Baby teething pain relief?

My little girl is 5 1/2 months old and she recently started squealing and screaming out of nowhere and getting cranky at random times during the day. Could this be her teething and what can I do? Or is she just finding her voice and wanting extra attention?


Probably a little of both!

Maybe…or she could have an itch

Get some baby orajel. It helped my girl so much when she first started teething.

Could be teething! My son still does it now, and he’s almost a year old. He’s trying to break multiple teeth right now, and I can really tell

Finding her new way of communicating :wink::grin: maybe a little tired? Growth spurt and wants more to eat? Hard to tell. One of my boys just liked to hear himself lol

Wet a wash cloth and freeze it. Orajel is bad for babies gums.


My 1 year old started doing this about 2 months ago but he only does it when your not looking at him when he wants you to be or he doesnt like what hes doing like playing in the playpen or when he is done eating he lets me know :joy: its loud but mostly just for attention. Watch when she does it and for how long.

It’s her finding her voice I’d say, if she drooling a lot it could be her teething too.