Baby name ideas?

My husband and I constantly fight about baby names. This will be our second child (we don’t know the gender yet). I of course have a few names for both boy and girl; which he won’t even look at or listen to. He automatically says the boy will be named after him. First, middle, last name all the same. I have told him I’m okay with the middle name being the same or moving his first name to the middle. But he won’t have it. I think my husband’s name is too common of a name and besides the fact I don’t want the same name for a boy. We fight so bad I just sit there and cry. I’m at my wit’s end especially being so emotional already. Does anybody have any suggestions or advice or what to do??? :sob:


Allow him to name you all son. It will be fine he Sid’s like a proud father.

You can be gim after dad but go by his middle name my brother is after my dad but goes his the middle name

I am so sorry! From my experience it’s not a battle worth fighting about. Give in… and ask for big things…:blush:hugs Mama

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You don’t know the gender yet. There’s no point in stressing over it. He wants a jr? Let him. I think it’s cute.


Stand up for yourself and make sure you’re heard. It’s your child too. It seems you’ve already tried to compromise and that didn’t go so well. Because of that I would put my foot down. My mom went through this and ended up naming my brother after our father and 20 years later she still hates it. Regardless of anything else, you need to make sure you’re heard. He didn’t make this child himself and he damn sure isn’t carrying it and going to give birth. This is a decision for both of you to make…not one over the other. Best of luck!

In my experience, I was set on the name Issac for my son. Then he came out and he screamed Aaron to me. I know it’s frustrating but I would really consider playing the waiting game until they get here

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Really if he wants the boys name to be after him. My dad and 2nd oldest brother had same name. But called him by middle name. It’s an honor really it is. My dad and brother had a close relationship. Think about it, it’s special, be grateful he wants his name after his name. I think it’s wonderful…:two_hearts:


He sounds like a lot of fun
…he needs to meet you half way.


She who bears the pain gets to pick the name


Comprimise is a thing. It’s your baby too. If he is gonna fight like this now, later could get MUCH worse.


From experience don’t sacrifice what you want if he is unwilling to compromise. You deserve to have what you want too.


Do you have a feeling of what gender you will be having? I was sure I was having a boy so agreed to a name I disliked for a girl thinking I would cross that bridge if needed turned out I had a boy so it all worked out


Relax, why fight over something that may not even be in the table (you don’t know the sex yet so it’s 50/50) put a pin in it and revisit the issue of it’s a relevant one :woman_shrugging:

If he’s a good man why not give him a jr? That’s all he wants :woman_shrugging:t2:


A lot of men like naming their first son after them and carrying out the name for generations. I think its beautiful :orange_heart:

I fought with my husband over him naming (our daughter) MICHAEL ANGELO . that’s no one’s name in our families except a ninja turtle.:joy: LMAO Italian families name the first born after their dad’s in a lot of cases, my family did. When you see that baby you’ll know exactly the name that suites them best​:heart:


Put names in a hat and choose the first name if it is gender appropriate

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That baby is coming out of your body! If you don’t want that name then let him be pissed you will deserve to give that baby the name you want!!


My husband and I bet on gender and he won so he got to name him but I had to agree on the name.

Ain’t no way I’d ever name my kid a jr or second. Nope.


You have to find a compromise somewhere in the middle. Maybe let him have the boy’s name and you decide the girl’s. As frustrating as it is in a few years it will seem like such a small thing. I understand not wanting to name it after him but keep in mind his feelings as well. Sit down and ask him why it is so important to him. I know several Jr’s and the love they have between them and their fathers is amazing but I myself wasn’t big on the idea of it either. Maybe he picks first and you middle or the other way around as well?


My SO wanted his 1st born son named after him, I dislike the name so much (even now 10 years later) but he always dreamed of having a Jr, why would I take that away from him?


Wait until you see the child.

I’d prob give in…but I just lost my baby Monday. She came way too early. Her service was yesterday. I’d give anything to have her back. A name is a name. Don’t let it ruin y’all… Congratulations btw.


Let him name the boy and you name the girl.

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I gave my husband a list of names that I could live with and he chose from the list. Our son has his middle name which is also his dad middle name.

Just pray it’s a girl. Then problem solved! :rofl:


My brother had always planned to name his son the third. Until he thought about it and talked it over. They eventually fell in love with Elijah. For his middle names, he’s named after her real dad and his uncle that never got to meet Eli. Come up with another name that’s also special and present it to him.

My sister and brother in law did the same first initial, kept my brother in laws two middle names and they all share the same last name.

My SO is named after his dad, his whole dads name is in his name and he absolutely HAAAATES it with a passion. To the point where he’s thought about going to legally change it

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Happy wife = Happy life.:sweat_smile:maybe put 1 name each in a bag. Have child u already have , draw the name whoever loses choose middle name.Life is too important to fight over names.

Find out why he wants that and if it still upsets you, ask if you could come to a compromise. If all else fails … run.

Honestly I’m probably the odd one out but if my husband wanted to name OUR son after him I would. It’s important to a lot of men. I’ve seen a lot of posts like this and they always end up with a bunch of people saying to just name the baby what you want regardless and I think that’s wrong. You both made the baby it’s both of yours choice, but something like a name being passed down that’s something I’d cave with. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Let him have his name. It’s his son and I believe men should get to name their sons. Women get to name their girls


Let him have a son named after him, just call him by his middle name

It’s important to me my kids have a family name and a name of their own. My daughter my mom and myself share the same middle name. My son shares his middle name with his grandfather and his great grandfather. I understand sentiment but I think it’s also important for a kid to have a sense of self.


Name it little shit. Lol that’s why they are or end up becoming eventually. :joy::joy::joy:

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Let him name the boy if it a girl u name her

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My dad and brother share a name and the only thing that separates them is their ss # ! I think it’s amazing

I had 7 kids had names all picked out but only one ended up with the picked name You’ll know when you see your baby

Fighting about it?!?!? :joy::rofl: sorry, but you had the fun, I’m the one who had to do the actual work. I get veto rights. Sorry :woman_shrugging:


It would mean more to him than any name you picked out would mean to you, unless you have something sentimental in mind. I’d do it.:woman_shrugging:t2: I didn’t necessarily want to name my son Marlon but my SO considered it, and if that would have been something he wanted then that’s what it would have been. It’s his son let him have it.

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Just let him name the boy. It’s really important to some men to pass their name on to their son. Is it really worth all the stress of fighting about it while you’re pregnant? Give him a cute nickname.


I would give him his Jr. It’s important to him.

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My oldest son is a Jr. That’s great cuz we were only going to have one baby and honestly, all the names just became a blur to choose from. Then I got pregnant while on the pill. Now, it took me 10 yrs to get pregnant the first time, and it was a miracle. Who would’ve thought, while on the pill, it would happen again. And guess what? A son. Can’t name them both Jr. I named him after my favorite saint. Now they’re both grown, and the oldest (Jr) is afraid he won’t live up to the name, and the youngest has always felt like the oldest was favored because of him being a “Jr”.


Tell him you feel like children deserve thier own unique names. That’s why my boys are not jrs


Dont know if it helps but i was in a similar situation with my ex partner for our daughters name, i dont like the name my daughter has but love my daughter none the less and will never in a million years reveal that to her and i still hold a ton of resentment towards my ex for it. My current and forever fiance and i had a lot of trouble arguing over our sons name and eventually we came to some what of a compromise with his name.
At the end of the day if a compromise cant be made you have to decide whether or not youd prefer a name you dont particularly like and risk possible resentment towards your partner or take the risk and name him what you want and possibly have your partner hold resentment towards you.
By the sound of things id say youd be the one to come to terms with things and get over it. You sound like the more compromising one in the relationship.
Also just to throw a spanner in the works, my fiance giving our son the names i wanted made me ever so happy and it was one of the happiest days of my life and one i will never forget and i will always cherish her for that compromise.

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I wasn’t crazy about what my husband wanted to name our boy, but it was important for him to name him after his grandfather, Charles. So I told him I would but we would call him Charlie as a nickname. It’s never a name I would have picked but it meant a lot to him so I agreed. I also have 2 girls and he never argued when I chose their names, so I got to pick for the girls.

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With my first child me and my kids father coukd.not agree so we made a deal I wanted a boy he wanted a girl so…if we had a boy I him or if we had a girl he could name her I felt it was fair and saved my relationship tbh…WE had a girl and her name is Alyssa Marie

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Oh gosh. I had the same hassle just a few days ago , when naming my little boy . The hubby insisting on names already taken in the family as opposed to a unique name I had. Till we got to the point of registration , I reminded him he named our first born (girl) it now my turn.

When we went to register I was amazed he actually settled on my name.

Talk to him and compromise

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He obviously wants a junior, did you get what you want on the first one?

Mom gets to name the child on the birth certificate!!


Both my kids are named after someone but I made it their own names. My sons middle name is my grandfathers first name. My daughter is named after my mom and my God mother but my moms name is annie and my daughters name is Annabella so I used the first 3 letters of my mom’s name and made my daughters name her own but still being named after my mom. My daughters middle name is rose after my God mother.

Are you planning to have more children? I had a past boyfriend who married somebody else. He was killed at work while his wife was pregnant. She changed his masculine name into a feminine name when the baby was a girl. His name was Charles Vernon and her name was Charlene Vernette-----so how would your baby’s name change if it is a girl?


Id let him have his first name its a boy but insist on choosing middle name. My nephews robert connor. Robert after his dad but we always used the connor from him been a kid.

Tell all midwives he is not allowed to say the name and to ask you personally.
You carried that child for 9 months. You have more of a right to name it what you want if he won’t listen.
Tell him straight out “if you don’t listen to other names, you don’t get a choice”.


My son chose his own name. Let me explain. When I was pregnant I would ask out loud, “what name would be good for you?” Then I would say names and I would get a sharp kick to my right side on the sciatic nerve. It was a very stern NO because it would only happen when talking about names. Randomly I was asked to tie up a friend’s hair and we had been talking about names. I expected the normal pain but didn’t get. I repeated tie several times and nothing. So my son was called Ty from that point on. His middle name is his Daddy’s first name. We then knew that he was going to be called Ty and looked for names starting with Ty even a few girl names just in case.

He names the boy, you name the girl. You always call your kids some cute, silly, thing anyway, pookie bear!


No matter what we both had to love the first name. He wanted to pick the middle name for a girl and I got to pick if it was a boy.

He has every RIGHT for his son to be named directly after him. Do NOT take that from him…


Lol I told my husband if I have to, I will let the nurses know to only let me write the name on the birth certificate and no one else. He got pissed so we both decided on a names to avoid that huge fight

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Pray its a girl!!! Have all your famy and friends pray for girl with you. There is a lot of power in prayer!

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I believe in Most states it’s the mother who decides and fills out the paperwork and signs it check with a hospital social worker where you’re going to give birth that way you know where your rights are

I hate juniors. That’s not even an option for me. And no name passing down bs. That sharing the same middle name or making first name middle name, etc.
Hubby would be banned from the hosp until the birth is over and all paperwork complete to make sure he doesn’t pull some b.s. with the name.


I named first two and let hubby name last one. I’m happy it’s not a boy (would have been Ben) and I didn’t like Skylar for a girl but now she’s such a little Skylar :heart_eyes:

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I always felt at the end of the day I’m the one who carried the child for 9 months & birthed him or her so I’m having the final say on the name. That being said I wouldn’t choose a name my partner didn’t like or had a negative association with.


We both have to agree 100%. He does not want a JR if we have a boy do thats not an issue for us. We have 3 girls all named after someone. I personally love the idea of carrying on a family name.

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I share my middle name with both my sons me and my wife picked the names out together we each picked parts of their names

What’s his first and middle name

My first son has the same first name as my husband my second august will have my husbands second name as his first. They are his sons. They will carry on his name whether i like it or not n im ok with the names. After all i love my husband. But its u hun. Both my husbands name have deep meaning so i didnt object. I believe children live up to their name. Look up thw meaning of ur husbands name and see

You can name him JR. Or Rj

Maybe find a name similar… my husbands name is Christopher, we tossed around Christian for awhile.

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Richard James or James Richard

Can you compromise? My son has his dads name as a middle name.

First things first don’t make it about yourself in the hospital or listen to the ones saying you can fill it out. That’s disgusting and not equality. It takes two to have a baby and I’d be livid if someone went behind my back about our child.


We were in the same situation. I wanted to honor his name, so we compromised with calling our son by their middle name. It works.

My husband didn’t want our boys with his name because he wanted them to have their own names, they all have family middle names and our 3rd has his middle

So he won’t even entertain the names you have chosen and like for your child , but expects you to just accept his name ? Lol he needs a time out


Both my sons have their dads first name as their middle name. Maybe try and think of nice names that have a ring to it including his first name as ur sons middle name and pitch it to him x

Is this matter about fighting over a name or fighting with your husband in your condition?

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Tell him no. It’s not just up to him, and you don’t have to name him that just because he wants to. It’s a joint effort to make a baby, and it’s a joint effort to name and care for them

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I’m sorry but saying you dont want husbands name for baby because it’s too plain? Grow up. It sounds like you are just mad he doesnt like your names you picked out by yourself and you are throwing a fit. He has a reason he wants the name he does and it seems like your just finding an excuse to fight about it. What’s so wrong with common names? I wanted to use my husbands name for our baby boy he said no absolutely not but he was open to using his middle name with my dad’s first name. We talked like adults. What if you ask your husband if baby can have a second middle name?


Would he be okay if you named the girl your whole name? If not then he is being selfish


Kick his ass out the door :rage::facepunch:

My husband and i agreed to if our daughter was a girl id pick first name and he’d pick middle. If we had a boy he’d pick first name and id pick middle. Make a compromise. You cant get everything you want lol

My husband was set on if we had a boy then he’d bam name it Lance after his father, I want fond of the name but it was important to him. And i wouldve chose the middle name. And if we had a girl them itd pick first name and he would pick middle. ITS ABOUT COMPROMISING


Probably going to get hate for this but name him what ever you want. They ask you what the babies name will be… not the dad.


Fighting over names. Honey you are just getting started. Work on getting along better.

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My husbands name is James and there are just entirely too many James’ in my family and his. Not only did I not want a junior, no matter my husbands name, I also didn’t want a name that everyone had. Our son ended up being Jack because my older son wanted to say “I’ll never let go Jack” and sing “my heart will go on” to him :woman_facepalming:


Draw names from a hat? You pick 1st he picks middle?

It’s about compromise. Neither of my kids had a name until almost 24 after they were born. I let my husband choose our daughters first name since he didn’t like my name choice and we agreed on a middle. With my son I only had one name that I liked. My husband kept picking different names. I wouldn’t budge on the first name so he agreed if he could choose the middle. We didn’t even discuss names much during either of my pregnancies. It wasn’t worth the hassle to just not agree. Once they were born, their names just fit, even if one of us didn’t like it.

My sons name is Ryan and that’s a pretty typical name lol. I named him after one of my favorite band members :stuck_out_tongue: his middle names are after my grandpa (he was born the day he died so at last minute I threw it in there as a respect thing for my grandpa) and his other middle name is after his daddy. My daughters name is Lillie, I’ve seen a million kids named lillie. Her middle name is after my uncle that died when I was young. He was my best friend and I’ve always thought about naming my first born after him in some way.
Just because a name is typical/overused doesn’t mean you can’t use it anyways :woman_shrugging:
My fiancé didn’t help me name the kiddos. He just listened to my ideas and liked them so I lucked out that I got to completely name the kids.
In my family usually the first son is named after the dad completely so I’ve never thought of it as a big deal.

Our first son was named after my husband he is a Jr, our second my husband named as well. And this one we both chose, we never fought over it

Don’t name him after your husband for sure. Lmao. Our son has my husband’s middle name. I REFUSED for him to be called Junior. I’m pregnant with our 3rd, second boy, and the ONE name I love my husband doesn’t like.

Honestly, it should be 50/50 decision that you both make…if my husband did that to me, honestly, I would throw a fit out of principle. I’d tell him that when he gives birth to his very own son, he can choose to call him whatever he wants, but if IM the one pushing this baby out and carrying this child, you best believe I better get a damn say in it’s name.

My husband is named after all the men in his family, Clifford (his uncle) joseph (his dad) Michael (his grandpa) I told him if we have a boy that’s 100% his choice cuz it’s HIS tradition and I don’t have a tradition. Our first daughter I named so I told him if we have a girl this time he could name her except I picked two middle names and he had to pick from that. We are having a girl and he 100% picked her first name and one of my middle name combos

I picked the name for our daughter and my husband picked the name for our son. He agreed he didn’t do well with girl names lol and I was okay with him picking our sons name, I actually liked it :laughing:

We named my son after my hisband Dominick Anthony Mora Jr. the bond they have is unreal. That’s his mini me. (He’s a mama boy tho :joy:) I let my husband pick bc it was important to him. All the other kids I’m sure he would compromise for me. Just let him have it and give him a nickname. I call my son Papi (and tons of other cute name) I never say his full name lol.

Ask him if he likes making phone calls to clear up medical Bill’s and even credit bureau stuff. I’ve worked at a bank and in claims and constantly see stuff that was for the dad go onto the son’s account because of the first and last name being the same. The credit bureau is a real pain it’s a headache to deal with and I’m sure after a half a dozen times that you have to call your billing dept he will be fed up with having to make those calls. No JRS or even first name not worth it to me!


I had this problem with my son. With my daughter it wasn’t a hassle. Husband picked the first name, I picked the middle name. With my son I wanted Emerson and my husband wasn’t having it. I didn’t care and put it in the gender announcement. Once he was born I changed it because Emerson didn’t fit. We ended up naming him after my dad. His middle name is my son’s first name. Henry. My husbands great grandmother died while I was pregnant with Henry and her name was Leoda so we made his middle name Leo

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