Best bottles for breastfed babies?

I have had the best luck with mam bottles. Both breastfed and formula fed babies get a really good latch on them and they help with spit up and gas as well. For reference I am an Early Childhood Teacher and have been for 15 years, I’ve fed lots of little ones. Dr.brown bottles don’t often get a good latch from little ones. NUK are decent but I hand down recommend MAM.

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Tommee tippee were the only ones my daughter would take

This bottle was truly a life saver. I tried so many different ones for my son and he hated them all until this one. I use this one for my daughter as well and she took right to it and has no problem switching from bottle to breast!

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It’s hard sometimes. My little girl did well with nuk. My son isn’t really a fan of any of them. Lol but we’ve been trying nuk with him too.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for breastfed babies?

My son did good with the NUK simply natural.

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My breastfed baby took to MAM bottles really well!

When I switched my son he did great on Avent bottles

Tommee tippee was favored from both of my babies

Depends on the baby.

My son loved the Avent bottles. I loved the nipple stages/levels. So convenient.

Tommee tippee I thought worked really well

The only bottle my son took was wide neck parents choice… keep in mind with some anti colic bottles they have all those tiny pieces that are a pain to clean.

Tommee tippee closer to nature bottle’s i found them at Walmart and they worked for my breast fed baby there the closest to a real breast nipple i could get my daughter to take i tried quite a few different ones

My son didn’t care for bottles and at 8 months, which you can start earlier and I didn’t know, but at 8 months we got him a straw cup and I would just put my milk in that! Weighted straw cups are good for any baby probably a good 4 months and above because they can be used at any angle even laying down and it has a safety straw so that they can’t drink too fast

I got super lucky with my son. He wasn’t too picky when it came to bottles, but we used the parents choice bottles from Walmart and tommee tippee. As a childcare worker, I would suggest tommee tippee. Most children take to that better than anything else.

My first son used playtex baby ventaire and my second used avent natural baby bottles.

Some bf babies won’t take bottles. My son never did

Avent bottles worked for us (the ones with the natural tip). Eventually I used mam and Dr brown’s because he was always gassy

We used Medela calma

My baby takes Tommie Tippee bottles well at daycare with the size 1 nipple. She’s 2 months old

Comotomo worked for us

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My mine would not take a bottle

Mam by far the best

My son did great with MAM bottles! You may want to try different bottles/nipples until you find what baby likes

i used tommy tippee and advent because they are the most round shape like your nipple