Being pregnant with anemia

I’m a first time mom and also anemic, I have been since before I was pregnant. I heard a lot of risk factors being anemic. It has left me spooked and very concerned for my health and my baby’s. I would like to know other moms experiences and if they had a successful pregnancy and delivery?


I have always been anemic. Take your prenatal and get gummies vitamin with iron in them :heartpulse: eat food with good iron in it

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I had to have iron infusions throughout my pregnancy. My son was born early for a different reason than to do with my anemia. I think I was just a little more tired than usual.

Most women are anemic during pregnancy. Very common

I’m anemic and have 4 healthy children! Just be sure to get enough iron.

Eat foods rich with iron and prenatals… everything will be fine :grin:

I had two successful pregnancies and deliveries with it! I would pass out often during both pregnancies due to it other than that it didn’t effect much else…In both pregnancies I was prescribed extra supplements and I got iron transfusions through out both the 9 month periods.

I was anemic. Couldn’t handle any iron. I lived off steak and everything in a cast iron skillet. I was VERY tired and didn’t handle a lot of exercise but only gained 12 lbs. I had many issues but the anemia didn’t seem to play a role in a successful delivery! You’ll be just fine! If you can handle iron pills though you’ll be better off! Taking them at night can also be helpful!

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I was anemic before, during and after. It just causes a lot of dizziness and fatigue. I passed out (blackout) a lot. I was also very sick. When I delivered I bled way more than I should have which led to a minor blood transfusion. Other than that, talk to your Ob and make sure you take your Iron supplements.

I was anemic before having my son, but it got worse while pregnant. They just made sure I took my vitamins,prenatals, and iron pills.

I’ve been anemic off and on since I was about 12 yrs old. I’m also a first time mom and I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant and my iron levels have been great so far. I’m sure your doctor will keep an eye on it just to be safe. Don’t worry too much mama.

I’ve been anemic my entire life. Currently 39weeks today and my baby is PERFECTLY healthy. They’ve checked my levels a few times throughout the pregnancy and I’ve just had to take a prescribed iron pill to keep my levels up. No need to worry! Just take the prenatal and talk to your OB about a iron supplement to take. :smiling_face:

Invest in cast iron cookware and cook all your meals in it. You will see a vast improvement.

Ur dr should prescribe iron with your prenatal… I also am anemic if take the iron you should be fine I’m currently on my 3rd pregnancy and none of my babies have had any problems. Just know that after delivery your iron will most likely be very low…they usually put me on an iron iv in addition to fluids, don’t stress, good luck :slight_smile:

I was anemic through out my pregnancy I would pass out get out of breath. Always dizzy. Had a healthy 7lb 14oz baby boy at 39+6 weeks

I was anemic in all my pregnancies. I have 3 healthy babies, now 1 month, 3 years and 6 years old. I just had to make sure I took my prenatal with extra iron.

Was anemic before having kids and still am! Had two healthy kiddos!

I am also anemic, 37 weeks preggo. I have to get iron infusions once a week until our baby is born. Dr said baby is doing good and growing. Apparently my body wasn’t absorbing the iron supplements. Get my levels checked throughout the pregnancy and is barely going up.

I was, I was prescribed iron supplements. I had a great pregnancy and a perfectly healthy baby

Im anemic, especially during pregnancy, my doctor just tells me to take a prenatal with iron or just buy iron supplements.
I forget the iron supplement alot but my daughter was healthy and I’m 36 weeks with my son and hes measuring a week ahead.

They’ll give you Iron Pills, I have 5 kids. All healthy, and I was super anemic with all of them also.