Being pregnant with an eating disorder

Has anyone ever been pregnant while suffering with an eating disorder? I recently had a 50 pound weight loss (I was so happy to finally be out of the “obese” category) and was just diagnosed with anorexia a month before finding out I was pregnant. I know that I’m lucky to be pregnant and that a lot of women would love to be in my shoes, but it’s so hard to see myself gaining all this weight so quickly and getting huge. I probably sound selfish I guess, but I feel so disgusting. I’m happy that my baby is healthy, but I can’t help but feel so depressed whenever I look in the mirror.


Eat healthy. Take your vitamins. Don’t overdo it on your cravings. Walk a lot.
Remember that most of that weight is your baby.

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Get therapy girlfriend! What you’re feeling is normal for someone who is diagnosed with your eating disorder. But you HAVE CONTROL. You are stronger than you think.
Just get someone who specializes in this. You aren’t the first person with anorexia, who fears weight gain after falling pregnant. My heart is going out to you. I hope you are able to reach a point that you enjoy your pregnancy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Maybe it is time to see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders if you are not already seeing one.

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Therapy therapy therapy. Know that you are beautiful

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Eat healthy and exercise. I only gained 6 to 12 lbs each of my 4 pregnancies and babies where healthy weight.dont believe the eating for 2 myth.
But also since u know about your eating disorder please talk to a therapist

Don’t feel bad, remember its a illness. Find a therapist who can and will help you. Make sure to communicate with your OB, aswell.

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Then don’t look in the mirror. Just keep telling yourself that the baby is growi g not you.

Ive had three kids with anorexia and working on my 4th… I have 2 friends message me at least 2 times a day to tell me to feed the baby…basically instead of thinking about myself eating I think of it as strictly feeding a baby it’s helps. I also don’t have full length mirrors.


Just before I got my surprise pregnancy I dropped almost 60lbs in a month. I know not the same as an eating disorder but since i lost all that I’ve been pretty good about keeping a healthy diet so I don’t pack on too much… And trust me… In the coming months Everything your body is doing it will give you no choice but to eat when your body needs it.
Eat smoothies, take prenatal vits, wrkout, theirs a lot of women who barely pack on lbs and have an easy time getting back in shape post preg.

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Stop body - shaming yourself . You’re pregnant but that does’nt mean you can’t lose weight afterwards . Your baby needs you to eat healthily . Up your protein and lower your carbs . Fill up on veg and salad . Eat fruit . You should be fine . As you age your body changes too .

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Same happened to me, I weighed 220 , lost weight in 3 months down to 140 , literally one month after all that weight lost I got pregnant and gained 60 pounds my whole pregnancy. For a long time I had issues with myself in regards to the weight gain but you have to learn pregnancy is beautiful ! You’re beautiful !!

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My 1st pregnancy I only gained 15 pounds and my baby was completely healthy. Just watch what you eat don’t over indulge portion control. Walk as exercise

Hi take preg omega purple box from Dischem ! Helps alot for baby and your body! So if u eat less at least u know baby is getting all what it needs to grow!

Eat healthy and exercise mama. Focus on that and after birth your body should bounce back pretty easily especially if you breastfeed

First things first…get a therapist. You can have them recommend a nutritionist that specializes in working with pregnant moms with eating disorders.
So, I’d start calling around TODAY.
Until you have your first appt, just ensure you’re taking your vitamins, eating as HEALTHY as possible and whenever you consider a scale, walk away. Ask your Dr to not tell you how your weight is unless there’s an actual issue. Focus on your baby. :green_heart::green_heart:


Honey just eat normal. Stay active unless told you can’t. You are eating for you. Not for two. Your body will let you know if you aren’t getting what you need. Fruits and veggies. Meats.

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Therapy. You are beautiful, and your mind plays tricks on you with anorexia. Therapy all the way. Don’t be ashamed to better yourself for your baby and YOU. Keep seeing your Dr and bring this stuff up to her/him.

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Ive been pregnant 4x gained way more than i needed or should have with my oldest be mindful of what your consuming and it can be a time of ggreat personal healthy small portions every couple hours.walking and swimmming kept me fit for alll of my pregnancies.after my first child i was able to control my weight gain with the other 3.

Stop looking in the mirror. :crazy_face::rofl:


I only gained 15lbs with my first 3 pregnancies and lost over 20 the first week after I had them. They were all healthy pregnancies and babies. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to gain tons of weight. Just follow a healthy eating plan. You only need about 300 more calories than normal while pregnant

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Excersise an eat healthy. Your body will snap back. Its the moms that indulge on sweets an sit on the couch all day that get fat after having a baby. Excersise is good for your pregnancy

You need a therapist ASAP

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Ps telling people who have an eating disorder to “just eat normal” is not helpful

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You may not gain that much weight. With both of my pregnancies I only gained around 5 pounds each. Make healthy eating choice and eating for two is just an expression it doesn’t mean you actually have to eat for two.

Girl, I’m sure you look fine. Just think of the baby right now, cover up mirrors. You got this :heart::heart:

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I was severely anorexic when I got pregnant with my first, and it took everything in me to put aside my eating disorder. After she was born I was so busy taking care of a newborn that it wasn’t until she hit 1 that I realized how big I was again and ended up with bulimia, got pregnant a second time right as I got to a place I didn’t want to puke at the site of me. And now he’s born and the thoughts are there but I don’t let them control me.

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