Ok ladies thinking of getting a IUD so what’s the best brand and
Pros and cons of having one
I’ve had 2 IUD’s. With my first one, I bled for a whole year… Had it removed. About 3 months later, had another one done. That one disappeared after 6 months of daily bleeding as well. So it’s a no for me.
Do not get mirena. My daughter had so much pain amd bleeding from it and also pid. Pelvic inflammatory disease
The one that the doctor says is best for you after you discuss it with them.
Women react differently to all birth control, this isn’t something you should ask preference on.
I got an IUD after my first son and had really bad cramps all the time! To the point where I had to sleep sitting down. Until one day my body starting I guess to freak out and I got a fever, couldn’t breathe and was getting a mild panic attack. Saw my doctor and he pulled out the IUD right then and there, because my body was rejecting it. And then I had small case of PID for a while until it went away. Since it was being rejected it caused me a lot of swelling to my uterus and cervix.
I like mine! No issues here
Paraagard. Pros-no hormones & u don’t have to think about it. Cons-there is always a chance it could migrate.