Baby name ideas?

I’m 7 1/2 weeks pregnant with my 5 child… I’m getting tired of ppl asking you do know how that happens don’t you… what do I do when I get asked this… n need help with girl and boy names. Already have brayden,rylen,and shawn for boys and lillianna for a girl…


I am in the same boat. Or the “so -this number- wasn’t enough” people suck. I just say “if you’re not supporting them and they don’t have your dna your opinion doesn’t matter”


Respond with “u know how people get their teeth knocked out, right?” :woman_shrugging:


It really gets annoying and I I just walk away… this baby wasn’t planned and wasn’t expecting him/ her

I always say, “I actually don’t! Do you? I really need to know.” :person_shrugging:


Ask them which bill of yours they would like to pay so they can actually have a right to form an opinion


Just say I haven’t decided yet

I seriously feel this too. Ugh

I always said “Yes, I’m an adult, I have sex, what a weird thing to point out.”


I would play dumb and say no I don’t know what you mean please explain. Make them explain themselves so they can be embarrassed about how wildly inappropriate they are being. Ain’t nobodies business how many children you have, as long as your kids are fed, clean, and loved that’s all that matters.


Tell them he was pushing when he should have been pulling. :joy::tipping_hand_woman: I’ve said that a few times.


My boys names are Brayden & Rylan :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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I would respond with “Clearly I do and as an expert I sense from your question you are needing to be informed…”


I say if people have the balls to say something so crass, even if they are just trying to be funny (it’s not funny), then they can handle something harder coming back at them.
While I only have 2, I got comments about how big I was…”Wow! You look like you’re about to pop!” To which I let my RBF shine and reply back, “Nope. Thanks.” Or “You haven’t had that baby yet?!” always got a “You know that’s not how this works, right?”

Just tell them you enjoy sex and then ask how their sex life is lately! Wow…I can’t believe people actually ask a question like that! How rude.

Ask them, oh why, don’t you? And then ask if they want you to explain. Or just launch into well you put the penis into the vagina…

Lol you should say something super uncomfortable! Like: “I was told if I swallowed I wouldn’t get pregnant… and yet… here we are” :joy:


My brothers name is Brayden & my sons name is riland!

Say obviously not can u explain how it happens

Tell them to mind their own business and unless they pay your bills they have no right to say anything about how many children you have

I’d say “ yeah, but I think you need to relearn your manners.” :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Ignore it? I’m 16 weeks with my 2nd. People told me that with both pregnancies. Who cares what they think? Seriously though, I’m sure they’re just teasing you, not meaning to be rude. I also don’t know these people

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“Sure do & we’re pretty great at it!”

I always answered with yes i know what causes it, vodka

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These are my 4th and 5th lol we get “must be bored” and "are those natural


yep got 5 also… and was always asked…

For a girl lily or Emma

I’m pregnant with our 8th, I say “yep! It’s in the water be careful!” Everytime we go out at least 3 people comment something. I get good and bad. We actually like watching the people stare or the people who say something. If they aren’t asking what causes that, they are usually telling me how amazing we are as parents because they are so well behaved in a public place for having that many.


I would have said “yeah and it was obviously awesome”

Just start explaining intercourse to them and they’ll shut right up

Ask them to explain, because you dont actually know😂


I’ve had 8 and I get asked it all the time it’s beyond olf

Ask them “which bill did u say I needed to pay”

I have a shirt that says yes they are all mine! I have another that says yes they are all mine and yes I have my hands full! Answers before they ask. It gets old after you hear it a million times

Just say, “yeah, lots of sex.” They’d probably get uncomfortable/embarrassed and quiet up about it

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Tell them, “nope, not at all. I’ve had 4 children and I have no absolute idea how it happened again.”
It’s sarcasm of course and that’ll definitely throw them off. 5 kids is nothing. I live in a catholic family, lol.

I have 5 siblings and I love it.

I’m too old to have anymore but if I did I love the name, Bella Monroe

Tell them to mind the business that pays them :ok_hand:

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I have 7 and get asked all the time as well, sometimes I just roll my eyes, sometimes I’ll say yeah but it’s fun lol or I’ve been trying to figure it out but get frustrated and decided to just have sex lol that one usually gets laughs or makes them uncomfortable :joy: and I love the names Shayla and Gayle

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I also have 5 kids… Next time grab your husbands package and say YES and they are all worth it!! :grin: I havent been questioned in years!


I have 4 kids and got it all the time. One time I actually said, “yes I do, and we enjoyed it very much.” Lol


You tell them, “obviously my sex life is fun and orgasmic while yours is dull and boring”


I have 5 too and one of mine is a Lillianna too! I got sick of hearing that same thing. I just smiled and said obviously we’re getting pretty good at it but practice makes perfect.

Id answer with “yes and you do know how rude you are for asking right? Because some people want a big family! Not to mention my sex life is none of your business.” Or a tad nicer”we wanted a big family, doesn’t have anything to do with you now does it?”

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I have 7 kids Got so tired of hearing about being a good catholic I wanted a big family had nothing to do with my religion

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I had this problem and I tell ppl that “my momma always told me to find something I’m good at and I did. You can wonder if its fucking, pregnancy, or being a mom.” That normally shut them up :joy::rofl::joy::joy:

I just had my 4th and when pplsay it to me I deadpan and say, “yeah. Fucking.” :person_shrugging:

My moms response was yes but do you know what causes black eyes? Oh gotta love my momma she cracks me up everyday


Colton, Weston, Noah, Gabriel, Barron, Emerson Sloan, Spencer, Levi, Stetson, Grayson, Ashton,

I say yep, it’s in the water and I like to stay hydrated

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I would flat out ask: why are you so obsessed with my sex life? Do you need pointers? I do charge by the hour for my advice"

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girls names Amy,Chloe,Emma,Emily,Connie,Susan,hazel,June,Joan,Debbie,Paula,Casey,Demi,Vicki,Valma,kristy,Toni,Tiffany,

I have 5 and I’m 24. I get asked that ALOT. I usually say “yeah clearly? Are you asked because you want me to tell you orrrr…?”

You could say " why no…I don’t know how it happens but if you do please tell me,"


Just turn around and say your the virgin Mary


Say yep and I’m damn good at it😛

People are rude as hell. I have 4 and people keep telling me i need to get fixed :facepunch::facepunch:

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My son’s name is brayden

I just had my 5th on monday. I got the same! I just reaponded with “yeah we cancelled foxtel!”


I have no idea what she is talking about

Kira aura Renee Charice Serena

Say “yes I do… and it was great”


I don’t care how many kids people have as long as they provide for their own family. If you are having kid after kid on welfare then yes it’s my business because you are using my hard earned money that just took away from my own family and you should be fixed because you simply can’t afford to raise that many.
We raised 6 kids and at 1 time had 5 teens yet not 1 time did we rely on welfare and we had 1 income so yes it’s do able.


You are building your army , trying to beat the duggars, keeping it classical typically about 12, i love my kids why do you have a problem with how many i have, Mavis, Nickalie, Juniper

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Sounds like you have the names already! Just say “I sure do”, I had 6 and yep, it got pretty old fore too!!!

Yeah I do, but I ran out of things to watch on Netflix :woman_shrugging:


Tell them yes i fucked my husband and tell them to shut the fuck up

I don’t have that many kids but mine are close together. And I HATED getting asked that. It’s not funny, it’s mildly offensive, and yes I obviously do.


I always just say “Yeah but it’s too fun to stop”
They’re face usually makes me get over the bullshit that just came from their mouths

Tell ppl to mind their business

I’d say something sarcastic back at them, but that’s just my personality.

Make your own inappropriate comment about them lmfao because fr its none of their business

When someone makes a comment like that, comment back (with lots of attitude) ‘you do know it’s none of your business don’t you’


I always tell them how jealous I am so always wanted a really large family but it wasn’t in the cards for me. I was only blessed with two

Doesn’t matter how little or how many kids you have. You will always have rude people. Ignore them. I get asked when I’m giving my son a sibling. Never. He has siblings on his dad’s side.

I’m pregnant with my fourth and knowing how people feel, when they ask if it’s my first, I just respond by saying no it’s my fourth crazy isn’t it I must be nuts. Stops them in their tracks. :blush:

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I’m 28 weeks pregnant with my 5th and people say that all the time, I just laugh it off. As for names I have a Jason, Julian, Jordan, and Gianna. This one is a boy and it’ll be Josiah or Jonah but I’ve always loved Giovanni

Dakota is a good name or maybe a middle name

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People need to mind their own business.

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Say “no, I don’t. Please enlighten me because I’m tired of these random kids claiming me to be their mother!! Make it stop!!” :joy:


“No i dont know how it happens, I dont even eat watermelon” :roll_eyes::joy: stupid questions get stupid answers.


Girl Im on #6 and dreaded telling my mom and mother in law for that reason. We thought for sure they were going to be mad, turns out my neurologist was the only one mad. My moms just waiting to find out what we’re having. We’re hoping for a girl, I have 4 boys!

I would say: "You’re just jealous I am so good at it. " Lol.


Id look em dead in the eye and say “no i dont, can you please explain it to me with crayons”?

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Girl I know how you feel. I am preggo with our 8th (and last) People are just rude. My older 3 are from my 1st marriage. My 4 plus otw all have the initals KJR. Not sure the direction you want to go for names but I wish you luck.

I only had three and people asked me that. With a straight face I would say I would say my man wants 12 we are halfway there. The looks on their face was priceless


people can be so rude id tell them well yes i lve it and we are working on a dozen that will shut them up

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Julia, Arianna, Lucy, Patrick, Ryan, Jonathan

Tell them, yes, do you want me to explain, I thought everyone your age would know that, And it’s great fun. Then watch that face…ha ha won’t ask again

Congrats I have 5. Best thing ever. People are rude. I had someone tell me the reason I was so exhausted all the time was I had too many children. Never spoke to them again. Should tell people you are having number 5 but your husband wants ten. High five them exclaiming you are half way there