due in 5 weeks and her name is gonna be kynleigh
Kinlee is going to be more common… but they are both sooo pretty. Good luck with that decision lol
Aiylee, it’s more unique.
Kinlee but I’m biased as my daughters name is McKinley
Both are cute names, but I like Kinlee more.
Look at your daughter’s face when she’s born and you’ll know