Baby teething pain relief?

Hi all
First time mom here . My baby girl is going to be 5 months in a couple days and we think it is teething ! I would really like to hear some tips and tricks that made it easier on your baby. Thanks so much ! :blush:


Not sure if where you live they have this but I got my daughter teething tablets works wonders!

Hyland’s teething tablets seemed to help both my boys.


cold wash clothes, teething tablets, teething toys, putting frozen fruit or frozen formula/breast milk in a food pacifier


Wet a wash cloth and put it in the freezer.

Wash your hands and let her chew on your finger

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Let her nibble on some Frozen mini pancakes

Tylenol for her, wine for you



Please do yourself and your baby a favor. Just get these.

Maybe she’s just sad because you call her “it”…


Yeah i agree with letting her chew on your fingers. Only thing that has worked for my 8 month old.

Hylands teething tablets!

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Hylands teething tablet, tylenol, motrin, pretzel rods

Clean wet washcloths in ziplock bags in fridge .
They can suck on them and wont choke. Plus it helps suck up the baby slobber too.

Wet a wash cloth, freeze it, let her go to town on it.

Frozen wash cloth, wash and peel carrots and freeze, ibuprofen, not Tylenol, Tylenol does nothing for inflammation of her little gums.

and if she’s 5 months, I wouldn’t be giving her any food.

But if you’re nursing, I would get a mesh feeder and freeze some BM and put it in there for her to munch on.

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Silicone feeder! If nursing freeze breast milk and put it there and let the baby gnaw on it. If the baby is eating baby food you can put frozen fruit ( this what I did )

I also second Hylands teething tablets

I did the really long thick pieces of beef jerky with my girls. Let them chew on it until its soft cut it off and let them have at it again

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Tylenol and teething tablets

Wet and freeze a stack of baby wash clothes. Your baby will love chewing and sucking on them as they numb the gums… Baby Tylenol drops as directed every four hours.

Baby Motrin and an amber teething necklace, good luck mama

Teething toys that you can freeze also try baby oragel

My daughter loved this teething toy. The little tentacles have bumps and massagers for the gums

I used hylands teething tablets and made sure my kiddos always had something to chew on, a wet washcloth seemed to work best

Please do not give your baby ibuprofen yet. Call your pediatrician and they can confirm. Tylenol only at this age.

Anyways. Tylenol, teething tablets, frozen wash clothes or teething toys, amber teething necklace

Baby tylenol, baby orajel, wet washcloths, plenty of teething toys, & my grandson has a personal fascination with chewing on me & his mom chins lol!
There are also rice/banana teething biscuits, they dissolve very easily & help break the gum skin a bit for the tooth to come thru.

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