Best bottles for breastfed babies?

Hi does any Momma knows how to get an almost 6 months old baby to get use to a bottle, I have tried many kinds of nipples still she is refusing. She has been exclusively breastfeed since birth.
I appreciate your help because I am getting to work soon.
Thank you


Sippy cup. I’ve known several babies that never would take a bottle.

Breastfeeding is beautiful and a wonderful way to bond. With that being said I see so many woman having the same issue as you. I wanted to breastfeed my first born but he would never latch. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise! I pumped my breast milk for him and fed it to him in a bottle. I never had to deal with biting or switching from breast to bottle or any of the common issues! I’m 38 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and I don’t even plan on trying to get him to take the breast. I will hand express the colostrum like with my first and then pump the milk and bottle feed him my milk. Good luck momma!

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try a weighted straw sippy cup or a 360 sippy cup instead.