So I’m having my 4th baby in March. I’ll be breastfeeding but I also want my baby to take a bottle with pumped milk so I can go back to work. How do I make that work like when do I start giving bottles and how often?
I am on baby 5 and I swear by Nuk. They have been the best to switch back and forth with no nipple confusion. Bottles, binky, sippy cups Nuk for everything.
I feel like it’s hard to specify best. Just because every human nipple is different so if you have wider nips maybe your baby prefers wider bottled nips. I will say that the breast is the best nipple and the best way to keep your supply strong. However, if you just bottle feed we used the good older version avent bottles. Not the newer ones just the smooth surfaced nipple avent bottles. Both boys loved it. My daughter was a different situation and I had to really try quite a few to figure out her feel.
Every baby is different. So there is no “best”. Pick one or two and try them. I didn’t introduce a bottle until at least a month so we could get breastfeeding down.
My daughter likes the MAM brand
A little advice…my exclusively breastfed baby wouldnt take any bottles when I went back to work and we discovered it was the temperature of the milk and not the bottle. Once we heated it a little warmer, he would take it. People dont realize how warm breastmilk can be directly from the source. Haha
My daughter likes the Evenflo wide neck bottles. She’s taken them since she was born, 7 months ago.
Nuk and nanobebe bottles!
I tried all the ones mentioned and only had success with the Lansinoh naturalwave bottles, they are designed to mimic the same feeding action as breastfeeding. I had no issue going back and forth from bottle to breastfeeding.
You will really have to experiment with bottles. Both my breastfed babies used Dr. Browns bottles.
Whatever one your baby will take & the one you can afford.
My son had this problem but took the mam bottles and I learned he will not take a bottle from me if he smells me so get someone while your running a errand to give him one, worked for me