Best bottles for breastfed babies?

Fan Question


So my daughter doesnt take bottles (shes ebf), but in a couple days she will be 6 months & I will be introducing water to drink for her, what cups have yall used or should I just try to give her her bottle w water and see if she takes it?

Also what brand of water do you give your baby?


Cool boiled water is fine

A straw cup or a 360 cup might be a good place to start. Also brand of water really makes no difference. If you have good water in your area, just tap is fine.

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I’m with the above… I don’t think your supposed to introduce water just yet. But I haven’t had an infant in 5 years, so I might have out dated information


I haven’t had any experience because my son hasnt been born yet but I was given one of those cups that had a middle compartment for chopped fruits or veggies or whatever to add flavor and they have great reviews. I have been told that mixing juices with water is better than just straight water. But like I said I’m not sure just giving my opinion

A baby shouldn’t be taken off milk this early, I would encourage milk in a cup for a while maybe with water ever once in a while.

Babies should only have formula or breast Milne for the first year

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Avent has bottles they have the nipple that’s like the breast.I used those for all 4 of my kids

No reason whatsoever for an ebf baby to have water.


Try a sippy cup with a straw, they seem to be the easiest for babies that don’t take a bottle from my experience.

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I was told not to give my daughter water until she turned 1, until then, formula and/or breastmilk was all they needed


U should wait until baby is 12 months for just water

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I just bought a Brita pitcher for water for my son and I leave it on the counter so it doesn’t get too cold. As far as cups, Nuk makes some sippys that are like a bottle nipple. You can also pump and put milk in the cup at meal times if you’re starting solids any time soon.

You can introduce some water but you’re supposed to continue formula and/or breast milk as a source of nutrition until closer to a year… I like the playtex ventaire kind and when your child can sit up alone unassisted and hold the bottle without assistance transition to a sippy… I like the munchkin click n lock… I would start by putting a ounce with a ice cube in it once she’s comfortable, but continue with milk as the main drink of choice

Living in Australia (or any hot places) in the height of summer, dehydration is a real possibility. My daughter also was breastfed, and although she was a little older than that (9 months and we only started water because we were going for a 10 hour drive in the middle of summer to see her other grandparents for christmas) we gave her a tiny bottle that had some cooled, boiled water in it for a little bit between feeds. So the amount of water she was drinking was limited to only a few mLs at a time, and it was after she had drank milk.
Doctor said small amounts of water were fine after 6 months.

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You can give your baby water, but it still needs milk. No tap water.

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You can give a little water with a straw. But really your baby doesnt need water. Breast milk has water in it.


Straw cup. And no certain brand water, we just gave whatever we had in the fridge (Poland spring, market basket, etc.)

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A baby has to have formula until they are a year old and then whole milk until they are two in order to be healthy


Unless they are on Breast Milk


There are gallon jugs of purified water for babies in the water isle of your grocery store. I always used those. And I’m going to see if I can find the cup we used for both of mine, who were also breastfed. I’ll put it in the reply section if I do.
But you may have to try a couple different cups/ bottles with different nipples before baby is happy. I just sat it with the toys during floor time and let them have it as they wanted it.
Its also a good idea not to let it get too cold as they could get a brain freeze. :cry:

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Why does she need water?

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Baby doesn’t need water :woman_shrugging:


I got a rubber tip sippy cup and gave mine water from the faucet at 6 months.

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Do you ladies not know what breastmilk does and how… Nvm


Definitely not tap, disgusting. I used a filtered water from the company I had delivering for me. Or bottled water. And I wouldn’t use bottles she should start on sippy cups. Try using a straw too

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Babies are allowed to have 1-3 oz of water from 6-12 months. It helps them get accustomed to drinking it and can aid in constipation relief. It’s not NEEDED but she isn’t gonna hurt her kid by giving her water. Some of y’all need to switch drs…


I know you are all pediatricians but yes babies can have up to 4 oz a water a day after 6 months according to my sons dr and diet consultant and I use the cups that don’t have straws or nipples they don’t spill and they drink just like a regular cup they are amazing


All of you saying No Water!!
Good Lord ppl, the child won’t not get formula. :roll_eyes:
Every child I’ve raised, been around or babysat had water after 6 months old, with baby food.
How did humanity ever survive. :person_facepalming:


Most stores have jugs of water specially designed for babies right where the formula and baby food is. But usually tap water is ok as long as it’s not well water. And a good sippy cup to start with is the nubby brand with the soft silicone top. It help with transitioning from the bottle, if she’s totally refusing the bottle. If she is set on not taking the bottle and just wants the cup, that’s awesome. A lot of the time it takes a lot of time and effort to transition


My son had water from DAY 1. He his a human after all and humans need water.


I don’t know if they still make them but avent (I think that’s the name) had bottles you could switch the nipples out of the lids with a sippy cup top


My son was given water in the hospital. Of course that was wayyyyy back when

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I used reverse osmosis filtered water. My daughter is almost 7mos and the Munchkin Latch Sippy is the only one she will use. Shes also EBF

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My son started using the Nuk soft spout sippy cups at 7 months with no issue. They even make a small 4 or 5 oz one

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Go for cup… Skip the bottle…

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Brand of water…essence of Spokane Washington


I used the 360 spoutless cup for my daughter, she was ebf too & she took to that one pretty good

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None. Breastmilk is mostly water


No bottle! At 6 mths my kids were holding sippy cups with a grip on them. Both my kids were breastfeed babies and had no issues using a sippy cup

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Just get the distilled parents choice water from walmart for like 98 cents. That’s what I mix my son’s bottles with.

As far as bottle/sippy… that’s gonna be entire up to your baby and don’t be surprised if the cup that worked last week doesn’t work this week. Baby’s are fickle with their likes. Get a couple cheaper options to start with and cycle through them.

6 months is introducing foods so water is needed. You can start now xx

The munchkin weighted straw cups are really good for beginners as they can drink from any angle!


Brand of water: Tap. With ice, also of the tap variety :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


Weighted straw cups and filtered water (whatever you’d drink) with or without ice

Really only sips of water at 6 months is needed, not even 2oz. You could give sips right from a reg cup. Giving too much too soon can wash away healthy needed bacterias in babies digestive system. … And I never bought water for baby… Gave treated city water


Nuk learner sippy cups


Always use a cup. If you start with a bottle then itll just be one more thing you’ll have to break later. Cup.


Tap water and straw and a reg cup

I used a 360 cup and she took to it no worries. The other two didn’t get the hang of then though. My first I just put it in a bottle and then a transition bottle sippy cup thing.

My son loves this cuppy from Nuby


So all the airheads that think its not ok to give baby water why dont you ask your ped. Because its clearly safe when 95% of pediatrician reccomend it at 6 months slowly because it helps with dehydration and constipation that is cause by bm formula and solids


I tried every sippy there is so im no help there but i just have a really good filter pitcher that i have always used for my daughter

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No water until at least 1!!! Your breast milk gives her exactly what she needs! If you give her water it can flush her system of her electrolytes. Please do not give her water.


Those 360 cups are awesome and seriously, tap water is fine. Unless you have well water then use whatever bottled water you can find for cheap☺️

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…tap water? Lol. Use a 360 cup

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Nuby bottle comes with different nipples for sippy etc

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Never did sippys with my EBF baby. We used take and toss cups. Straws were great but he preferred just the regular open mouth kids cups.


They sell baby water in the baby food aisle ,at the grocery store.


One WITHOUT FLORIDE. So NOT the baby water they have stupidly added it to that. It’s damaging to development,

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Tap water if you teach her to use a sippy cup then when you teach her later to use a normal cup it’s a mess because a sippy is tipped all the way up were as a regular cup tipped slightly.

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sippy cut but cooled boiled water

Humans are 95% water. We die without water. Baby animals drink water. It makes zero sense to say human babies can’t drink WATER :roll_eyes::person_facepalming:. IN FACT, MOST BABIES ARE SEVERELY DEHYDRATED FOR MOST OF THEIR LIVES DUE TO THEIR MOTHERS NIT GIVING THEM WATER.


My suggestion is to skip the bottle and try a few different cups and see what works for her.


They don’t need water until 1yr old.


Some of y’all are out here acting like water is killing babies and I just don’t get it.


Mine has had water since she was 1 mo old.

Idk why everyone’s acting like formula isn’t WATER and powder lol


How about you’re not supposed to give your baby under 1year water as a substantial drink as
their bodies can’t process it correctly, and can easily become ill because of this.


I have given my daughter water (tap and nursery) since she was a year old. She was mostly breastfed, then slowly introduced formula, then water and juice. She’s 12 now and absolutely fine. Water in small doses is fine. And at a year old she had a sippy cup. She took to it right away.

Voss water or boxed water is the best water out there for anyone

My doctor recommended the 360 cups but my daughter hated them.


There have been babies that died from drinking watered down breast milk. Water isnt a good idea under a year old.

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Some babies died because of water intoxiation. If you’re exclusively breastfeeding the baby, there’s no need for water coz it will dilute all the vitamins, minerals, fats, etc on the breastmilk. (So the baby will be dehydrated and die) Water will only be introduced on the 6th month since solid foods will be introduced. This is according to WHO. And again this is the standard for EBF… Some will say that the baby will be dehydrated if you don’t give water. Not true. Coz our breastmilk is 85% water. That’s how amazing our breastmilk. #liquidgold #normalizebreastfeeding :heart:


The weighted straw cups are awesome. I just got one for my 10 mo th old and it’s super easy. The first one I got was from walmart and has blue elephants on it and handles that can be removed. It’s a nuk.

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My 6 month old does well with the 360 cups


2 oz a day after 6 months. Weighted straw cups. I use bottled water without the added bs.


In general, your baby shouldn’t drink water until he’s about 6 months old. Until then, he gets all the hydration he needs from breast milk or formula, even in hot weather. Once your baby is 6 months old, it’s okay to give him sips of water when he’s thirsty.

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When Can My Baby Start Drinking Water? | Parents

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Babies can drink water but it’s not recommended unless they’re constipated. Babies get hydrated from formula and breast milk