Does anyone have their teen on birth control? What is the best birth control for a teenager? She asked so I really want to respect her wishes…I just never took it so idk where to eveb start
Make an appt with a GYN.
I’d ask your family Dr to put her on a no or low hormone birth control
Just make an appointment for her to discuss this with her doctor.
My daughter is on the shot. Its hard for her to remember to take a daily pill.
Your teen’s doctor will know best.
I love my IUD and my daughter suggested the same for my daughters. They have a smaller size for younger girls.
Don’t do depo. That’s all the advice I have.
Do not get her the pills or depo, an iud will last her through college.
What’s wrong with teaching abstinence until marriage!
My daughter lived with her father for awhile when she was a teenager. He put her on the Depo shots. When she was an adult it took her forever to conceive a baby. Was it the shots? I don’t know. But I wonder if they’re the best choice for a teen girl. Check with your GYN.
Whatever the bar is in the arm. It lasts for years.
Better to be safe than sorry
My daughter is on it. The Dr will put her on what they feel is best.
My nearly 17 yr old was on pill but has bad periods as runs through my family. She’s now on the rod in the arm. Had no issues. I think issue with teens and pill also is likely to forget so kinda pleased she’s something she’s not got to worry for a while
The depo made me gain a lot of weight, I can’t ever remember to take the pill, and I wasn’t fond of the iuds. But The patch has worked wonders!
The arm implant I heard is good. If you do IuD don’t get Paraguard
I cannot take birth control pills. I loved the depo shot from ages 18-28. I had no period.
I had my first baby at 31.
She can discuss it with her doctor. I dont think hormone bc is reasonable for anyone. Some people don’t mind horrific risks and side effects. Condoms in addition to whatever she goes with. Every time.
the one that goes in the arm is pretty good. Also you can try a low hormone low dose pill.
I had the device implemented in her arm . They forget to take pills . It lasts 5 years
Take her to the obgyn. They’ll run tests and get a full history of her health and any conditions if necessary. That way you can both decide with the dr the best route to go
Tell her they both need protection. He could have a sexually transmitted disease he doesn’t know about yet and spread it to her for life. Her gynecologist can prescribe the best pill etc for her and he needs to wear a condom everytime.
Honestly it depends what is best for her.
One thing I’ve learnt about contraception is what works for one person may not work for another. It’s about finding what suits your body
Depends. Can try Necon 1/35. Low dose bc that doesnt make you nauseous. I’d tell her to at least wait until in a stable relationship for awhile,make sure the guy has the same feelings first, before sleep with anyone. Big decision. Make sure use condom as backup. Also to have a car and job so not depending on a guy for everything,in case he cheats or she gets dumped. Be independent first. Never get to where feel like stuck in a relationship bc of finances,etc.
This question would be best asked at her obgyn appointment. But from my experience I couldn’t take the pill since in a smoker and my Dr said it would increase my risk of blood clots since I have had 2 before. I was allergic to the DEPO, ended up in the er for a severe allergic reaction and I’ve had the IUD 3 times. 1st time was the copper IUD, which turns out I’m allergic to copper. Second IUD needed to be removed since it was started to embed into my uterine wall and 3rd IUD had to be surgically removed because it traveled from my uterus to my abdomen. Best that worked for me was the nexplanon arm implant. Had it from 2017-2020 when I had my tubes removed in 2020.
I’ve been on the pill since 15. I’m 34 now and have had zero issues. I have an alarm on my phone to take at same time everyday
Ok so everyone’s saying don’t do depo or the pill get iud
Here is my look at it I was 16 when I got my first iud I was still growing so it failed and yes I had my mounts check up I now have a 5 year old son I was 19 when I tried a diffrent iud in hopes it would work but guess what I was still growing and doing sports and moving and it failed just shy of a year and I now have a 3 year old daughter …….
The pill no one remembers and is just a pain to lug around if she’s not always at home the depo was by far my favourite thing minus a 15 pound weight gain but hey for some that could be good
The implant in the arm that last 3-5 years now …. 3 months after having it out in it came out the puking the headaches and pain in the arm and weight gain the constant throbbing hurting burrning sensation in the arm sucked !
the patch one a week you swap it out easy as can be you can put it almost everywhere but let’s be honest Shes a teen and it’s getting to be summer she Probly doesn’t want a patch just chilling !
The ring another life saving amazing product 1 time every week you every it to your cervix and leave it change it out and call it good .!
Yes I have tried all of these and yes these are personal experience but also thinking of the mind of myself when I was a teen aged to now at 22 and getting my tubes tied !
But in the end her doctor will know best and can explain the options so much better then most of us on here we’re just giving opinions !
Depo. My daughter is on bc from six months after her period started at 13. Was not sexually active. She’s 18 and still not sexually active and still on it. It takes her period away which she likes. You don’t need a period if you aren’t wanting to get pregnant.
Definitely take her to the doctor and let them decide. I got on it at 14 for my periods and by the time I was 17 I had gained like 60lbs. So I stopped taking it behind my Dads back.
My teen has the Nexplanon implant in her arm. No issues.
Try the pill. It might be trial and error to see what works for her. The depo shot made me gain weight, break out in acne and for two months I wouldn’t have a period then I’d bleed the whole 3rd month. Everyone’s body is different though.
Take her to a Gynecologist
Duplo shot 99.8 percent effective
Ask her pediatrician how often they prescribe birth control to teens. Finding the right Rx is a little trickier at younger ages. If they lack experience, call Planned Parenthood. If there’s none near you, they’ll recommend a reputable women’s health clinic or pro-choice doctor near you. Women’s clinics work with teens regularly, so they will also be very thorough with her.
I’d do the depo or implant
I would talk to her doctor, everyone is different and some might work for others but not for her.
BC is the devil. Would not give to my teens. Condoms or no sex.
Make her an appointment and see what the gyno suggests. They’d know best as far as hormonal vs non, and what is going to have least side effects or risks for her age group.
Condoms will always be better because they don’t screw up your body chemistry and it will actually protect against STD’s. Hook up culture has gotten out of hand I would not be having raw sex out here at any age.
Hormonal birth control can really mess with young girls…
Everyone is different, I had bad experiences on almost all birth controls. When I was a teen the one I had the least amount of reaction from was nuvaring, the biggest reaction my body had was from depo. Talk to her doctor to try and find one that works for her
Ask her obgyn. In my opinion the pill is best because her body is still growing so that could potentially complicate the placement of an IUD and everyone I know that has been on DEPO, self included, gained a ton of weight. But definitely ask her doctor.
Best to discuss options with your doctor
I was on the depo shot as a teenager but if the nexplanon would have been available I would have opted for that instead
I have one on the nexplanon and one on the pill. Their periods were so horrible this is what the adolescent soecialty care dr recommended.
i got the implant at fifteen, getting it replaced every two years until i was qlmost twenty four. always been very sexually active. and i never got pregnant, it was a great for me as a contraceptive
Paragaurd. Non hormonal. Take it from someone who battled issues with hormonal birth control that did some real damage to my body as a teenager and currently.
You can schedule an appt with an obgyn and they will go over the options and see what’s best for her. Thanks for stepping up and not making her feel bad for this and taking initiative. I wish all moms did this.
My daughter was on the pill took it daily and still got pregnant
I had an IUD and loved it, but am not eligible to have it again. Tried the pill and implant- had horrible side effects from both. But everyone’s different. My gyno went into detail about each option, (potential side effects, efficacy, etc)
I started Depo at 16. However, have her talk to her doc for recommendations. No matter what she’ll probably have to try a couple of different ones before she finds one that works well with her body.
My daughter got an iud at 16 (almost 17). Great peace of mind knowing a pill cant be missed.
I also have one and haven’t had problems.
Church, and teach them to respect their self
I started out on the pill at 16 because my periods were horrible. But being 16 and always on the run I found it hard to remember my pill everyday or I’d forget to take them with me or something. So then I got the depo shot. And I’ve been off and on that for many years. Taking breaks from it to have my kids.
I would try for the non hormonal iud just because we really don’t know the long term effects on a developing person. It has its own risks too though. If she’s responsible to remember to take pills at the same time every day the mini pill is less harsh too
Talk with an OBGYN. We have my 14 year old on ortho tri cyclen lo and it has been amazing for her periods and such.
Have her talk with her Dr. They will know which one will be best I got on bc at 16 cause of endometriosis
Time to start yearly visits to a gynecologist
The best birth control is a screaming baby! Do you have any family/friends with a newborn?? Send her to their house for a weekend to babysit!
In all seriousness though, kudos to you! I went to my mom when I was 16 and asked to be put on birth control. I wasn’t yet sexually active but I was planning on it and I wanted to be pro-active. She said I wasn’t ready and no. I then told her that I NEEDED to be on birth control and she took me to get the pill.
I would say that it depends on your daughter. Is she responsible enough to remember to take a pill every single day? If so, that’s probably the easiest. I know everyone is different, but the depo shit caused me to gain a lot of weight. The IUD and Nexplanon are good choices as well. One procedure and they’re set for 3-6 years.
If she is sexually active or thinking of becoming sexually actively, I would make her an appointment with GYN. They can best explain each form of birth control and help her choose the one that’s best for her.
Be supportive of her and encourage the use of condoms in conjunction with whatever form of birth control she chooses. Be proud that she has come to you with an adult matter because just like when we were kids, our kids will find a way to do what they want. Creating open and honest dialogue with your children is the absolute best way to help protect them in any and all aspects of life, in my opinion. They’re more likely to come to you when they know they can talk to you and that you’re not just going to try to bulldoze them and control them.
Probably one where she can’t forget to take it! Nuvaring just goes in right like a period cup but side ways, I had no side effects (pills and patches made me super sick) and I forgot it was even there! You change I think every 30 days, can’t completely remember, just a plastic lil ring!
Iud for me didn’t work it caused me to have severe pain in my ovaries …talk to obgyn
I would schedule an appointment with her gynecologist and take her. The gynecologist can provide her with all of the necessary information and typically had pamphlets in their office about the birth control options they have
I was on the nuva ring at 14 and absolutely loved it. I didn’t go on it to prevent pregnancy though (to help my cycles and try to help lower my ovarian cysts). I took it out over 6+ years later when my boyfriend and I started trying for our daughter. There’s nuva ring, pills, nexplanon, IUDs, the depo shot, etc. I stay away from all of it except the nuva ring lol! Definitely find out her options and help her with some research to see what would work best for her and her needs
Definitely consult an OBGYN…then find someone that has little kids, and send her over there. I had a surprise pregnancy in my 30s. My big kids were in their teens… we could see the finish line… and then we started over. Exposing my teens to a baby/toddler was the BEST birth control EVER!!! They see that it isn’t all cute or fun and games. They see the screaming, poops that go up the back, watching the same cartoon repeatedly, etc. The good, the bad, and the ugly!
You, her and a Gyno need to just sit down together and talk about all the options and then come to an agreement about what’s best for her.
I personally couldn’t recommend an IUD any harder. When my girl is old enough, I’m obviously not gonna push it on her, but she will know that would be my choice for her
This should be discussed with an obgyn without you in the room. (Just being honest) I would recommend an IUD they have small ones for teens called a layetta or something like that. It has a higher percentage effective rating as well. They last 5-6 years and lighten/ stop periods.
Try a non hormonal one. I was on several hormonal ones and they made everhthing for me 10000x worse. Ended up completely going off of them bc I would miss so much school from being so sick all the time.
I wasn’t on it as a teen. I started the pill last year, took it as instructed and still landed pregnant (I’m 23yo). I’m not on the Liletta IUD. Uncomfortable to have put in, and I’ve been bleeding like a period but I also just gave birth in mid March and had retained placenta issues. I don’t feel it now, there’s no pain during intercourse or just in general and it lasts for 5 or 6 years. I’d have her talk to an ob, discuss the regularity of her periods (or lack of in my case) so they can decide the best form for her and her body to handle.
Obgyn will suggest one that’s best for her. All of us are unique w diff needs and medical issues so it’s best to ask them.
I just got the Nexplanon implant and that way no worries for remembering the pill. So far so good, been in a wk yesterday
I will be putting my girls on the patch when they get their period.
My daughter started on the patch and currently has a iud
For a teen? Abstinence.
The IUD really messed with my body and I’m a grow woman. I will never recommend to anyone, or was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I had a pain that kept happening that would literally bring me to my knees anywhere.
Nuva ring is great. Put it in for three weeks take it out for one week then put a new one in. Everyone is different but I don’t like the pills cause I would forget and the one that goes in your arm made me crazy. I’ve tried a lot and none really worked for me except the nuva ring. I think what you’re doing is great mama. Forms trust and hopefully she’ll come to you with other things. I would however have the safe sex talk with her if you haven’t yet. Condoms etc.
Schedule appointment with gyno and let them give her the options
My daughter needed to be on pill form to help with her period in addition to the “side benefits” and she was on 3 different ones before they found one that didn’t cause huge mood swings. She started at 15 and I had her talk to her doctor alone but then I met with them both to know what to look for.
I was always on the pill as a teen, but was never consistent with it. Best thing you can do is discuss your options with her and her doctor and come up with the best plan.
Definitely best to talk with the Dr, for my teen when she asked, the Dr recommended implanon, because she didn’t have to remember taking a pill, and it wasn’t as invasive as other procedures, as well as lasting 3 years.
I got Nexplanon at 15 or 16 and had no issues with it. Lasts 3 years and getting it replaced is super easy.
None. Birth control is not good for your body & can cause long term issues.
I will be the one to say don’t do the iud it was the worst thing that happened to me
First bring her to a GYN & they will decide which one is best for her
Take her to a gynecologist. Have her meet with your daughter and let them decide.
If she’s a teen an implant would help depending on age and other factors. God I dread this with my kids
I personally liked having the pill in highschool.
My daughter was prescribed one by her pediatrician
After trying numerous kinds of OCPs that either caused continuous spotting and extreme mood swings, mine has been more emotionally stable with the patch and her cycles are now normal.
Nexplanon implant. Good for 3 years!
It’s all about how her body reacts to the BC. My mom put me on the implanon before it was the nexplanon and both versions worked amazing but as a married woman it was killing my sex drive so for a teenager I would recommend it because it does work on squishing those needs and helps them focus on other things. But I don’t really recommend it for married women unless they really need it. But hey 3-4 years no period or unexpected pregnancy it works.
Condoms and female contraceptive films
I don’t recommend hormone bc it can cause cancer and the hormones aren’t good for anyone
Go with her to Planned Parenthood… they can help.
I personally loved the patch!
It depends on the person. It may take a few try’s to find the right one. Talk to your OBGYN or family Dr.
Go to the doctor. Then borrow someone’s baby for 24hrs best birth control ever a screaming baby = a screaming teenager!!
My teenagers have the depo shot so we don’t have to worry about them missing a pill
Honestly age doesn’t matter, every woman is different and their body will react differently to different forms of birth control. Personally I’ve been on the pill since I was 14 and it’s worked for me. I tried to get off of it when I was 18 and I got nexplanon and it was horrific for me personally and I got back on the pill. It never caused me any fertility issues, I have 2 healthy baby girls and I only got pregnant when I stopped taking it to try to get pregnant and it took about 2 months each time. But like I said every woman, every body is different. She may need to try several different kinds before finding one that works for her or she may get lucky with the first one she tries like I did. Good luck to both of you❤️
That her to an obgyn and let the doc decide what would be best. There are risk factors that you and your daughter need to know.