My apartment doesn’t have washer and dryer hookups. We have a laundry room but the washers and dryers suck. The washers don’t get the clothes clean and the dryers don’t dry in one go. So you end your paying over 8 dollars most of the time to do one load. I was looking into washers and dryers that don’t need hookups? My husband only wears jeans and they get DIRTY. He works outside and they get caked in dirt, grease, oil, and lake water. His shirts always have dirt, grease, oil, and sweat. I know they would probably have to be done in the laundry room which I fine I guess…but does anyone have any recommendations or use the “portable” washers and dryers?
I didn’t even know that was a thing. 
There are a lot on Amazon, just look at the reviews. That’s what I have been looking at today as well.
I’ve heard from a lot of people the portable washer and dryers aren’t worth it