What does everyone think about the name Chastadie Henrietta? My baby girl will be here in less than 3 weeks and I’m not sure what I think about the name. Dad is completely set on it, I just have mixed feelings about it tho.
I the middle name but not the first. What about maybe Charlotte? Your decision though:heart:
Not a fan of the name honestly . Keep looking for name :
Maybe :
Chantelle Henrietta
I don’t like the spelling but Chastity is nice. All the best with your baby Xx
Not fond of it at all. What’s your pick for a name?
Love middle. Not so much first. I keep hearing mean kids tease about her Belt
If you’re going to name her that you should at least spell it the right way.
Not a big fan of the middle name
If you like it go for it. It’s 2019. If you named her Jessica people would hate because it’s “too basic” do what name makes you happy mama
Mmm. I would say don’t name your child something you don’t agree on. I had a name I liked and my boyfriend hated it. We eventually decided on one of the names he picked. But I couldn’t imagine her with the original name I wanted.
Yes to the name. No to the spelling🤣
It doesn’t flow well and not fond of the name at all.
I don’t care for quirky spellings of names. It’s not clever. It’s confusing.
I think it feels clunky when a middle name has too many syllables if the first name is already 3 or more syllables.
I also didn’t read that as Chastity at first. Like, it didn’t stump me or anything but it gave me pause for a split second.
I mean, my daughter has a quirky spelling on her name (which I honestly disliked but it was a better compromise than what her bio dad wanted) and its frustrating at times having to correct people and constantly explain the spelling. I liked Wren (like the bird)… I thought it was cute and simple and not particularly common but not strange either. My ex wanted to name her Rin (after a flipping anime character)… we compromised by spelling her name Wryn. I wish I could have spelled it with an e so badly… doctors, teachers, and other people are constantly pronouncing it as rine or ryan or rain…
But she’s almost 9 now, so Wryn it is…
I prefer the original name Chastity, I dont know why people take normal traditional names and make them sound or look different, its not cool and the child has to live their life correcting everyone at every turn then.
Henrietta sounds like a chicken’s name Chastity yes
Cassidy sounds better and close to what he wants.
Terrible. Give her a normal name.
It’s ok, but I’d keep searching!
Not my style for names but not my baby
Find a name you both love because you’re going to be saying it a lot and seeing it all the time! As for the name, it’s already unique - I would use an easier spelling. Imagine having to spell your name Every. Single. Time. But overall I think the two names go well enough together.
That’s a mouthful just remember they have to spell it at school
I like Cassidy better. Not my baby though. I hope you can come to agree to a name you both like.
I would switch to chasity, but I love Henrietta
You can call her Etta for short, very cute!!
My girls are Vivian Pearl and Everlee Ruth, we love old names!!
I had a chicken named Henrietta
Ummm… Is murdering the father an option? Do not name her that … all I can think of is a dang chicken
I like the name, but I’d go with a traditional spelling if it was me.
Your kid would hate you
I would spell it traditionally
No i like smaller names so they dont get nick names but your choice