Best potty training seats and tips?? We have the one that has steps and sits over the potty, it’s still too big and my skinny guy is afraid of it because he is sitting in a hole. Also any tips on getting my little interested in it I know everyone says wait until they are ready. I know that, but mine is just afraid for some reason. He is only 2y4mo but I would love to get him into preschool next year or at least have the option. And no way am I considering another one until this one is out of diapers.
I took my LO with me to the bathroom every time I went. The behavior mimic started and pretty soon she wanted to do the same thing. Sat on her potty chair in her diaper like a chair to get used to it. Took a year or so to get her going regularly but we got there. Takes time and they honestly have to want it or it’s a STRUGGLE
You need a kids potty. Like the actual tiny potty that can be moved. Put the potty in whatever room your child hangs out in the most. Then let him be naked all day at home and give him lots of juice/milk if you see him peeing hurry out him on the little potty while telling him this is where you pee. You will have accidents to clean up but thats potty training. As you notice he is making to the little potty majority of the time start moving it closer to the bathroom then eventually when he shows interest in the big potty remove the tiny one all together. As for outings during potty training if you have preschool in mind. No pills up or diapers when going out bring extra clothes with you. Even keeps some in the car. If he pees when out tell him you need to use the potty. Make a big deal about him peeing himself. Don’t scold him but make it well noticed that because he peed himself he has to stop what you guys are doing and change. Wash those clothes wipe him down etc.