Best bottles for newborns?

MAM i swear by these

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Philips avent naturals

Tommy tippi nuk or advent

We started with dr brown and went to playtex

One of our twins uses Dr Brown’s the other uses Avent

Dr brown bottles and also playtex ventaire have been the best for my newborn. He’s not picky with bottles but I’ve tried a few different brands with him and he just keeps his milk down better with those two brands

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My son loves the Tommee Tippee bottles. We tried a few different ones but this was his favorite

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I’m in the same boat​:weary: my daughter is almost one month and still doesn’t like drinking from bottle :sob:

Tommee tippee and playtex bottles

Unless you are trying to breastfeed and bottle feed, then the baby shouldn’t have an issue with the bottle. There is no right bottle to use. Try different ones to find one the baby likes. But if you started with a bottle the baby should have no issue with it. If you are breastfeeding then you should definitely wait at least a few weeks to a month before trying to introduce a bottle. Also don’t expect your newborn to sleep all night. Babies don’t sleep. Especially newborns. They need to eat every two hours in the first few months. If your baby is waking at night he/she is hungry. Don’t try to force your baby to skip feedings. It will be a long time for baby to sleep all night.

I’ve used Tommy Tippee bottles. They worked great for all 3 of my kids.

I used dr browns from day one for my babies. They’re great bottlesv

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Mam worked for my baby

The first years gumdrop bottles are all my youngest would take without any issues!

I love the Avent Bottles

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for newborns? - Mamas Uncut

Dr. Brown with my 1st and Mam with my 2nd.

These worked really well for us! Also, something I honestly didn’t know until after birth was check nipple sizes. Could be too much of a flow, or too little.

We used avent and it worked really well for both my kids.

(My second had a bit of bottle refusale it took a bit of time but she takes them.)

I loved all Medela products

Dr browns and Avent worked really well for me

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Dr browns… check nipple size as well they all come with 1 but it may be too fast for your little one. :purple_heart:

I used the tommee tippie ones with my 3rd, it was the only one she’d take for a long time after being breastfed.

I only used platex bottles for my 3 children my grandson liked the advent

Only ones that worked for us were avent

You can get extra slow teats XX

Dr brown is the only bottle my newborn daughter would take and nuk is what my two boys would only take just try to get one each till you find the one you’re baby likes good luck

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Nuk my daughter wouldn’t use anything else

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Best bottles for newborns? - Mamas Uncut

Mine loved mam bottles

I had the same issue. My baby was stuck on the disposable nipples that go with the premade bottles from the hospital. For the first 3 weeks I was buying disposable nipples which were $1 a piece! I went through atleast 8-10 brands including mam, avent, tomme tippee, nuk, playtex bag bottles. The parents choice Walmart brand bottles. Everything I could find at the store. All of them even ones specifically designed not to give gas or colic. Gave my daughter horrible trapped gas and she was miserable. The only bottles I have found to work with her system are Dr. Browns

I read this as “beer bottles for newborns” :grimacing::joy::joy:

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I like the Avent natural. My daughter had no issues going back and forth between breast and bottle

Dollar store bottles. They work just fine.

My younger son had a very small mouth and only the playtex bottles worked for him.

My daughter only liked mam bottles. Refused all others. We tried several in the nicu and that was the only one

Both my babies liked the evenflo

We did nuk for our son. We have yet to try bottles with our newest. Hes 3 weeks old

We used munchkin latch

Como tomo bottles !!!

I was using avent at first. Now we are using tommee tippee

My daughter really enjoyed the mam bottles. I did as well since you can sterilize them in the microwave after washing them. Made my life a million times easier and she wouldn’t go for any other bottle (or pacifier)

Tommee Tippee with both of my boys

Playtex ventaire I love that they have a small nipple and the wide top you can have a baby in your arms and still make a bottle easily.