Has anyone used gas drops before? If so what brand and what was the results?
I just used malacone and the cheap stuff works also, within a few minutes relief for baby and relief for mom
Little remedies gas relief drops. I put in every milk bottle & it works great!
I used ‘gripe water’ and had more success with them. Good luck either way!
Generic brand works! And it works miracles. Saved me while my son was colic.
Cheap brand gave him recommended dose as needed after feedings.
Gripe water for his hiccups & Mylicon for when he was bad
Mylicon best thing ever!!! Immidiate relief for baby and us we were able to get more sleep
Ive used the mylicon and generic Walmart brand… same thing and both were great. The babies always seemed to love the taste too
Talk to your dr before using them my ped is dead set against it because of it being linked to seizures and reccomend gripe water.
Colic care is an Instant life saver
I use the off brand from Walmart and they work great also I’ve used family dollar brand and fine also
Little remedies, only one my daughter wont spit out!
The Wal-Mart brand ones leave a rash on her face if she spits them out, so I don’t use them anymore!
Ive used whatever brand walmart had and it always worked great.
Mylicon for the first month and then at 5 weeks we switched to Boiron ColicComfort
I use gripe water for when my son has gas in his belly- it works great for us! It gives him relief right away!!
Mylicon was a life saver for me… especially with the supplementing formula bottles… before shaking it up, put a couple drops in and it takes all the bubbles and foam out. My kids never fought taking it out of the dropper either.
Mylicon was a life saver…if I could I would buy stock in it!!!
Pretty sure everyone has used them…and any brand will work…
Mylicon works great and they have no side effects. Best used along with Zantac or other antacid.
Mylicon and they were a game changer… my kids both has reflux and gas and these were so helpful.
Little remedies and it worked wonders. She has a hard time burping and it causes tummy aches, but within 30m of using drops she burps or farts and is feeling much better