So my daughter claims she washes her hair every other night. But it always looks so greasy. Her hair is very thick but when she was a child child her hair always looked clean. Now that she’s a preteen it always looks dirty. Should I try a new shampoo.
Mint shampoo and conditioner
I’m an adult and always have greasy hair and wash it regularly I don’t know why. And I’ve tried every shampoo. It’s redicilous.
I have very thin hair. I have to be very careful with shampoos. Some can really make my hair greasy and weighed down. And only a drop of conditioner every so often.
I always washed my twice and then used dry shampoo right away once it dried and it worked for me
Maybe a clarifying shampoo and rinsing with cold water.
My daughters hair is like this but it’s cause she ain’t rinsing it good
She might not be washing it good. My youngest daughters hair was like this and I got to checking it and she was just wetting it
I go through this with my oldest.
She needs a true clarifying shampoo it will help with this.
I would only wash 1-2x a week and use dry shampoo. If you over wash just like your skin you will over produce oil. I use surface awaken shampoo and love it!
Don’t apply conditioner to the scalp, only the ends of her hair. If she plays or messes with it alot that will also make it greasy more often.
She needs your help Mom!!
I wash mine every day. Have her do that. Eliminate the conditioner or only use once a week.
What about trying dry shampoo on non-wash days? I wash my hair every other day and dry shampoo in between
Washing her hair every night might part of the problem.
I wash my hair every three days or it will do that.
Some shampoos can cause greasy hair. Maybe change the brand
She is most likely not rinsing it
Out - she may need to
Wash daily - I did for
Many years. I also used about a cup of white tea mixed in a large glass of water for the final rinse once a week
Does she take a bath or a shower? My niece used to take a bath and although she would wash her hair, she would slink back into the water and all the soap and everything would get back into her hair making it look greasy. So if it is a BATH, make sure that’s not happening. If she’s showering, the only thing that helps mine is tea tree oil shampoo
Mine too sometimes. After so much telling her how to do it right I had to measure out how much shampoo she needs. Because she was using entirely too much and not rinsing all the way. Also she was putting conditioner on her scalp, had to explain it doesn’t go there only on her ends lol
Does she use moisturizer in her hair daily
I would have to wash my hair everyday due to it being greasy. Switched to Native and I can do every other day with washes. If she runs her fingers through her hair (for me it doesn’t take much) it will become greasy faster. But not only that it will take time for her hair to adjust to any new changes. I think it took a 2 months for me to see a definite and consistent change in my hair. Wash,style and leave it alone until bed time. Fix next day leave it be wash that night. I did try dry shampoos between washes while my hair was adjusting and none really worked. Good luck
Over washing and wrong products. Try a clarifying shampoo and conditioner only on the ends. It will take time to retrain her hair but start skipping days. It will eventually correct itself.
My granddaughters hair was so very think that we pinned up the top.had her wash the bottom part then unpinned the top for her to wash that with a final rinse
She’s likely OVER washing it
Wash it for her in the sink just to see how long it is clean. Preteens are notorious for now washing or just not using products. They might not even wipe until someone notices and tells them to get that clean. It’s a good idea to look for a book that is for girls this age that tells them how to properly care for their body. Just be kind, it is usually insecurity in her changing body. Is she acting different? Make sure she is not being harassed or worse by someone. They will not change, wash etc to avoid a creepy person.
Head and shoulders for oily hair
The only thing that works on my son’s hair is a charcoal based shampoo. And dry shampoo in between. He washes his about every 3 days
I would try a sulfate free shampoo for regular use and then do a clarifying shampoo every so often, and have her use a dry shampoo in between washes, or even every day, if necessary. She would need to apply the dry shampoo when her hair is dry and focus more on the roots (going in sections, not just the top of her head) and then brush through her hair so it’s applied evenly and not just sitting on the top layer of her hair.
Reduce washing it x i only wash mine once a week when washing every other day it went greasy within the next wash
Maybe try a clarifying shampoo and (try to) have her shampoo twice each time.
She may not be washing it correctly which will cause a lot of buildup over time. Take her to a stylist and see what the real issue is. Maybe she produces more oil than needed or maybe she isn’t washing it right. Could also be related to the products she is using.
Sounds like mine
In HS I too often washed my hair twice a day!
I now use Head and Shoulders only at the top of my head and use other shampoo for the rest. No conditioner except for ends of my hair….
My girls hair is oily annd when I was their hair it’s still oily. my hairdresser said to wash their hair with Paul Mitchell clarifying shampoo when she washes their hair with that shampoo it’s never oily and greasy.
Also try sulfate free shampoo and conditioner my hair way til I switched!!
rinse hair with cold water.
Help her wash it really good. Also, conditioner doesn’t need to go on the crown of her head, just the ends of her hair.
I have very greasy hair, and always have. I use baby shampoo. I wash twice daily. It’s the only thing that works.
Use dawn dishwashing liquid once or twice a week and a light conditioner. Maybe she’s not getting all the conditioner out. Dawn is what they use to clean the birds affected by oil spills. I use it.
I always had that problem. I have to wash my hair everyday. It’s the only thing that helps.
Clarifying shampoos and conditioner, tell her to not condition her roots, can use a light spray in leave in conditioner if needed, should help a lot
My son is 11 and has super thick long hair and had the same problem until I told not to put conditioner on top of his head and to rinse rinse rinse! He wasn’t rinsing it enough and was combing the conditioner through his hair from scalpnto ends.
My daughter had this same issue. We found Carol’s Daughter shampoo and conditioner has been the only one she can now use. Good luck!
As aubray said above, also using too much shampoo can cause it as well. As she said maybe try dry shampoo or maybe putting a ration into a small cup for her before she gets in the shower and to wash thoroughly only every other day
My kids have a specific “wash day” for their hair. I wash it for them. Very thick hair with tight curls.
Before that my son would go a LONG time without shampoo and just use conditioner every few days. His hair is never greasy and always has the BEST curls. To the point women have asked for his hair routine…in his words “Shampoo is the devil”
But then again, when they do have wash days, it’s the shampoo & conditioner bars I make for my family.
Sometimes its just them Putting shampoo on their hair while standing directly under the shower, the soap literally slides off without getting enough of a lather. I told mine she has to wet her hair and then step out from under the running water to get a good lather, haven’t seen greasy hair since
she’s not washing her hair properly or at all, just sayin
Paul Mitchell shampoo 2.
It’s a daily clarifying works great for puberty
My granddaughter the same tried everything I’ve been using AVON shampoo and conditioner for greasy hair only put conditioner on bottom of hair never the top x
Head and shoulders Lemon Fresh 3 times a week.
Prob washing it too much… the more we strip our hair of its natural oils by washing the more our body produces to compensate for the loss. Could need a trim too? Convinced my hair gets greasy more easily when it needs a trim. B vitamins - 6 and 12 esp for the ladies
She may not be rinsing out the shampoo and conditioner fully. Remind her to clean her scalp by scrubbing with her fingers and to rinse it fully.
Affinia shampoo and conditioner does wonders for my thick hair but I only wash 2x weekly washing every day is horrendous for your hair and scalp
So I had to switch my almost 11 year old boy with long hair to sauve coconut shampoo and he washes it twice in a row. It works way better than what he was using which was a moisturizing one. He also uses the great clips clarifying once in a while. I only use a small amount of conditioner and on the mid section to ends, not near the scalp. With the puberty/oil production coming and the temps, he washes everyday
My little sister has the same issue, got her head and shoulders for it
Use a salon brand shampoo. No waxes, sulfates, etc, those strip the hair of natural oils and make hair over produce. I like Amika or Joico and wash maybe 2-3 times a week depending on if I get sweaty at all.
Young kids need to learn to scrub their scalp, not just swish the shampoo around on top. But, some people just have greasy hair. It’s not a bad thing to wash it daily with a gentle shampoo.
I wash my hair with clarifying shampoo and only condition the back of head down to ends
She probably isn’t rinsing it well
She may just not be using it correctly or rinsing well. My son had a similar issue. I got him a scalp massaging brush to ensure he is thoroughly cleaning his scalp and a hand shower attachment so he can completely rinse without getting water in his face.
Clarifying shampoo, dry shampoo in between days.
A clarifying shampoo, wash twice everytime she washes her hair. And if those don’t work, baby powder is a huge help, or a dry shampoo spray. It could just be those puberty hormones giving her a time.
I agree with the comment above, try double washing she may not be fully getting the oil out with just a single wash.
Try adding baking soda to her hair when she washes it
Try washing her hair in the sink. See if it’s the shampoo or if she’s just not scrubbing well enough.
Blow dry after washing with a round brush
Wash with baking soda,rinse well. Then rinse with vinegar. Rinse again.
The shampoo is stripping all the natural oils from scalp so nature over produces to restore it.
I get oily hair (sebhhoric dermatitis) if I don’t wash daily. I use selsun blue. If I skip a day I use dry shampoo. It works wonders. I just started using a new one I love. I Dew Care Dry Shampoo Powder -…
My hair looks dirty and greasy if I wash it every day too. I wash every 4-5 days otherwise it’s greasy.
She could be over washing it … that can make it greasy
I use the live clean apple cider detox shampoo. It helps a lot. Only use a little bit of conditioner on the ends of her hair
As a Professional hairdresser, & care giver of Seniors, I suggest same Shampoo 3 weeks change to a different one. Without conditioner. 1X a week, after wash, 1/2 cup warm water & white vinegar, pour over scalp to ends, let sit 2/ 3 min. Rinse. Put wet wash cloth over eyes. It’s a Natural PH balancer like pool products. This not only rinses soap & products, but also Shines & detangles.
I find walmart shampoos do this, buy from a salon
Let her pick out the shampoo.
Make sure she gets all the conditioner out. Leaving too much in can cause the greasy look
I have to switch shampoos after every bottle or my hair doesn’t do so well.
Maybe it’s conditioner and she’s not rinsing it all out.
Use dry shampoo and train her hair to be washed 1-2 times a week. I suggest verb ghost shampoo as it’s weightless and cleanses the scalp quite good, i also recommend doing 2 washes with shampoo rather than one.
I also have to add conditioner and hair mask is only from mid length to ends. Not roots and scalp
Get her a apple cider vinegar rinse, and CLEAR shampoo. When washing your hair less is more sometimes. If you can afford it take her to a salon and get them to do a treatment and help you pick out a shampoo and conditioner.
Maybe she’s not really washing it every other night
Try this every night on dry hair regardless if she washes it or not! Do it just before bed and make sure she puts it onto her scalp thoroughly then combs it down through. It really does help! As for shampoos and conditioner… I recommend TRESemmè Deep Clean Shampoo and Conditioner! You can find all of this at Walmart!
Have you tried FOHO.for oily hair only
Rinse hair with water and vinegar to get products outta hair. Sometimes too much conditioner will make hair look greasy
Has she hit puberty ?? Hormones can 100% effect the condition of your hair . When I went through puberty my hair was always greasy it seemed like no matter what I did . Also is she using conditioner ? She needs to make sure she’s rinsing ALL of it out really good . Washing too often can also make it greasy . I’d try dry shampoo in between wash days .
Also make sure she is rinsing well
I had to switch my 6 year old from kids to adult her hair was just not getting clean etc. and I was the one washing it so I know it was the shampoos lol
Greasy hair with every other day washes sounds like she’s washing it too much and her hair is trying to hydrated itself
Try switching to something else
You need to shower after you’ve bathed as the shampoo/conditioner isn’t being washed out properly
Try dry shampoo in between shampooing
Also have greasy hair that needs to be washed daily or needs tons of dry shampoo.
I’d suggest a tea tree shampoo and make sure she focuses on the roots most when washing her hair.
How much conditioner is she using. That makes a different.
First figure out hair texture, has she ever colored her hair? Is it straight or is there some curls?
As a previous hair stylist, a lot of us all struggle with the same issue until we go through the transformation period. This is when we take breaks from washing it, reduce from every day, to 2x a week, see if you can go 1x a week.
She may not want to do this while she’s going to school. So temporarily I would try “not your mothers dry shampoo” in between. The more you wash, the more oils that develop to replace what was lost. If she has any sort of curl in her hair and brushes it out, she has curly hair and should try curly girl method. Hair that is thicker needs more moisture, so this is a natural body response, along with puberty. Greasy hair and needing deodorant is just part of being a teen.
Spray dry shampoo directly on roots.
When shampooing, scrub scalp only and let the shampoo run down. No need to use it on the mid shaft of hair-to ends. Then never condition on the top. Use conditioner on ends first and work your way up. Products are great but also shouldn’t be applied to roots/scalp. Hope this helps. She can do one style one day, and mix it up. Do braids or pony on greasy days.
If she puts product in hair could also not be washing out good enough
Shampoo the roots condition the ends only.
This happened with my daughter (she’s 11) as well and we went to the dermatologist and they put her on prescription shampoo. They compared what was going on to psoriasis and cradle cap. She never has dandruff or dry scalp so I was surprised but her hair looks amazing!
Should brush hair before washing , scrub good with shampoo they usually don’t do this . If it is greasy shouldwash daily or yea switch shampoos
Is she getting all the shampoo/conditioner out? My daughter still has trouble getting it all out at 11. Having shampoo/conditioner left in the hair makes it seem like it’s not been washed. It’s way different if I help wash her hair in the sink then her in the shower. Just a thought.
Original Sprout Classic Shampoo.
Dr. Barbara Sturm Shampoo.
Our 18 yo has had this problem since she was a pre teen. She has to double wash her hair. We use tresemme. She also says that Dove products work well on her hair. Her dads hair is the same way. He was the one that told her to double wash it. It works.
Mines was like this until someone told me to go ten days without washing it I know it sounds gross but it works. I went 10 days without washing looked horrid for those 10 days but after that it went back to normal and I only wash it every other day now to prevent it from going greasy x