Best car seat for a 4-year-old?

What car seat do you ladies use for a 4 year old? I am looking to buy a new carseat for my boy who just turned 4 last month because he’s outgrown the one we’ve used since he was a toddler. Anyway, I’m told he’s tall for a 4 year old. And it works perfectly because my daughter is turning 1 next month so we will use his old one for her. But I’m not sure what to get, plus all I see are a bunch of transitional car seats. And he’s not old enough for a straight booster yet. We’re in CA btw.

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We really love our graco tranzitions!

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If he’s tall for his age I’d get a Chico myfit. It has the highest harness height so he’ll be able to use it a lot longer. We had that issue with my oldest as well. It’s always a good idea to ask in the car seats for littles Facebook group with his height weight and car that you drive in case there are other limitations with your seats.

I have my 5 yr old, almost 6 in a Diono 3R. It’s super slim and has a steel frame. He’s also super tall but very small weight wise.

I’d join Car Seat Safety For The Littles (CSSFTL)
Great information from CPSTS


I’d recommend a grow with me car seat

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