Best diaper brand for sensitive skin?

What are the best diaper brands for sensitive skin? My baby has been breaking out with everything


It varies depending on baby. My first two could only wear luvs. My 3rd can wear anything and be just fine.

My oldest was sensitive to absolutely everything and we found out that parents choice is completely unscented. We never had a problem with them

i used luvs when my kids were allergic to huggies and parents choice i never had a issue with luvs

Good old square cloth nappies

Depends on where you live, what you can get hold of regularly and each baby is different anyway. I found reusable nappies helped

I use Mama Bear Gentle Touch from Amazon on my now 20 month old son. Works wonders and no issues at all. Been using them for months now.:blush:He’s a Size 7 in them now.

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We use sams club brand which is pretty close to the target brand.

Seriously depends on the baby. My kids wear/wore huggies snugglers because everything else broke them out. Try using aquafor to help baby heal up.

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Maybe its a yeast infection.

My boys had the same issue! We used the Aldi brand and never had any issues! They’re also a lot cheaper and more absorbent.

I used Wal-mart brand.
If they keep brwakimg out, try Gold Bond baby powder. Works wonders.

Make sure your drying your baby completely dry down there after a bath. Moisture can cause a lot of issues. Put some baking soda in your child’s bath it helps the rash.

Not sure but have you tried desitin original formula rash medicine?? It usually works really well

Hello bello worked for grandson

Huggies little movers worked great for my littles


Huggies Special Delivery!

It was corn starch for my babies …

Just get the cloth one’s so you can clean them and not have the garbage shitty for dead chicks. Pampers, Huggies are only good on the road.

Pampers and Luvs are the only ones my daughter could use.

My LO has sensitive and we use honest brand diapers which work well and are plant based so no dyes or scents or anything like that

Dyper. It’s the cleanest diaper I’ve found after lots of research.

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Use butt cream. Totally gets rid of rash in just a day or two

I could only use either Huggies snugglers or Huggies snug and dry , I do hear the honest brand diapers are really good as well I could only use Huggies brand everything on my child

Depends on where you are in the world “rascal and friends” are amazing & I have used them for all my sensitive skinned babies

It depends on your baby.
I know people swear by pampers but my kids couldn’t wear them.
Huggies or parents choice worked the best for my kids.

Parents choice worked best for us. Huggies broke my son out so bad. Everyone’s skin is simply different. xx I loved pampers but boy they are expensive.