Best formula for sensitive tummies?

Best formula for sensitive bellies/help digestive system? Currently my 1 month old is on Similac Total 360 or whatever bc that’s what the hospital put him on but I notice he gets super uncomfortable & grunting & straining sometimes after a bottle & it breaks my heart ): He has a dr’s appointment next week so I’ll be asking the dr before we make the switch but wanted to get other mamas opinions too! I never dealt w this w my first born, she was a more colicky baby! He’s overall a happy baby, I just hate to see him uncomfortable & struggling w gas/poop sometimes ): TIA!


My 1st kid was on Similac sensitive and my 2nd was on Similac alumentium. Sometimes you have to switch around to see what works best for your kid.

I used Gerber soy (pink can) and that worked well for my daughter.

Try the sensitive one! If not, Enfamil Reguline is absolutely awesome!

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Both of my babies were on soy based due to stomach issues with the milk based formulas. Nutramigen worked for my oldest. But my 1yr old had terrible acid reflux with it. So we used the Gerber soy (can’t remember the specific name) option and that seemed to work well since it was a little thicker.

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Try adding probiotics, we use the same formula we switched to a sensitive version and it made it worst.

We added probiotic in her bottle once a day and noticed a huge improvement.

We do parents choice gentle (Walmart brand) it’s an orange can it’s for fussiness and gas. They have it for similac. I’ve used it for my now three year old and I currently use for my 8 month old. Also try gas drops. They worked wonders for my 8 month old

I love Happy Baby Organic Sensitive formula. My last 2 babies I couldn’t breastfeed so we tried a few (they both had awful gas/straining on the others) and ultimately stuck with Happy Baby as it has worked best for us.

Gentle Ease (purple tops) across the different brands. I also used little remedies gas drops, because all of my kiddos (4 of them) had trouble with formula.

Walgreen has a brand that similar to breastmilk. Babies 0-2 can drink it.

I know every baby is different but I swear by gripe water!! I would give it to my baby over gas drops any day. In my personal observations gas drops always made my little ones seem more uncomfortable after taking the drops. The gripe water just seemed to soothe them so much better.

I used enfamil for 3 out of 4 of my babies and swore if I had anymore babes I would always stay loyal to enfamil! It just worked for us. I got pregnant with my 4th baby and when he was born they gave him bottles of Similac total 360 as well. Before just turning it down I did give it a try but it just did not sit right with my baby. I immediately wanted to go out and buy enfamil because that’s all we had known and like I said it worked for my other 3 just fine. I started googling majority of the formulas trying to outweigh pros, cons, ingredients, etc. to the point it was making me crazy. I decided to try one more option with Similac first before I completely switched to a different brand. I don’t know why I felt compelled to do so at the time but I bought the orange can/lid “Similac Sensitive” I truly have no idea what it was about this formula that worked better for my sons belly but it worked and he adjusted just fine and that’s what he stayed on until transitioning away from formula. To my surprise, I later on read that Similac Total Care 360 is actually suppose to be the “preferred” formula between the two by having an additional prebiotic that is very similar to breast milk. I would absolutely try some gripe water first and discuss with the pediatrician other alternative formulas if that does not help.

I apologize for the lengthy post! I hope your baby is able to get some relief. 🫶🏼

Wheb I started my daughter on formula it was the regular similac…she was have similar issues and we switched to sensitive…it did the trick but took about a week for her to adjust

We had the same exact issue. Same formula. Same symptoms. Put our little man on any sensitive formula we could get our hands on. In my area it’s targets up and up sensitive brand and sams clubs sensitive brand. He did well on both.

Similac sensitive worked best when my one year old was on formula and when my 6 year old was a baby she had to have soy formula