Ronse with vinegar . That will cut the oil and greasy look .
Her body is all in uproar over puberty hormones ph levels be patient give her the benefit of doubt extra love attention and a nice talk about what she thinks is happening let her know it’s not her fault and you want to help her. When I started puberty everything went greasy hair skin and I was terrified and getting accused of not taking care of hygiene I would wash my hair twice a day and cry every night because my Mom didn’t believe me a doctor visit was what it took for her to realize it wasn’t me.
my daughters were the same way. Come to find out, they were using too much conditioner and not fully rinsing it out…
Shes going theough puberty. Its completely normal for her hair to get greasy fast. And washing more often will make the issue worse. Id stick with the washing every other day and then investing in dry shampoo for non wash days.
You should only wash your hair with shampoo once a week. It will be greasy for a while, but the longer you stick to that, the better your hair will get.
Conditioner could be the culprit, if she uses that too. I had to stop using it years ago.
And if she uses conditioner, rinse that thoroughly.
Tresseme its not silicone based. And only conditioner on the ends of your hair
Some kids have not gotten their washing technique perfected. She needs to scrub her scalp with her fingertips, and often preteens and teens won’t. My daughter is 18 and uses a shampoo brush to scrub her scalp, plus she uses Suave, Alberto VO5 or White Rain shampoos and conditioners. The shampoo really strips oils.
Horse tail shampoo. Not main n tail🤦🏻♀️ it’s called HORSETAIL. it’s and herb. Do not use conditioner after shampooing with this either. You’re not suppose to. You don’t need to. I’ve worked in hair salons over the years. I’ve tried expensive and cheap products. This is thee best shampoo I have ever used! It’s an $8 bottle and u save becuz u don’t need conditioner. I started using this when my hair started falling out like crazy and also from color damage. I will never go back to anything else.
Overwashing strips away the natural oils. So the scalp has to overcompensate and is overproducing more oil than necessary. You really only need to wash your hair three times a week.
Shes going through puberty. Your body, hair included is gunna be all sorts of messed up. Also depending on her hair you may be washing too often. I only wash my hair like 2x a week. When you wash your hair too often your body tries to compensate by creating more oils (because our hair needs some). Thus causing your hair to have oil overproduction.
u should wash her hair yourself so u know its done. she wants to act like a baby she gonna get treated like one. my 8yr old tried that with me and i washed her body and her haor myself since she kept lying about it. i told her u wanna say u not doing it and act like a child ima treat u like one…she has washed her body and hair herself ever since lol
My daughter is a teen and has exact same issue her hairdresser told her its hormones etc .ive tried just about every shampoo for her and same outcome
When you wash often, it strips the natural oils, so your hair starts over producing oil to keep up. If you stop washing it so often, after the hair goes through a greasy few days, it will eventually stop over producing oil. Then, wash 1x/week. You can rinse and condition every other day though.
Washing your hair too often strips the oils and actually makes your scalp create more oil.  She should really only be washing it three days a week tops. Use dry shampoo in between if it looks greasy. Eventually, it will be much less oily over time.
Train her hair for 2 washes a week. It’ll be oily in the start but once it’s used to it it’ll be nicer. In between wash days use a dry shampoo.
Try a dry shampoo. Too much washing can actually cause it to get greasier, faster.
Stop using shampoo! Just condition.
Google the curly girl method (not just for curly hair) xx
We use Joico volumizing. I used to need moisturizing but as I got older I switched and my daughter has thick hair and it gets oily like mine from sweating. Works great!
I use dawn dish soap about once a month as needed. I only shampoo 2 times a week and have curly hair.
Shampoo bars are pretty good.
I’d you wash too much it strips the oils and so the scalp will release more oils to combat being stripped of oils! I would actually do the opposite and have her train her hair and go longer between washes. It is hard at fist but out braid it or have her em wear a hun while her hair adjusts. Her hair will then even out and not produce as much oil!
Look it up, washing hair too much can be a problem.
Also, dry shampoo can work wonders while training hair. But like someone else said, do it right after you wash to be a preventative and start absorbing oil not wait for oil to show up!
I’ve trained my hair and can go much longer now and have VERY healthy hair!
Look up hair training also.
I find that my teens have to shower including washing their hair everyday the hormones reck havoc on them we use maui for shampoo n conditioner due to me being allergic to every thing else
Maybe she puts conditioner on her scalp which is making it oily?
I fought this issue with my daughter!!!
DON’T let her put conditioner close to her scalp!!!
Only the ends!!!
I bet it will work!!!
I have to help my 11 year old. She claims the same, I did wash my hair, but then it’s oily af I’m trying to get her to do it on her own and talk her through it every time I have to step in and help. But when she does it herself it’s always still greasy at the back top. when I actually do it I show her to lift her hair and do it in sections to make sure she’s getting the roots of all areas. When I do her hair it’s fine, not greasy looking at all
Make sure she’s actually putting shampoo on her hair and not just telling u she is! If she’s just wetting it then it’s going to look greasy
Your hair produces oils, the less you wash it the less oil your hair will produce. Mine used to get so oily by the next afternoon and I started washing it less. I started slowly by washing every 2 days and when I saw it was not becoming oily after 2 day, about a month, I went to 3 days of no wash. So now I wash my hair on Fridays and wednesday and my hair isn’t oily anymore, I do however rinse in between washes to get the dirt out, I also use Dove with oxygen or Pantene.
Also with her age and increasing hormones her hair will be different from when she was little.
Maybe she isn’t rinsing it enough. Also try final rinse with cold water. That will flatten the scales on the hair and keep it from tangling so much.
She isn’t getting the shampoo to her scalp. You may need to re show her how to get her roots. ES if her hair is longer than when she initially learned. Had to do the same with both of my girls