Best nursing bra?

I am looking for hands free pumping bras for the spectra s2. Any suggestions? Right now I am pumping one at a time to have a hand free. Once I return to work I won’t want to spend 40 minutes - 1hr pumping at a time.

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I bought cheap sports bras and cut little holes in them. Don’t cut too big or they’ll slip out. Much cheaper.

Simple Wishes DLITE Hands Free Breastpump Bra (Black L-PLUS)

This is the one I had and loved

Simple wishes ones were great!

Simple Wishes off Amazon. I pumped at work for a year for each of my kids and that thing was a lifesaver.

I loved Kindred Bravely’s sublime nursing bra and was excited when they came out with a hands free pumping bra that you can also use for nursing. It was so comfortable I could wear it all day :raised_hands: Worth the money imo.