What is the best 5 point harness for a 5 year old who weights 60lbs? preferably rear facing
Nothing rearfaces past 50 lbs in the us
Most 5pt harnesses max out at 50-55lbs.
Join the group carseats for the littles. Car seat specialists can help determine what seat is the best fit for you and your vehicle/kid/budget.
I’d advise posting in CarSeat Safety but at their weight they have to booster.
You can’t rear face past 50lbs unfortunately but a good forward seat is the chicco myfit
Very unsafe for a kid that age to be back facing one accident and his legs would be broken
50 is the rf max weight.
Car Seats for the Littles is a great group.
It depends on your child’s height and and weight, as well as your car make, model, and year.
Graco nautilus 65 is a 3 in 1 and goes up to 65lbs for 5pt harness. I currently use this one for both my kids
Is it even safe to rear face at that weight?
There are no seats that rearface past 50lbs, and no harnessed seat supports over 65lbs. After 5, depending on kiddos maturity, a high back booster is just as safe, though.
You can’t rear face a 5 year old. Their legs are too long.
Shouldn’t be facing rear unless you want to kill them. Your kid needs to be turned forward at this point.
Wow! So many uneducated people on this post!!!
Ohh I came to ask the same thing. My son’s 5 point ,the shoulder straps have gotten too tight,they almost push down on his shoulders now. But he’s not ready maturity wise to sit on a booster.
They’re way too big for rear facing. It’s not safe.
Car Seats for the Littles is a great group to help !
Rear facing at 5??? No! Not safe, and most max out at 55-60lbs…get a booster!
He’s to big to RF!
Depends where you are located, everywhere has different laws.
Here in Australia you can’t rear face pass 4.
These comments are absolutely baffling. Yes you most definitely CAN RF a 5 year old. I’m sad that most mothers don’t know this? That’s concerning tbh
The only ones i know are diono seats and they go to 60 lbs rear facing and 90 lbs forward. Personally I’d switch Forward at this point and you maybe able to find a seat that can use the harness until taller, my son is only 50lbs at 7 and outgrew the height shortly before 7. Also every one would be safer rear facing, they are not too old to rear face so you keep doing what you prefer.
When people think that 5 is too old to rearface and that its “unsafe”
As long as the child is within the limits of a seat, rear facing is preferred from the safety stand point. Everyone would be safer rearfacing if they could. That being said, OPs child has passed the max rearfacing weight limit and will need to be forward facing. And soon will have maxed most forward facing harnesses and should then move to a high back booster with seatbelt. I would do as others recommended and join one of the carseat pages to get more help/info.
Remember, the law does not equate safety. Gold standard would be to max out each stage before moving to the next stage.
AAP recommends a minimum of 2 but closer to 4 if possible before forward facing.
Um a 5 yr old is way to big to be rear facing. Where on earth do the legs go? The AAP recommends keeping kids rear-facing until they are too big for rear-facing in their convertible seat. For me that was when my kids were 1-2. There is no where for their feet to go!
Please check on Car Seats for the Littles. Have height, weight, torso length, budget and position in car ready as well as any other car seats for the best suggestion. Good luck.
What state requires you to forward face? Can anyone tell me that? Actually drop a link that says “at XXX age and weight limit you must FF your child” because I don’t know of a single state with that requirement.
At 60lbs it’s likely they’ve maxed every rear facing convertible car seat. I would contact a CPST for support and not just anyone on Facebook. I rear faced my son until 4 1/2, then he maxed the height/weight. At some point rear facing them can become more dangerous than forward facing if you’re not following the car seat guidelines, so it might be good to start forward facing.
However, I love Diono brand, but I notice if your kids are taller they don’t fit them as long.
Not rear facing but we have this 5point harness my boy is 4.
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May I ask why rear? I was curious due to them being too tall and what not.
Britax. My daughter used it up to her 8th birthday.
A five year old and still rear facing?
okay but there’s no reason a 5 year old should rear face, a kindergartener💀
if anything that child should be in a booster or at least forward facing
why would u want 5 year old rearfacing… put them in the back seat… facing u .
A five year old needs to be in a forward facing booster seat lol
At some point, a child rear facing is dangerous. I would think that would apply for a 60 pound 5yt old. I mean, geez. What do you do with the kid’s legs? Put 'em behind their neck?
Go to car seat safety in Facebook group they will answer your questions better
At five you should get a 5 point high back booster seat that foreward faces. Britax is a great brand.
There are no seats on the market that rear face passed 50 lbs. So you will need a forward facing seat. With that being said all 5 point harnessed seats on the market only go up to 65 lbs.
If this is a spam funny.
If not you’re one of the biggest idiots I’ve seen post recently
Your 60lb 5 year old should not be rear facing anymore lol
Ummm a kid that age doesn’t have to be rear facing anymore.
Lol… you folding him like a pretzel to put him rear facing?
I believe every rear facing car seat has a maximum weight of 50lbs for rear facing. I highly suggest joining a car seat safety group. Car seats for littles is a good one.
I feel where your coming from, my daughter and I were both unhappy when she reached 50lbs at 5 and has to turn forward facing. I do highly suggest keeping in a 5 point harness while forward facing, for as long as possible.
Rear facing at 5 yrs old and 60lbs??? Umm, I have a 7 and 8 year old that doesn’t weigh that much!!! Ugh!!! Are you really serious right now?
I am a CRT, and well done mumma for wanting your kid rf as long as possible!!! The Axkid Minikid 3 Premium goes up to 36kg which is about 80lbs I think. Of course it depends on what country you’re in and your child Restraint standards etc.
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You have to be joking?
How the heck you gonna put a 60lb 5 year old rear facing🤣
So should I still be rear facing my 5 year old?
Wow,This can’t be real!
I’m sure the MAX for rear facing in the USA is 50 lbs.