Best bubble bath for toddlers?

I’m giving my 17 months old baths. Using shampoo. I was curious if I should have bath bubbles? Is there an age to do that? What kind do I buy if he is old enough?


With my two, I always used their baby wash to use as bubbles when they were babes - plus, it helped with the washing because they loved to play more in the water rather than let me scrub them down. As they got older, I only used hypoallergenic.

Please be careful with using Mr. Bubbles - my momma used it with me when I was a child and was always getting yeast infections until she figured out that it was caused by Bubbles. It’s one of the worst ones to use.


I don’t use bubble bath when I was my daughter’s hair, but I use off brand bubbles because you get more bubbles

Use hypoallergenic or sensitive skin stuff and rinse it good after the bath.

My daughter loved bubble baths but cheap stuff always caused rashes where her diapers were.


Honestly hold off on bubble baths. A lot of kids get UTIs or yeast infections from them during the younger years. They are fun of course but don’t make it a regular thing


Only hypoallergenic!!! Unscented or only baby bath Johnson’s or Burt’s bees baby products only. But even a lot of that can cause burning and irritation on their privates !

We use Mr teals bath and body which is hypoallergenic. However you should not put girls in a bath every night. Every other night is okay. We shower on non bath days as part of our routine. Girl parts sitting in a bath every night is a recipe for uti. My niece kept getting utis and rashes even though everything was hypoallergenic and we found that was why.


Clicks has a oh so heavenly baby range… the bubble bath is very good… I used it on my from 6 months…his now 4 years old…no problems at all…

I use Avon children’s bubble bath/ body wash in the bath also use Avon shampoo/ conditioner as it doesn’t hurt their eyes.

I’ve used the baby wash, and when got a little older I use the honest brand for his bubbles. I can typically find them much cheaper at Ross, Marshall or TJ max rather than at target and Walmart.

I’ve always liked Aveeno. The lavender oat or whatever it is smells so good! Makes plenty of bubbles for a baby and toddler, in my opinion


I couldn’t use bubble bath with my daughter. She was way too sensitive for that. Her vaginal area would get so red.

Be careful it can cause UTI’s

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Best bubble bath for toddlers is NO bubble bath! Can cause UTI !!!


U r risking a uti by doing that. Bubbles once a week