I’m a FTM and I’ve been EBF for 10 (almost11) months now. And I plan to switch him to the bottle once he’s a year old or so, but I’m so nervous about it! Idk how my milk will dry up or how he will react . Also what milk should I give him ? At 1 year old ?
Thanks in advance
they recommend 1 year olds have whole milk (cows milk) at least once a day
If he has no allergies you give him whole milk starting at one year but not all at once. Replace one nursing session (preferably one he won’t notice is gone at first) and do that slowly until he’s not nursing anymore. You don’t need to replace every session with a cup of milk. As long as he’s getting calcium from a variety of foods (yogurt, cheese, milk) it’s totally ok to try to offer a snack instead of the breast and give him a cup of milk with meal times and water with snacks. There is no rush, every mom and baby takes different amount of time but don’t go to fast or you can cause breast issues like mastitis.
I would also skip the bottle if you can. Go to a sippy cup.
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Go straight to a sippy cup you can also wean your child it took me a month I took away a feed once a week first I took away avo feeds then morning the nights then during the night. (during night was hardest) my milk supply slowed as I fed less. I’d wait til they are 1 to do this my son was 20 months when I weaned him
Do 1/2 breast 1/2 whole milk to transition
Whole milk is what u should give him a sippy cup I use the sassy 360 but my son has used a sippy cup and a bottle since 6 months
I would definitely skip the bottle. I EBF my daughter and now my youngest son. She wouldn’t take a bottle at all. It didn’t matter what was in it. There are so plently of sippy cups to choose from. 9 oz (I believe) of whole milk each day. You might want to google that part.
They have cows milk at 1
Breastfed my daughter and gave some bottle after she turned 1 just stopped it ,she never wanted either again
I breastfed until 16/18 months. I kept pumping and put it in sippy cups after I got her off the boob itself until I naturally slowed producing my own milk. Skipped bottles.
Whole milk at 12 months. Talk to your pediatrician
Skip the bottle. Go straight to sippy.
Don’t do the bottle. You should of introduced it when he was still an infant an it’s too late now.Now you have to introduce a sippy cup with half breastmilk an half whole milk.
Do a sippy cup not a bottle
Just go to a sippy cup… why would you start a bottle at a year?
I would NOT even intriduce a bottle at that point. I went straight to a sippy cup
Go to a sippy cup. And give him whole milk
Breast milk in a sippy then gradually start adding whole milk. Weekly schedule…100, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 then 100%
DO NOT begin to give him a bottle and introduce him to a sippy cup, 360s were our favorite and easiest to adjust too. 1 is when you would typically take a bottle fed baby off the bottle that’s why (my daughter was using a sippy from around 8 months though)
Secondly if you were to start milk it would be whole milk. Ypu could begin to pump and continue breast milk well past a year of youd like. I was fortunate enough to be able to pump for an additional year after my little turned 1
I had that plan in mind…my daughter breastfed up until 3 months after her 2nd birthday…lol. I would start the weaning process slowly and then go from that to a sippy cup…you don’t want to have to ween him off a bottle too…it will be a nightmare:) good luck
I would also like to add…it took me about a month to get all my kids used to having a sippy cup with water at night. Which i recommend as soon as possible after he turns one…if he needs something at night. It’s better for LO teeth
Sippy cup with a breast milk/ cow milk mixture that you slowly use less and less breast milk would probably be easiest for you. For now give him a sippy with a little water in it to get him used to using it. Plus if he spills water no biggie.
Any reason why you want to switch? It’s pretty traumatic to force weaning when that’s all they’ve known. If anything introduce a sippy cup with breast milk and slowly wean from nursing. It’ll be easier on you and your son that way.
Skip the bottle go straight to a sippy cup