Best double stroller?

Most recommended double stroller! Extra points for the link lmao looking for compact, easy fold and unfold but good quality.

I love my baby trend city mini gt double, very easier to maneuver, easier than my single nuna mixx actually, fits through standard doorways and very easy to fold. I’ve been using it for 3 years, my 4.5 year old still fits comfortably

Evenflo pivot xpand

I love the options for the way the kids face and even having the option to use the stroller as a single stroller by not unfolding the bottom part and it doesn’t take as much room/space in stores. It also folds down and I can fit all of it in the trunk of my suv even with the two stroller seats


It’s an Uppababy dupe for a fraction of the price, and in my opinion, has even better specs (the weight capacity/size of the front seat for example). I absolutely love the versatility of going from single to double and back again (depending on who I have with me), the multiple choices for car seat adapters, and the different accessories and color options. I did a bunch of research before purchasing the Mockingbird. I HIGHLY recommend.