Best board game for Kindergarteners?

Best board games for Kindergartners?!I have a friend who wants to gift some games to my son for Christmas since I am not able to purchase presents this year due to being on unpaid medical leave! She is ordering through Amazon!Thanks in advance!!

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That’s very nice for your friend to help out.

Trouble, candyland, Life junior, kerplunk, connect 4, a memory game, hungry hungry hippos, chutes and ladders

My kindergartener loves Shark Bite, Jake the Snake, Candy Land, Don’t Break the Ice, Sorry, Pop the Pig, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Monopoly Jr, Mr Bucket, Connect 4… and he’s learning to play Clue. If he likes Pokémon, the Battle Academy is great for learning to play.

Shopping List, Bus Stop, Hungry Hippos. Pop to the Shops was a favourite in our house. It’s a bit like shopping list but has money involved.

Snakes and ladders is good for learning how to count.

My son loves Candyland, connect 4, chutes and ladders, and jenga!

Beetle, the shopping list game, trouble